Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Ashe opened his eyes and found himself already outside Shattered Lake Prison.

He had really left.

Because even his light screen had popped up a prompt, "You have now left the Shattered Lake Prison special service area. Welcome to the Caimon service area. Reply 'KM' under this message to receive the latest Caimon City tourist information."

But he had not completely left.

After all, Shattered Lake Prison was just ten steps behind him.

It didn't seem like much, but as mentioned before, the main reason Shattered Lake Prison could become a luxurious hotel for death row inmates was its absolute isolation.

And this absolute isolation was built on the fact that Shattered Lake Prison was a prison on the waters of an isolated inland sea.

So when Ashe looked down, he could see the blood moon's reflection in the pitch-black lake surface dozens of meters below, beautifully dreamlike and magnificently humbling.

This was when one would usually feel compelled to express some thoughts and feelings about the scenic view,

However, all Ashe felt compelled to do was tremble in his legs.

After all, when one stands dozens of meters above the sea surface, and the only place to stand is a one square meter platform, you'd shake too.

"Ah! Ahhhhhhh!"

Not far away, a death row inmate let out a shrill scream: "How did I get here? Let me go back, let me go back!"

"Didn't I just walk out of the dining room?"

"The Blood Moon Tribunal isn't here!"

"Complaint! I'm going to complain to the council, you are disregarding the human rights of death row inmates!"

As the death row inmates shouted loudly, a familiar yet dreaded voice sounded from behind: "Ladies and gentlemen, death row inmates, good evening, it is 8pm Caimon time, I am tonight's supervisor, Nago McMillan."

The death row inmates looked back to find that it was the Tide Viewing Platform. The platform was now brightly lit, Nago stood at the edge of the platform, but he did not look at the inmates, instead at the six burning eyes floating in the air.

Although it was the first time seeing them, Ashe guessed by instinct that those six eyes were this world's cameras.

"As you can see, the Blood Moon Tribunal has begun. Viewers who wish to check the profiles of death row inmates can focus on the inmate's face, to change viewing angles, focus on the different camera eyes on the left side. Everyone can directly watch this trial by silently chanting 'Caimon Channel One', and the rules of this trial will be on the right side of the screen."


Ashe's mind moved, silently chanting 'Caimon Channel One', and his light screen did show the live broadcast.

He could even see in the broadcast a person tilting his head back sneaking a peek, looking a bit silly - it was himself.

"The mode this time is the new mode 'Confessions on the Tightrope', specific rules are as follows."

Nago calmly said: "First, it is currently the spawning season for reverse current Finger Sharks in Shattered Lake. According to records from previous years, there are thirty-five thousand Finger Sharks gathered in Shattered Lake now. Any creature that falls into Shattered Lake will be shredded to blood foam and disappear." josei

"The Fishing Association hereby reminds that due to the rampant and obtainable nature of Finger Sharks this month, Finger Shark points will temporarily not be counted for this month's fishing competition. Members please take note."

As Nago spoke, he kicked a dead pig by his foot into the lake.

The moment the dead pig hit the water with a splash, hundreds of finger-sized small sharks swarmed over, and the surface seemed to boil.

Two seconds later, the pig's corpse had disappeared.

Not just blood and flesh, even the bones were gone!

Seeing this, Ashe's legs didn't just tremble, they also went a little soft.

"Second, the weather mages have announced tonight is a night of storm spirit riots. Northeast Caimon is temporarily a no-fly zone. The Sorcerer Association reminds that storm-type sorcerers should take safety precautions tonight and remove all metal objects before entering the virtual world."

Nago took out an iron sheet and flew it upwards.


A sudden clap of thunder on a clear night split the sky, smashing the iron sheet to smithereens!

"Third, when the voting starts, the 'Executioner' will generate on the platform where the death row inmates currently are."

"This time, the Executioner has been enhanced with the 'Purgatorial Flame', which will burn around the Executioner without causing physical damage, but will severely scorch the souls of the wicked and burn away their evil delusions."

"But don't worry, death row inmates, as long as you are innocent or truly repentant, you can directly ignore the effects of the Purgatorial Flame."

I see, so either jump down and become fish food, or stay put and die in agony... Hey wait a minute!

Ashe suddenly realized a loophole.

He wasn't the real Ashe Heath, what sins did he have!

He almost got too immersed. He was an innocent otherworldly soul!

"Fourth, there is a steel wire in front of each death row inmate, extending to the safe platform in the distance, on which various weapons have been placed."

When the lights shone over, Ashe saw that there really was a thin steel wire under his feet that looked like it could easily cut a person in half.

And at the end of this hundred-meter wire was the large platform with an array of weapons placed on it, swords, spears, guns, even cannons.

"Fifth, the familiar Blood Moon rule. When the voting ends, the death row inmate with the most votes will have the honor of obtaining tonight's redemption quota; if anyone gets 50% of votes prematurely, the voting will end directly and proceed to the execution phase."

"Each vote will become the power of the Executioner. The Executioner, empowered by the righteous feelings of countless people, will execute the death row inmate and personally send his soul to the Blood Moon Paradise, so that the supremely benevolent Blood Moon Archon can forgive his sins and transgressions."

"That concludes the rules for this Blood Moon Tribunal."

Nago turned to face the death row inmates, snapped his fingers and announced loudly:

"Now, Central Control, please remove the restrictions on the eight sinners awaiting salvation."

Right after Nago finished speaking, multiple notifications popped up on Ashe's light screen:

"Virtual World Access Allowed"

"Arcane Energy Output Allowed"

"Attack Restrictions Lifted"

Tens of such notifications continuously popped up, plus the feeling of relief throughout his body, like cleared constipation. This was exactly what the medic [222] mentioned, the only time death row inmates regain full freedom: during the Blood Moon Tribunal, the prison lifts most restrictions on inmates!

"Sinners, please make an effort to repent. Under the moonlight, repentance is the only path to salvation."

Nago smiled slightly, spreading his hands to loudly proclaim:

"The voting session begins! Esteemed viewers, cast your solemn votes, let them become the power to uphold justice, the kindness to redeem sinners!"

"Now is the time for judgement!"

Ashe suddenly felt a chill, as if the surrounding temperature had abruptly dropped ten degrees.

He lowered his head to see the blood moon's glow on the platform twisting, changing, morphing into a crimson, hideous, spiked monster that appeared behind Ashe!

Its body was entwined with pale blue flames, illuminating Ashe's frightened face!

Ashe instinctively took a step back.

But as he retreated, his heel stepped on the edge!

If not for hastily adjusting his center of gravity, he would have fallen straight into the finger sharks' midnight snack!

Why me... Just as Ashe made the lament of every unlucky person, the information that popped up on the top left corner of the live broadcast on his light screen answered his confusion:

"Current Leader: Ashe Heath, 49 votes."

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