Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

How long had Ashe known Valcas for?

Just one day, in fact less than an hour all together.

How was their interaction?

They got along well. Ashe was cut all over by Valcas, and Ashe slit Valcas's throat.

Ashe suddenly recalled that when he had asked "What trouble will you get into if you lose to me?" yesterday, Valcas's reply was quite intriguing.

"You'll find out tomorrow."

Theoretically, losing to Ashe in one match shouldn't have mattered much to Valcas, since he had contributed a lot already.

Just look at Igor - he lost to Ashe even more times, yet now he was lying in his dorm room bed, drinking wine and eating steak, perfectly fine.

Therefore, Valcas must have been deliberately arranged onto the judgement list, absolutely not because he was in the bottom eight of contributions. Someone manipulated the rules to send Valcas to his doom!

After all, the judgement list didn't have to be ranked by contributions. There were so many loopholes that could be utilized. The person in charge could send Valcas to his death completely legally and properly!

So why was it arranged this way?

Because Valcas lost to Ashe. This was the consequence of failing to perform his duties, this was Silin's punishment for him!

Moreover, that wasn't all.

The preferential treatment elves received during the Blood Moon Tribunal was almost predictable. As long as Valcas appeared in the judgement broadcast, the outcome was practically destined.

Then, when such an arrogant and vicious elf was about to be crushed into meat sauce, if he noticed that among the death row inmates present was the very person who not only slit his throat yesterday but could be said to be the culprit behind his current plight...

What would he do?

So-called fate was simply inevitable logic.

This was really getting more for the price! ...Ashe smiled bitterly, extremely impressed with Professor Silin who planned everything.

This was precisely an ingenious scheme that took human nature into account. If Valcas hadn't joined the judgement, Ashe naturally wouldn't be able to escape, but some accident might have happened.

However, with Valcas in the judgement, not only were accidents during the voting segment eliminated, but also, because of his resentment, Ashe would surely be dragged down along with him!

The moment Ashe agreed to a deathmatch with Valcas, his fate had already been written by Silin -

Either be crushed into mud by Valcas on the deathmatch stage.

Or be taken down together by Valcas on the judgement stage!

Now no one could save him. Everyone in prison knew about his feud with Valcas. Anyone who approached him now was equivalent to voluntarily freeing up a dorm room for the prison. josei

Harvey looked at Ashe with regretful yet expectant eyes, seemingly lamenting that such great material was about to be ruined by the Titan Executioner, and now they could only pray that the Executioner killing one more death row inmate wouldn't drive it into a frenzy.

The music in the air suddenly became stirring and rousing. Inside the sword qi barrier, Valcas let out a roar inconsistent with his exterior, and a visible ripple spread from him, making Ashe and the others feel their bodies go numb and weak. Even the Purgatorial Flame on the Titan Executioner receded slightly.

"A very beautiful sonic fluctuation with sound magic!"

While introducing to the audience, Nago tiptoed and craned his neck to look: "Can't determine the specific spirit, but it should be a sound-type spirit. Because of the transmission traits of sound magic, compared to attacking with sound, mages prefer to use sound magic to apply negative status on enemies, lowering their resistance."

"First use sound to intimidate and reduce resistance, then go in for the fatal blow with sword arts - this was Mr. Uhl's commonly used combat strategy in the past!"

"Mercy's End, primarily sword arts supplemented by an amalgamation of different systems of magic! A composite miracle!"


With a sword cry, the world was suddenly dead silent.

All sounds vanished - the sound of waves, wind, Nago's voice, vibrations, heartbeats - in an instant, tranquility descended, as if hearing had been completely blocked.

In the extreme silence, Ashe watched as Valcas leapt high into the air like a meteor, stabbing towards the Titan Executioner. The dazzling sword light outshone the crimson moonlight.

The moment the sword tip touched the Executioner's body, all sounds returned, but everyone wished they had gone deaf!


As if all the sounds that had disappeared exploded simultaneously, indescribable noise erupted from Valcas's sword, the intense vibrations bursting through the air and erupting with a pressure like a storm, even distorting the light!

Even the Titan Executioner, who had been advancing, was halted, its defense pierced!

"A two-wing...miracle...actually reaching this level of power..."

Nago's voice came through intermittently.

But no one was watching the screens now. All the death row inmates' eyes were wide as they marveled at this shining moment.

Undoubtedly, Valcas's sword strike just now was extremely strong, but the inmates weren't strangers to even grander miracles. For example, if bad weather affected an outdoor promotional event held by a major company, the weather mages would work together to disperse the rainclouds and restore sunny skies - that was much cooler.

What truly shocked and dazzled everyone was Valcas daring to actively attack the Titan Executioner.

Although the death row inmates' restraints were removed, when facing the Executioners, most Redeemers either desperately resisted or completely gave up awaiting deliverance.

The prison allowed them to use force, merely hoping they would add some interest to the show. No one thought they could rebel against the Executioners, nor would anyone allow them to survive judgement - redemption was the only outcome for death row inmates.

Everyone knew Valcas's defiance was futile.

But they were all waiting for a miracle, waiting for a hero.

Villains also wanted a hero who could save villains.

"Just being able to hinder the Titan Executioner demonstrates this miracle's value. If Mr. Uhl released this miracle, he would undoubtedly win this year's Caimon Academic Award." Nago said, "What a pity..."


The Purgatorial Flame on the Titan Executioner suddenly spun, every wisp of fire flickering like a sharp blade. Valcas was lashed by a blue flame and his sword qi barrier instantly shattered, his body flying out like a snapped kite!

On the screen, Nago calmly introduced:

"The moment the Titan Executioner appeared, it incorporated the Purgatorial Flame into its own miracle system, fusing it into the 'Miracle - Retaliation Storm'."

"Any sinner who tries to challenge justice and resist judgement, the Executioner will retaliate with damage equal to what they inflicted. "

"When you harm others, you must be prepared to be harmed yourself. Sinners often don't understand this principle."

Valcas tumbled several times on the ground, covered in wounds, vomiting blood.

Even so, he still gripped the sword in his hand, never letting go for a moment.

But several damaged spirits suddenly emerged from his body. Each spirit looked riddled with holes and cracks, quickly dissipating into points of light after escaping!

"Shaking the Titan Executioner as a two-wing mage, even with a miracle, the price paid is not small."

Nago said, "The scene just now where space fell silent, the power was almost comparable to a three-wing Saint Domain miracle, but the price was most of Mr. Uhl's sound spirits shattering from overload."

At this time, the Titan Executioner spread its eight arms, eyes wide open, erupting with bloody light, illuminating Cracked Lake for thousands of miles, dispelling the dark night!

When it looked towards Valcas, it was as if the entire world collapsed!

Its eight arms were not arms, but wings formed from the fabric of the world, stretching over the sky, enveloping down!

"It's over." Nago gently clapped, "Let us bid farewell to Valcas Uhl as he ascends to the Blood Moon Paradise. May he continue serving the supremely benevolent Blood Moon Archon in the distant heavens."


Valcas coughed up muddy blood mixed with organ fragments and broken teeth. It seemed both his leg bones were shattered, his lower body almost completely immobilized, only able to prop himself up with his longsword.

He had never been in such a wretched state before. Half his ear was torn off, one eyeball burst, covered in filth, features twisted, blood flowing down his face...

Silin Dole was appreciating this scene...

Ares was also watching this scene...

No, he wasn't watching. He was only seven, he couldn't watch the Blood Moon Tribunal... Thank goodness...

But he almost made it, almost left this city with Ares to start a new life...

And the reason he ended up in this plight was because...

Valcas did not look at the Titan Executioner. Instead, he swept his gaze across the platform, chasing after Ashe's figure.

Beneath the tangled and bloody hair, the only eye the elf had left flowed with complex emotions no one could comprehend.


He uttered the name through gritted teeth.


Lightning, scorching flames, frost, acid, shockwaves, melting heat, voidification, chaos - eight different forces roared forth from the Titan Executioner's weapons, seeming like the end of the world in an instant.

Cracked Lake was boiling, the dark night quaking!

Valcas appeared unaware. Gripping his longsword reverse-handed, he struggled to widen his one remaining eye, staring fixedly at Ashe, his eyeball seeming ready to burst out to bite Ashe!

Moreover, several spirits emerged on the sword's blade, flickering!

As judgement descended, Valcas also threw his sword!

Ashe tried to dodge, but the crimson chains limited his movement, and Valcas's flying sword was empowered by spirits, moving as swift as a flash of light, even changing direction!

After throwing the sword, Valcas seemed relieved, but blood tears suddenly streamed from his muddy eyes as he softly murmured:



The instant he was swallowed by the light of judgement, Valcas completely vanished from the world, not even leaving a single shred of remains.


The sword pierced through Ashe's throat, the tremendous momentum nearly tearing apart his neck!

On the Red Mist netcafe's screen, Ashe with a sword through his throat had his whole body pulled taut by chains, thus he did not fall, but knelt on the ground, head raised to gaze at the blood moon, enacting a scene reminiscent of a martyred saint!

The customers were stunned by this highly shocking scene. It wasn't until an elven Blood Saint stood up and loudly laughed:

"Haha! I bet that Ashe would definitely be killed by Valcas, and I was right! Drinks are on me tonight!"

"Great!" The others stood up, "To Mr. Bell's generosity, to the Blood Moon Tribunal's justice - cheers!"

Lorens also stood up and raised his glass.


He saw the snake boss at the counter with an expression like he was enjoying the show, and couldn't help asking: "Boss, you lost a lot of money, how can you still be so happy?"

"Sss, he won this time, but he'll definitely lose it back next time. Besides, this is my bar, the money just goes back to me anyway. Also..."


The snake boss glanced at the screen, "Sss, who said he won the bet?"

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