Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: An Uninvited Guest

As Asunu spoke, he quickly pulled Sonya to sit down at the commentary booth nearby.

Sonya obediently kept her mouth shut. As long as no one asked her any questions, she could control herself from speaking up.

At that moment, she felt both worried and relieved – worried because she had offended two professors in a row, but relieved because the ones she had offended were ‘Rhythm Swordsaint’ Nidhogg – Trotzam had always been at odds with Nidhogg, so Trotzam would surely protect his little student.

As for ‘Weapon Master’ Aurelion, it was even simpler – as long as Sonya didn’t go to Trinity College, how could Aurelion cause her trouble across schools? The only problem was her path as a host and her dream of becoming a star, which would likely end here…

At that time, the two contestants had already walked onto the stage. Lorein was the senior who had bullied Sonya earlier, a relative of Sylvia’s.

Although his strength was inferior to Leone’s, Lorein was still a member of the Swordflower Competition team, with absolutely formidable capabilities. Back then, he had been more than a match for Sonya and Felix together.

“Lorein, I heard you’ve already fallen to the point of bullying first-year freshmen.” Li Gang took out a sinister-looking longbow: “Taking out your temper on your juniors when you haven’t made any progress yourself, Swordflower College sure has great academic ethics.”

“Li Gang, don’t forget who snapped your bowstring last time.” Lorein gripped his sword with one hand, firing back.

“I also haven’t forgotten whose ass I shot an arrow into.”

Asunu lowered his head to look at the materials and said, “The two contestants have competed against each other in last year’s league as well, so they must have made more progress after a year. Miss Therave, what do you think?”

Asunu was not repeating his mistake here, but the script called for Sonya to introduce the spirit beasts and past records of Lorein and Li Gang here. Therefore, he chose to trust Sonya one more time.

But he forgot that the script here said ‘please introduce the two young mages’, rather than ‘what do you think’.

Faced with Sonya’s helpless gaze, Asunu knew he had made a mistake again.

“I think they’re both wasting everyone’s time trash talking each other, why not just start fighting and let everyone have some fun?”

The corner of Lorein’s mouth twitched as he decisively struck first, kicking off and charging forward in a straight line.

Li Gang calmly sidestepped, conjuring a silvery magic arrow from his hand onto the bowstring in a flash, instantly switching offense and defense!

“The Sword Miracle Flowing Star Thrust, beautiful! But contestant Carroll’s movements didn’t slow down one bit either. As we all know, archery has always been a group combat art, so his willingness to rely on archery in a one-on-one match shows Carroll is highly adept at close-quarters combat. Contestant Zi will have to be extra vigilant.”

“Ouch, the Flash Sidestep Arrow is Carroll’s specialty miracle, shooting out a heavy and powerful arrow in the instant of evasion. Contestant Zi’s defense spirits have all been forced back!”

“A stunning preemptive strike! What a pity, Carroll neutralized the offensive with one arrow and widened the distance again!”

After providing continuous commentary for a while, Asunu couldn’t help but feel a little thirsty. Before drinking water, he reflexively asked, “What do you make of the current situation?”

Mercifully, this was purely Asunu’s professional reflex – when drinking water, he had to get someone else to fill in to make up for the gap.

“Lorein loses more than he wins, he’s a speed type player, while his opponent is an archer adept at protracted battles and keeping his distance. But Li Gang lacks instant explosive miracles. As long as Lorein dares to sacrifice an arm to block an attack, he’ll have a chance to turn the tables.”

“But Lorein seems very confident in his backup. He should still have a high powered miracle up his sleeve. But with his current level of swordsmanship, the miracle he uses probably can’t be faster than Li Gang’s reaction.”

No sooner had she finished speaking than many turned to look at Sonya in astonishment – including Nidhogg, Aurelion, Li Gang and Lorein on stage!

Lorein’s eyes flickered as he suddenly charged forward quickly, drawing a cross in front of him with his long sword!

Arcane power converged into form, the huge cross-shaped sword qi covered nearly the entire stage, like a guillotine sweeping toward Li Gang!

“That’s your trump card? That’s it?”

Li Gang sneered and sidestepped with a smooth step, actually passing straight through the cross sword qi completely unharmed!

At the same time, he drew his bow and fired an arrow at the charging Lorein! However, Lorein did not evade or block this time, but stuck out his hand to block the silvery magic arrow, trading a minor injury for reduced distance!

Li Gang was a little flustered and quickly retreated, firing three consecutive arrows. The three arrows exploded almost simultaneously like meteors falling, shrieking as they cut through the air, clearly explosive arrows that could cleave a person in two!

But Lorein was going all out, not evading at all and desperately urging his defense spirits. He used his left hand to block all three arrows!


When the two came to a stop, the spectators saw Lorein’s left hand riddled with bloody holes, the entire hand twisted and deformed as if it would snap in two with the blow of the wind.

But the tip of Lorein’s sword was pressed against Li Gang’s neck!

In just a few seconds, Li Gang had gone from advantage to defeat!

Asunu loudly announced, “The first friendly match, winner Lorein Zi!”

The medical staff quickly took the winner Lorein backstage for treatment, while the loser Li Gang didn’t have a single injury and naturally didn’t need any treatment either. The latter still seemed to have a hard time accepting his defeat, standing on the stage tasting this unspeakable humiliation.

“Next up on stage will be…”

“Hey, you!”

Li Gang suddenly interrupted Asunu’s words, pointing at Sonya and scolding, “All you do is spout nonsense from the audience, but I don’t see you participating in any competitions. I hate people like you the most – ”

“Li Gang!” Aurelion’s face darkened as he angrily stopped his disgraceful student.

“If not for her spouting nonsense and messing with my mind earlier, I wouldn’t have lost at all!”

Li Gang looked completely unsatisfied. “I hate it the most when others make comments while I’m fighting. If you’re so capable, come up here and fight me too! Ultimately it’s just -”

“Alright, let’s go.”

“See, I knew people like her…” Huh?”

Li Gang was slightly taken aback.

“Let’s have a match, I won’t lose anyway.” Sonya stood up from the commentator’s booth. “I really want to beat up losers like you who blame everything but themselves when they lose.”

“Won’t lose? Just with your capabilities?” Li Gang sneered coldly, “I didn’t see you last year, you’re a first year right? How much arcane power can you even gather, as much as a feather?”

As he spoke, Li Gang flicked his wrist and summoned a full half of the Silver Wings on his back!

Although not fully unfurled yet, it just lacked a few feathers. Li Gang was a second year after all, he had two more years until graduation, and could fully advance to two wings and enter the Temporal Lands before graduating!

Asunu hurriedly held Sonya back, “Miss Therave, there’s no need to-”

In the next moment, even more complete Silver Wings unfolded before his eyes.

That dazzling silvery radiance, brighter than the night sky full of stars, deeply attracted everyone’s gaze!

Fully unfurled Silver Wings!

Sonya, a first year who had just become a mage not long ago, had already officially reached one wing!?

“Want to compete in arcane power? I was just looking for a chance to show off.”josei

Sonya gently caressed her Silver Wings and arrogantly said, “You should feel honored to become the stepping stone for my glory.”

“Next, use your defeat to pave the way for my triumph!”

By this point, Sonya no longer knew whether these arrogant words were forced out by the summoning ceremony, or willingly spoken truths.

She only knew that this feeling of complete disregard felt really awesome!

As he watched Sonya walk over to the stage, Li Gang inexplicably took a step back.

At this tense and strange moment, everyone suddenly felt a stir in their minds and looked up together.

They saw above the dome, under the night sky, the starlight suspended in midair suddenly fluctuated with arcane power. Then a person fell out from the starlight, landing right in the middle of the Starfall Auditorium, in front of Sonya.

The moment he landed, the man jumped up, noticed there were many people around, and decisively took the nearest woman hostage to try and flee –


Sensing the thick killing intent from the other party, Sonya directly used her hand as a sword to force the uninvited guest back with a “Wicked Light Slash”. The uninvited guest was shocked in his heart, how was this random girl he grabbed a mage too?

He immediately gave up on taking a hostage and tried to rely on his speed to rush out of the crowd. As a dual earth-wind mage who was once famed, wielding the miracle “Earth Raft”, he could easily escape even when surrounded by hundreds -!

But at that moment, two hands suddenly landed on his shoulders, holding him firmly in place.

“Your neck, hands, feet all have starlight shackles.” Aurelion said.

Looking down, the uninvited guest discovered that his neck and limbs were somehow shackled with circular dark blue rings that looked like heavy manacles, though he felt no weight at all.

“This means you’re an invader from the outer domains. The Starchild Territories has marked you as an invasive species, using ‘Starlight Shackles’ to prevent you from teleporting.” Nidhogg looked up at the portal in the dome that looked like starlight.

“Interesting, right above Swordflower College is unexpectedly a portal leading to the outer domains? Tell me, which domain are you from? Do you understand our language?”

Only then did the uninvited guest realize he was surrounded by mages.

And he had secretly activated his miracle earlier, yet it was completely ineffective. His whole body was also suppressed and unable to move, meaning the two mages holding him from behind were at least three wing Saint Domain mages, directly using their Domains to negate his spirit beasts!

Sensing danger, a screen popped up before the uninvited guest’s eyes, flashing a string of red warnings: “Life endangered detected, activating self-destruct mode!”

“Hmm? Can’t let you die so easily.”

The red information suddenly became scrambled beyond recognition, and the screen even disappeared with a snap – even the body chip was forcibly suppressed!

The uninvited guest smiled bitterly. To prevent him from revealing the location of the virtual world portal and domain secrets, not just his chip, but his blood, bones, flesh, soul and even memories were all engraved with more than one miracle. Disabling just the chip only prolonged his life by a few seconds.

“Hmm? An evil curse that even the Saint Domain can’t purify? Nidhogg, can you stop him from committing suicide?”

“I can, by killing him first.”

The uninvited guest felt his body dissolving, blood boiling, skull singing, eyeballs escaping. The intense pain engulfed his senses like a tide. Before completely losing consciousness, he felt deeply desperate at his misfortune, but the corners of his mouth revealed a malicious smile.

Because he knew his misfortune would shatter the happiness of others.

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