Soul Land 3: Legend Of The Dragon King

Chapter 1401

Chapter 1401

A single shockwave missile wasn't enough to truly harm him, but Xie Xie could see that several more cannon barrels on that same warship had released beams of light.

These beams of light cut off all avenues of evasion for him, and even more alarmingly, they exploded to form a massive net of light that converged toward him from all sides.

These were capture missiles!

They had been developed by the federation for the purpose of capturing large sea soul beasts, and even 10,000-year-old soul beasts would find it very difficult to resist these missiles, let alone a human.

Xie Xie was currently still reeling from the effects of that shockwave missile, so there was no way for him to escape.

He knew that he had still been too arrogant in the end. If he had been more cautious and traveled further away before contacting the Holy Spirit Douluo, this would've never happened. If he were to be captured by the federal fleet, then he really would be completely at their mercy.

Only after truly facing a colossus like the federal fleet was he made to understand just how fearsome modern technology was.

A series of mechas had already risen up into the air from the warship, and they were led by a black mecha. As soon as the capture missiles detained Xie Xie, the mechas would swoop in and take him back to the warship for interrogation.

In this dire situation, Xie Xie displayed his prowess as one of Shrek’s Seven Monsters.

He immediately bit down onto the tip of his own tongue, and soul power surged through his body as his seventh soul ring lit up, unleashing his Space Time Dragon True Body.

Xie Xie currently didn't possess a complete suit of three-word battle armor. Among all of Shrek’s Seven Monsters, only Yuanen Yehui, Ye Xinglan, and Tang Wulin possessed complete suits of three-word battle armor, and the next in line to have their suits of battle armor completed were Xu Xiaoyan and Yue Zhengyu. This arrangement had been made as Xie Xie and Xu Lizhi were the boyfriends of Yuanen Yehui and Ye Xinglan, respectively.josei

As such, Xie Xie currently only had 70% of his suit of three-word battle armor. Thus, he didn't possess a domain and could only rely on his own martial soul true body.

The Space Time Dragon had a very peculiar appearance. It resembled a cross between a dragon and a snake, and it had a pair of transparent wings on its back. Furthermore, it was far smaller than the average giant dragon; even in his martial soul true body form, Xie Xie's body had only extended to just over three meters in length. There was a layer of semi-transparent illusionary light shimmering all around the Space Time Dragon, and as soon as Xie Xie unleashed his martial soul true body, the negative effects of the shockwave missile were noticeably alleviated.

Xie Xie's body swayed as he phased into space, instantly unleashing his Spatial Evasion ability to squirm out of the capture net. After that, he immediately tried to plunge into space to flee the scene, but he had underestimated the federal fleet's capabilities once again.

Four resounding booms rang out almost in complete unison, and four more shockwave missiles exploded around him, causing the space in the area to tremor violently. If he were to forcibly flee into space, he would most likely be torn apart by the resulting spatial rifts.

Thus, Xie Xie was forced to re-emerge, and his skin crawled as he felt a burst of energy lock onto him.

The goosebumps that had instinctively appeared all over his body told him that this attack was definitely one that posed a threat to his life.

His body flashed through the air as he manifested three identical Space Time Dragon projections, all of which fled toward different directions at the same time. With ample preparation and the enhancements he had received from his martial soul true body, the impact that the shockwave missiles had on him were negligible.

Several dozens of streaks of light hurtled through the air, striking the three Space Time Dragons with unerring accuracy, but all of them merely faded away while Xie Xie reappeared elsewhere before attempting to flee into space again.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Several more explosions rang out as more shockwave missiles were detonated, and Xie Xie was cursing internally.

At least five mechas had already surrounded him, and the black mecha at the very forefront was unleashing a relentless barrage of energy attacks, all of which possessed extremely potent penetrative power.

Xie Xie maneuvered himself through the air like a agile fish, and layers of illusionary projections appeared over his body, making it impossible for the opposition to ascertain exactly where he was.

All of the surrounding mechas felt as if they were attacking something with no substantial body; no matter what type of attack they unleashed, their target was always able to evade them with ease. However, with the disruption from the shockwave missiles, he was unable to flee using his spatial abilities, either.

He knew that the submarine was deep in the ocean, so there would be no way for him to request reinforcements by transmitting a signal back to it. As such, he could only rely on himself, but what could he do? He couldn't afford to be captured! Otherwise, it was very likely that his cover would be blown.

He had to get away somehow. He was aware that regardless of how powerful his abilities were, there would be no way for him to escape if the fleet were to deploy a few Titled Douluos to detain him. As such, there was only a sliver of opportunity for him during this period of time in which the fleet wasn't regarding him as a serious threat.

With that in mind, he gritted his teeth and on this occasion, he conjured up six illusionary projections of himself. The six Space Time Dragon instantly shot forth in different directions, leaving only six warped images in the air, while the bodies of the dragons were nowhere to be seen.

This was a combination of his Shadow Dragon Dagger's concealment ability and his Space Time Dragon's spatial powers; even soul power detection soul tools wouldn't be able to ascertain his exact location. As long as one of the dragons could escape out of the range of the shockwave missiles, then he would succeed in his escape.

However, right at this moment, the thing that Xie Xie had dreaded the most arrived.

A string of resounding booms akin to rumbling thunderclaps rang out as at least 10 shockwave missiles exploded in mid-air, completely sealing off the entire area.

Immediately thereafter, a cold voice rang out. "You think you can get away?"

As the voice sounded within Xie Xie's ears, the surrounding temperature plummeted drastically, and the six Space Time Dragons all became very slow and sluggish, as if the air had suddenly congealed. Large snowflakes began to drift down from the heavens, and they all converged toward the six Space Time Dragons as if they had minds of their own.

The snowflakes were very light and didn't possess any offensive power, but they were imbued with an extremely potent frosty aura.

The sea was the world in which water elements thrived. As such, it couldn't be simpler to conjure up snowflakes here.

Xie Xie immediately realized that an ice attribute control system Titled Douluo had arrived, and he knew that he was in big trouble.

The six Space Time Dragon's instantly combined as one again to reduce the number of targets for the snowflakes, and as soon as his true body emerged, the countless snowflakes in the air immediately transformed into a massive vortex with him situated right at the center of it, making it impossible for him to escape.

It was over. Never did Xie Xie think that a moment of complacency would result in such catastrophic consequences.

A figure appeared in the mid-air not far away. This was a man in a crisp military uniform with his hands clasped behind his back. He appeared to be in his forties, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

He was the Snow and Ice Battle God of the Battle God Hall's 18 Battle Gods. He was the master of snow and ice, and one of the three control system Soul Masters among the 18 Battle Gods. His forte lay in exerting control over large areas, and his abilities struck all of his opponents with a sense of despair.

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