Soul Land 3: Legend Of The Dragon King

Chapter 1431

Chapter 1431

"There seems to be someone watching us. My spiritual power came into contact with it, but it was only for an instant, so I couldn't determine exactly what it was," Tang Wulin said with a dark expression.

He possessed Spirit Domain realm spiritual power, yet the being that was watching them was able to easily shrug off his spiritual detection; the implications behind that were naturally quite apparent.

"Get out of there!" Right at this moment, a familiar voice rang out deep within Tang Wulin's mind, and the Silver Dragon King scale hanging in front of his chest also became scorching hot.

It was Gu Yue's voice!

"Retreat!" Tang Wulin instructed without any hesitation.

No one knew what was going on, but they had absolute trust in Tang Wulin and immediately turned back with him.

Right at this moment, the surrounding area suddenly darkened, and it was as if night had suddenly fallen. A powerful aura of darkness surged forth from all sides, striking one with a sense of asphyxiation.

"I've been searching for you for a long time, but who would've thought that you would turn up on my doorstep?"

A rumbling voice rang out in all directions, and the voice was imbued with an indescribable authority, as if it were the collective voice of countless soul beasts.

Everyone's expression changed drastically. What kind of being was this? How was it able to release such stifling pressure? Was it a Limit Douluo level soul beast?

"Maintain the formation!" Tang Wulin yelled as he instantly donned his Dragon Moon Song battle armor amid a flash of golden light. Everyone else also immediately released their suits of three-word battle armor, which had been completed during their return trip from the Star Luo Empire.

All of them were true three-word battle armor masters now, and this was one of the reasons why Tang Wulin had been confident enough to rebuild Shrek Academy.

The most astonished one among them was Tang Wulin himself. He possessed Spirit Domain realm spiritual power, but he could clearly sense that his spiritual power was currently being completely suppressed. The opponent's spiritual power was like the almighty power of heaven and earth, and his spiritual power was significantly inferior.

At the very least, this was spiritual power that was at the pinnacle of the Spirit Domain realm. Even Infernal King Douluo Harosha's spiritual power couldn't compare with this.

Within the darkness, a series of figures slowly emerged.

On the left was a young man exuding a sense of demonic charm. As he strode forward, a series of yellow unsettling eyes began to emerge on all of the trees around him.

On the right was an incredibly burly man; it was none other than Bear Lord, who had attacked Tang Wulin and the others back when they were departing from the Blood God Legion. If it weren't for the heavy ion laser gun saving the day, they would've most likely already perished.

All of a sudden, Tang Wulin sensed something, and he immediately turned around to find that a woman with long purplish-black hair had already appeared behind them. She had an outrageously alluring figure and snowy-white skin, and her eyes were glowing with a seductive purple light.

Everyone's attention was then drawn to a tall and broad figure that had appeared directly in front of them.

This was an imposing middle-aged man who was around two meters tall with a head of long black hair, punctuated by a single thin trail of golden hair.

His eyes were also golden in color, and with each step he took, the darkness elements in the air seemed to become more suffocating. It was as if everything in the outside world had been separated from this space. At the very least, Tang Wulin was completely unable to sense that they were still situated in the Great Star Dou Forest.

"Great Beasts!" Tang Wulin concluded in a grim voice.

There were only two possible ways for a soul beast to attain a human form; one of them was to be reborn as a human after reaching 100,000 years of age, while the other was to become a Great Beast, thereby attaining the ability to adopt a human form at will.

The four of them were releasing such powerful auras and were living in the core region of the Great Star Dou Forest, so they could only be Great Beasts!josei

Tang Wulin knew that there were powerful soul beasts residing in the core region of the Great Star Dou Forest, but he didn't think that they would run into them so quickly. On top of that, they were encountering four at once! Weren't powerful soul beasts supposed to have their own territories? Why had so many of them appeared at once?

If it were only a single Great Beast, Tang Wulin wouldn't be fearful in the slightest as he was confident in the abilities of himself and his friends. However, the story was completely different when there were four at once. In particular, the middle-aged man who was directly up ahead possessed an aura that was even more powerful than that of Infernal King Douluo Harosha.

Was he a quasigod-level Great Beast? Tang Wulin was internally lamenting his own terrible luck!

"Great Beasts? Is that what you humans refer to us as?" the middle-aged man asked in an indifferent voice, but contrary to his casual tone, there was a hint of wariness in his eyes as he appraised Tang Wulin.

The last time they had met, Tang Wulin had still been as weak as an ant, yet when he had finally decided to send Bear Lord to kill Tang Wulin, the ant had already grown powerful enough to force Bear Lord into retreat with the help of his friends.

Now, he was like a completely different person, and he was wearing the fearsome armor developed by the humans. His powers had truly reached a formidable level, and even his spiritual power had reached the Spirit Domain realm.

He had only ever seen a handful of people develop at such an astonishing rate, and among those people was a human who had once defeated him.

What was most astonishing to him was that Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon King aura had become so powerful that he could now sense the vicious energy of the Golden Dragon King emanating from Tang Wulin's body. He appeared to be quite calm, but as a Great Beast with the purest of dragon bloodlines, his soul was currently trembling with apprehension.

Thankfully, the heavens had blessed him by sending Tang Wulin right to him, and he had to kill this rapidly growing threat at all costs. The vast expanse of darkness in the sky was able to keep out all spiritual power, and their lord hadn't yet fully recovered her powers, so there was no way that she would be able to detect what was happening here.

Tang Wulin appraised the middle-aged man up ahead with a wary expression. "We bear no ill will; we're here to search for something, not to kill soul beasts."

The middle-aged man replied in a cold voice, "You may bear no ill will, but I do."

Tang Wulin's brows furrowed slightly upon hearing this. "Do you know me?"

The middle-aged man replied, "Of course. You possess the bloodline of the Dragon God; how could I not know of you? I've wanted you dead for a long time now, so don't hold onto any false hope that you could get away from here alive. Commit suicide, and I can consider letting your friends go."

Tang Wulin chuckled, "Do you think I'll believe what an enemy says? By the way, may I ask your name?"

The middle-aged man smiled in response. "I never renege on a promise. My name is Di Tian."

Di Tian? Tang Wulin was immediately struck by a sense of familiarity upon hearing this name, as if he had seen or heard it before. All of a sudden, a thought occurred to him, and he exclaimed, "Beast God Di Tian?"

His words were like a rumbling thunderclap that completely stunned all of his friends. This was an extremely renowned name. In fact, it was a legendary name.

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