Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 380

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 380

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 380

Chapter 38: Plan A or Plan B?

I was able to find the correct doors and hallways without even thinking about it, as if I had lived in the place for a long time.

I reached the dungeon and pushed open the heavy door. Two guards stood on the other side. Taking one look at me, they bowed their hea ds and let me through. This woman was important, and it was strange to be revered that way as I walked along the stone floor.

The dungeon was dark and musty smelling, much the same way the place I had been held for all of those months wa s.

Brook had trailed along behind me, and I heard her making little comments under her breath about the smell and the dirty state of the place, and I almost laughed. I wo ndered how hard it had been for her to visit me in the dungeon back home.

When we arrived down by the cells, I saw a familiar face and almost froze in my tracks. The guard stan ding outside. of the cell where Theo was being kept, talking to him through the bars, sounded much diff erent than he had in the other world.

“Quiet down! You’re a prisoner now. And no, we won’t let you approach our lady again!” Jake… I wonde red what he would feel if he remembered how he’d spoken to his Alpha

when we get back to our world….

Theo was standing. His arms were across in front of his chest, and he was leaning against the wall cas ually. No matter what situation he was in, he always seemed to have control of everything. I’d never se

en him panicked, helpless, or weak in general.

It was as if he wasn’t a prisoner, but a prince who happened to pay a visit to the dungeon. He was, in fa ct, a prince–a powerful, cold, and extremely handsome one, even when he was in jail.

As soon as Theo’s dark eyes settled on me, he ignored the man who was his Beta in the real world and gave me a nod. From his expression, obviously, he’d been expecting me to come here relatively soon. “What took you so long?” he


I opened my mouth to respond to him, but before I could get any words out, Brook said, “How dare you ? You cannot speak to our lady that way! Especially after what you’ve done to her!”

“Am I speaking to you?” Theo threw her a cold and expressionless glare. He wasn’t happy with the situation at

all–when it was obvious that Prince Theo wasn’t happy, it could get really scary.

Brook took several steps back. It looked for a moment like

she might burst into tears.

“It’s all right,” I said to Brook, holding a hand out to steady


“Open the door,” Theo commanded.

This time, Jake stepped in, as if he felt he had the

obligation to stand up for the two women there. He scolded Theo, “You should be ashamed of yourself. How unruly! You cannot speak to a lady this way!”

Theo’s expression was priceless.

He had probably never been spoken to in that way, especially by his own Beta.

What a world… as crazy as the situation was, I couldn’t help but find it a bit funny. Nevertheless, I pressed down the upcurl of my lips so that I didn’t irritate the already– cranky prince anymore.

“It’s okay,” I said to Jake in a calm voice. “Open it.”

“My lady!” Brook urged, her eyes widened at my decision.

“But my lady,” Jake said, turning to look at me. “This man has been accused of committing heinous act s against you. Surely, you must see that he deserves to be punished for

these awful activities?”

“Believe me, it’s not exactly what you think,” I explained. “It‘ s okay. You can let him out.”

Like Brook, Jake’s eyes also bulged from his head. “Let him out?” he repeated. “But-”

“It’s my order,” I said, now that I knew for certain that he didn’t remember his reality either. If he had kno wn that he was Theo’s Beta and that I was simply a member of the prince’s consort, he wouldn’t say an y of what he had just.

said in his wildest dreams.

Reluctantly, Jake reached to his waist where a keychain was held, and he unlocked the cell. Theo walk ed past him, coming at me, and I thought Jake might try to hurt him to

keep him from harming me.

“It’s all right,” I assured Jake, for what seemed like the hundredth time. “I’ve got the situation well under control. You are dismissed.”

With that, I turned to walk back upstairs, and Theo came with me. Brook and Jake followed behind at a distance, but I wanted to go somewhere that no one else would follow us

Chapter 38 Plan A ut i’an

because Theo and I needed to speak about this situation


I knew exactly where to go. It was so strange, knowing this place so well when I wasn’t even in my own reality. It was as if I’d inherited someone else’s memory.

My feet carried me to a library, and when I pushed through the doors, Theo was with me. I turned to Br ook and said, “I’ll

see you shortly.”

She raised an eyebrow, but I didn’t need to say more. She left. Jake wasn’t even there. He must’ve gon e back to his assigned duties.

The library was large, with thousands of books on sturdy mahogany bookshelves. I led him to a couch across the room by a picture window that looked out on a beautiful garden.

“Um, sorry that you were put in the dungeon.” I decided to start the conversation with an apology, hoping he wouldn’t hold much of a grudge against me for causing him to be thrown in the dungeon earli er. “It seems that we are the only ones who remember who we really are.”

“It appears so. I wonder why,” he said.

“No idea,” I shrugged. “But you’re supposed to be the Moon

Goddess‘ descendant, and maybe she just really likes me,” I


He gave me a strange look and took his seat on the couch. Then he signaled me to sit next to him.

I secretly let out a sigh of relief– at least he didn’t seem to be too upset about being thrown in the dungeon earlier.

As soon as I sat down though, I immediately regretted it because I was surrounded by his masculine sc ent, and my mind went back to what we had done earlier. My cheeks heated and I was having trouble looking at him.

Luckily, Theo didn’t seem to be focused on that. “Before I left the room, you were about to tell me something. What was it?”

I calmed my fast heartbeat and explained, “Yes, like you said, this world didn’t seem to be real. We ended up here because of the Moonlit Crystal.”

“I told you not to touch that thing!” he scolded. “It could be dangerous-”

“I already said I’m sorry!” I retorted, suddenly feeling aggrieved and without thinking, I added, “But Your

Highness, allow me to remind you, it was me who suffered the most loss, okay?”


Of course it was my loss! That was my precious first time!!

It was supposed to be with the love of my life, under the starry night sky or somewhere romantic, not wi th someone such as an aloof prince who didn’t even care.

The more I thought about it, the more aggrieved I felt- especially since I couldn’t even blame him for it. Tears started to well up in my eyes, so I lowered my head. He didn’t need to see me cry, because he would never

understand that or even care about it. Why did I even

bother telling him that to begin with?

“Was it… your first time?”

“None of your business!” I snapped, and then I realized that he had leaned in and his tone was almost … tender. I took a deep breath in and tried to focus back on our issue at hand. “At any rate, we are her e now, in some sort of alternate reality or something. And I think that you and I are the only ones who re member what happened, where we came


He stared at me for a moment, and I saw emotions I couldn‘ t quite recognize mixed in his dark eyes. H e didn’t respond to me immediately and I had no idea what was going through his mind.

“So, it really was your first time?” he asked again.

Why, why, why? Why did he have to keep bringing it up?

And why did he have that smirk on his face?!

I finally lost it and burst out yelling at him. “Yes, it was! You took my virginity! Are you happy now?!”

After a few seconds, he cleared his throat, shifted his gaze away from me, and murmured, “I… I didn’t k now.”

What did that even mean? But I really didn’t want to continue that topic anymore. Whatever happened had already happened. There was nothing I could do about it, so I move d on. “Now can we please focus on the issue here, so that we can get out of this place and get that stupid berry working for you?”

When he turned back to look at me again, he had his usual emotionless expression on. He nodded. “Okay. I agree, this wasn’t t he real world. One thing I’m also sure about is that it was only consciousnesses pulled in here, not our physical bodies.”

“How do you know?”

He shook his head but didn’t tell me the reason.

“So….that means, everything we see here are just illusions?”

“Most likely,” he agreed. “Now we just need to know how to

fulfill the last user’s wish.”

Wait a second. Did that mean I hadn’t lost my virginity?

All of a sudden, I was overwhelmed by happiness and hope. What kind of emotional roller coaster I had

Theo stared at me as he waited for my response. I was sure he found the smile on my face suspicious,

“I think I’ve gotten that piece figured out.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “It seems the woman marry someone else. So to fulfill her wish, since I’m playing her role now, I guess I’ll need to change the

I tried to sort through the memories of the woman whose life I’d been dropped into, hoping to find some

frowned and folded his arms across his chest, commenting, “That’s stupid.”

He was obviously not happy about it, but why? Was he upset with me? It wasn’t my idea!

“Listen, Your Highness, we have to get this accomplished for the sake of YOUR berry,” I reminded him.

After a long time, he finally said, “Fine. So… let’s go with that.”

“That means, I need to win the king’s heart, but…” I admitted to him. “It doesn’t sound easy.”

“What’s your concern?”

I rolled my eyes. “What if I fail? What if I’m not quite the vixen you’re giving me credit for being?”

When I said vixen, he actually chuckled under his breath.. “Then we do it the easy way.”


“We’ll just force him to marry you. If he dares to disagree, we’ll threaten to kill him and his fiancée. I bet


My mouth dropped open, and I stared at him, trying to process that he had actually said that. “Are you serio have to go straight to violence?”

Theo shrugged. “It’s a means to an end.”


“Why not? It isn’t real anyway.”

“I just don’t like killing anyone, or threatening to kill anyone. Real or not.” I shook my head at him. “I will figure it out.”

“Well, if you have to do it the boring way….”

An eyebrow arched, I looked at him for a moment, and I noticed a very slight upcurl on his lips. He was b so funny.

“Ciana, you can do it.” Theo seemed very confident in what

he was saying. “But Plan B is always an option.”

“You sure are giving me an awful lot of credit, thinking I can easily make a man fall in love with me.”

“Yes, I am,” Theo said, giving me a pointed look, and I had to swallow a lump in my throat.

What did he mean by that??

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