Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 499 - The Legacy of the Demon

Chapter 499 - The Legacy of the Demon

Chapter 499 – The Legacy of the Demon

At this time, Yang Junshan was really unable to understand what the fallen monkey demon cultivator was trying to do. Even though he was seriously injured, he had the time to set up an array, had the energy to merge spatial treasures into the formation of a secret plane, had the leisure to lecture the Macaque tribe, and had set the rules for the Macaque s who jumped out of control to sit down orderly while listening, but why didn’t he pass down the most basic method of cultivation?

And what made Yang Junshan even more suspicious was that since he did not teach them any methods of cultivation, then what did that monkey demon cultivator teach them from this simple wooden platform?

Very quickly, Yang Junshan knew what the monkey demon cultivator taught them.

“This is … a demonic character?”

Yang Junshan looked at the two crooked sets of lines that the Macaque leader had drawn on the ground, and immediately recognized that they were demon characters. Through his interaction with Hu Niu, Yang Junshan had quite a good understanding of demon characters as well, so the two runes on the ground should be called “Ba Wu”.

Yang Junshan asked: Is that your name? Your name is Ba Wu? ”

Perhaps because Yang Junshan had called out its name, the Macaque nodded its head in excitement.

Yang Junshan seemed to understand the good intentions of the monkey demon cultivator. However, to him, Macaque s who could read demonic runes, for the basic method that he was going to impart to the monkey demon cultivator, must have twice the results with half the effort.

And the truth was just as Yang Junshan had thought, when he first taught Hu Niu a basic cultivation method on the wood stage, and then wrote it down using the demon language, there were immediately many Macaque’s eyes that revealed a rare clarity, to the point that there was even a thinking expression like Ba Wu’s.

He was actually able to cause a group of Macaque to awaken their intelligence without undergoing cultivation. Although the intelligence of these Macaque weren’t really that high, and were at most equivalent to a few year old child, this kind of intelligence that was automatically awakened was something that could be passed on.

Furthermore, it was very simple for Yang Junshan to reach this conclusion. That monkey demon cultivator had perished for at least several tens of years, and the monkeys in the valley had probably multiplied for who knows how many generations, but they still remembered some things, such as demon characters and the rules of the way. For example, they actually had their own names …

Perhaps what the monkey demon cultivator wanted in this valley was not to pass on his legacy, but to build a Monkey Clan’s cultivation civilization. Just like humans, they were born with spiritual wisdom, and they weren’t driven by their instincts to become muddle-headed ordinary beasts.

After Yang Junshan passed on the basic demonic cultivation technique to them and explained, a few Macaque began to try to cultivate. Originally, Yang Junshan had only been watching, but who would have thought that in less than an hour, under Yang Junshan’s perception, Ba Wu’s body started to condense and remove a bit of demonic qi.

It was indeed demonic energy. Even though it was very faint, Yang Junshan’s spiritual perception couldn’t be wrong, Ba Wu only used two hours’ time to cultivate it, and through his perception, he could tell that the demonic energy was slowly growing stronger.

Not long after Ba Wu cultivated the Spirit Demon Qi, before half an hour had passed, another Macaque’s body suddenly released Spirit Demon Qi fluctuations. This Spirit Demon beast was the one that was knocked out by Yang Junshan after he sneaked an attack on him earlier, and Yang Junshan even knew that the name of the Macaque was “Ba Xin”.

After the two Macaque condensed their demonic Qi, the group of Macaque did not condense any more demonic qi for the next two hours, which made Yang Junshan feel that it was much more normal. He guessed that the two Macaque, Ba Wu and Ba Xin, were very talented, since geniuses like them were extremely rare amongst demonic cultivators.

But just as he thought that, a wave of demonic qi appeared once again in the group of monkeys. This time, not only one but three Macaque appeared and removed the demonic qi.

In the next two hours, a total of seven Macaque completed condensing their demonic energy., on the other hand, had already become numb to the emergence of this kind of extraordinary ‘genius’.

At this time, a terrifying thought suddenly emerged from the bottom of Yang Junshan’s heart. If he allowed this group of Monstrous Monkeys to grow, and then allowed the entire Monstrous Monkey Tribe to reproduce and cultivate according to this inheritance, then, in a few decades, or even several thousand years, just how far would the tribe grow? At that time, would they be able to replace the human cultivation world and become the new ruler of this world?

In that instant, the killing intent which rose in Yang Junshan’s heart to destroy the entire valley’s Macaque tribe caused his entire face to become gloomy and uncertain.

However, at this time, a change suddenly occurred in the hot spring lake deep within the valley. At the same time, the thin demonic aura on the bodies of the twelve Macaque that had cultivated the demonic aura, seemed to have resonated with the change in the valley, and also became restless. josei

Immediately after, a tyrannical Qi suddenly appeared from the depths of the valley, causing Yang Junshan to feel extremely pressured. When he finally woke up from his moment of panic, he realized that the powerful Qi was not aimed at him, but towards the entire group of Macaque that were cultivating in the empty area by the stream.

However, this aura was the spirit of the spell formation, and it had actually left the core of the spell formation!

The spirit of the formation that had left the core of the formation was like a spirit artifact that had lost its original form. The only thing that remained was its own annihilation.

Just as Yang Junshan was confused, this strong Qi suddenly scattered above the heads of the Macaque, transforming into strands of Spirit Demon Qi and poured into the bodies of the Macaque that were sitting by the side of the stream and cultivating. Among them, the twelve Macaque which had first cultivated Spirit Demon Qi received the most Spirit Demon Qi.

In the midst of Yang Junshan’s dumbstruck request, the bodies of the dozens of Macaque sitting cross-legged beside the stream started to emit waves of demonic aura. This was the scene of one entering the entrance of cultivation, which meant that all of the Macaque had already stepped into the Demonic Beast Realm, and the twelve Macaque that managed to cultivate demonic energy first had even reached the second stage of the Demonic Beast.

In the next half day, Yang Junshan experienced a process that could make the entire cultivation world go crazy. After obtaining the Spirit Demon Qi from the formation spirit in the valley, the cultivation of the dozens of Macaque by the side of the stream continued to rise, and the worst among them was that they had just entered the second stage of the Spirit Demon Beast realm, while the majority of them were stuck at the third stage. Out of the twelve Macaque that had first awakened their Spirit Demon Qi, ten of them had reached the fourth stage.

It was only now that the dozens of Macaque woke up from their cultivation. When they felt the changes in their bodies, under the guidance of the two Macaque, Ba Wu and Ba Xin once again knelt down towards Yang Junshan, thanking him for his teaching.

Yang Junshan’s expression was complicated as he looked at the dozens of Spirit Demons in front of him, and slowly said: “I have only taught you the most basic things, the person who laid the foundation for you and created good fortune for you is the one who fell in the valley, the one you should be grateful for is him!”

After the Macaque obtained a cultivation base, their intelligence seemed to have increased as well. Yang Junshan could understand after hearing these long sentences. Under Ba Wu and Ba Xin’s lead, the group of monkeys kneeled down and kowtowed again in the direction of the valley.

This time, their eyes were no longer filled with gratitude, but filled with reverence or worship!

Then, the Macaque s stood up one by one and walked into the depths of the valley. At this time, they seemed to understand that the obstacles preventing them from entering the valley had already been removed by themselves.

Yang Junshan watched as the group of monkeys walked towards the valley. After thinking for a while, his legs finally stopped moving. However, right at this moment, someone tugged on his sleeve.

Yang Junshan turned his head to look, only to see Ba Wu standing beside him, tugging at his sleeves with one hand and pointing towards the valley with the other, indicating him to follow along.

Yang Junshan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he was unable to resist the curiosity in his heart, he nodded his head and followed the group of monkeys into the valley, and this time, the feeling of danger that he felt with his spirit sense disappeared, and even though the array formation still existed, it did not stop Yang Junshan and the monkeys from entering.

The moment he stepped into the valley, Yang Junshan felt as if the scenery around him had changed. He knew that this was due to him stepping into the core of the formation, even though the environment around him hadn’t changed, it was very different for a formation master like Yang Junshan to be inside or outside the formation.

Furthermore, the moment Yang Junshan stepped into the valley, he seemed to be wrapped in dense spirit energy. This valley actually had a spirit vein, and at that time, Yang Junshan did not even notice it when he was outside the valley.

But the surprise that Yang Junshan felt in the valley was far from over, when he was impatiently releasing his spirit sense to try and figure out the true essence of the formation, his dantian suddenly shook, and a voice that he had not heard for a long time suddenly sounded out in his mind: “Wah, I feel a Qi that I loathe, eh, I also sense a Qi that is the same as me!”

The expression on Yang Junshan’s face was startled, and only now did he remember something, and he probed with his spirit sense: “Pangolin? You feel the aura of someone of the same origin, could it be that your original body is here? ”

The only person who was able to communicate with Yang Junshan in the bottom of his heart was naturally the Pangolin artifact spirit that Yang Junshan had obtained from the half-step stone mace that he didn’t know what rank.

However, after this fellow woke up from being refined by Yang Junshan, he quickly fell asleep in his dantian. With the help of Yang Junshan’s Nine Transformations True Handle, which was condensed from the Origin True Handle, he spent a lot of time to recover, and after that, he did not wake up at all. If not for that half broken stone mace stuck in his dantian, Yang Junshan would have even forgotten that his own dantian still hid such a little thing.

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