Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 556 - Lei Mu

Chapter 556 - Lei Mu


Chapter 556 – Lei Mu

The body of a giant python passed through the branches of several peach trees, lifting its huge body up. However, as it meandered along, it did not make a sound. The peach trees did not even shake.

The giant snake also seemed to have noticed that the person in front of it was not easy to deal with. Its body that was originally supported by a few peach trees began to gradually shrink and occupy up.

When Yang Junshan saw that the one who had ambushed him wauge python, he felt his scalp tingling. He wasn’t worried that he wouldn’t be a match for the python, but rather, he was purely afraid of it.

However, Yang Junshan had once seen a battle formation larger than a giant snake in the Nanxuan swamp, what’s more, this snake was actually coiled up right now, and the weight of its entire body concentrated on a peach tree.

Yang Junshan let out a cold laugh, the golden magnetic treasure around his body shone even more brilliantly. The weight of this huge snake’s body being pressed againsree was already enough to cause this peach blossom to sway, and now that the weight of the magnetic treasure light was increased by several times, this thick peach tree could no longer bear the burden. “Crack crack crack” sounds came, and the giant snake’s body suddenly fell onto the ground, and even rolling seemed to be extremely difficult.

How could Yang Junshan give up on such a good opportunity? Under the pressure of the giant seal, the Overlapping Earth Seal was instantly activated, suppressing the huge body of the giant serpent onto the ground. Only now did Yang Junshan clearly see that the giant serpent’s body was at least seventy to eighty meters long, and what he saw at the start was only the thickness of a thigh, but the body of the python was only at the back of its neck.

The huge snake that was being suppressed by the Mountain Monarch Seal struggled with all its might, its immense strength making it difficult for Yang Junshan to maintain his Overcast Seal. The snake’s wildly swinging body caused the branches and leaves of the three hundred year old peach trees around to be broken, and after a moment, only a bare tree trunk remained. The bark on the tree trunk had already been peeled off, and the thinnest peach tree had already been snapped at the waist.

Yang Junshan saw that the situation was not good, and with a flip of his wrist, a stone spike appeared in his hand. The nine tenacious True Essence in his body continuously poured into the stone spike, and when the stone spike flew out of his hand, it carried an unending stream of cold light.

After the stone spike was flung out by Yang Junshan, the snake body, which originally had not even been able to slash off Yang Junshan’s spirit of breaking mountain, became like paper in front of the stone spike, and directly sank seven inches into the pillar.

The giant serpent’s body that was struggling to stop the Mountain Monarch Seal suddenly stiffened, followed by the snake’s head that was lifted high up into the air smashing onto the ground. However, its body that was originally whipping around became even more powerful.

Yang Junshan also noticed that the life force of the huge snake had completely disappeared. However, he still did not dare to be careless at all as he used spirit of breaking mountain to slash down and cut the head of the huge snake in half.

The giant serpent that had lost its life, without the support of large amounts of vital energy and blood, was unable to withstand Yang Junshan’s spirit arts and supernatural power anymore. When the second spirit of breaking mountain cut the wound from before, the huge snake head finally fell.

He also had the experience of slaying a dire beast several times before, but this time, Yang Junshan managed to clean up this giant serpent quite quickly. This time, the process of Yang Junshan taking care of this giant serpent was very efficient, as it had two dagger-like poisonous fangs, a rather complete snake skin, and a huge snake gall. Yang Junshan had even saved the snake’s letter in its mouth after cutting it off.

Yang Junshan had originally wanted to circle behind the Demonic Cultivator Jia He, but he was stopped by the giant serpent midway. After several short exchanges, Yang Junshan wasn’t sure if the commotion over here had already aroused Jia He’s vigilance.

However, without waiting for Yang Junshan to hesitate whether he should chase after him or not, an intense wave of spirit energy turmoil suddenly came from the direction that Demonic Cultivator Jia He was heading to, and even the red miasma started to churn.

What was going on?

Yang Junshan was shocked. This kind of violent spirit energy disturbance was comparable to Yang Junshan ambushing and killing Yuan Yong earlier. Could it be that there was an internal conflict among the remaining three Alien Cultivator s?

Thinking about how Yuan Yong had already guessed before he died that the person who killed him was Lan Ying Wu, it could be seen that the relations between the Alien Cultivator s were not harmonious, or even that they had ulterior motives. Could it be that after killing Yuan Yong previously, he had broken the balance between the few Alien Cultivator s, causing them to start fighting each other in advance?

If that was the case, with his opponent in the dark, it might not be a bad opportunity.

Yang Junshan did his best to control his own Qi and was extremely familiar with it, but if he could do it without any sound at all, it would still be lacking in speed, and if he got too close to his opponent, even with the miasma weakening his spirit sense, it would be hard to not be discovered by his opponent.

This made Yang Junshan a little nostalgic of the high-grade Dharma clothing made from the skin of the Ice Fox.

The cloak Yang Junshan was wearing right now was a low grade spirit clothing made from the skin of an ice giant bear. In terms of quality, the cloak made from the skin of the Ice Fox could not compare to the former’s defensive capabilities.

Other than its defensive power, the high-grade Dharma clothing made from the Ice Fox’s skin could not only conceal the cultivator’s own aura, but could also increase the cultivator’s speed of flight. When discussing the various uses of the Dharma treasures, the Ice Fox’s leather clothes far surpassed the Ice Bear’s Dharma clothes.

But Yang Junshan’s worries were unnecessary, just as he was rushing towards the direction where the spirit energy was surging, the big battle in the distance was also starting to move towards Yang Junshan’s direction.

Yang Junshan wasn’t sure if it was because someone had noticed his existence and intentionally brought the battle group towards his direction, so he avoided the original location, and instead went around to the back of the two sides.

It was clear that the fighting parties did not sense Yang Junshan’s existence. This made Yang Junshan raise his eyebrows, hesitating whether or not he should catch up and see if he could become a fisherman.

However, at this time, Yang Junshan had already went around to the back of the two sides, looking at the place where the fight had begun, a peach forest was destroyed, clearly showing that it was the place where the battle had started.

But just as Yang Junshan was about to leave, he caught sight of something through the thick red fog. His eyes immediately focused and he anxiously turned around.

In a hundred year old peach tree, half the branches were luxuriant and full of vitality. The other half was charred black after being struck by thunder, but new tender branches grew out from the charred branches.

After hundreds of years of being struck by lightning, the mahogany that was struck by lightning had not died yet. The branches on the branches indicated that the burnt mahogany was still brimming with vitality!

Thunder striking the peach wood, combined with the destruction and vitality of thunder, using it as a fundamental treasure could be considered as Demonic Cultivator’s restraining object!

Yang Junshan suddenly had a conjecture about the battle that had erupted just now. It was not that Demonic Cultivator Jia He had seen the Thunderclap Peach Tree here, he was just about to destroy it without saying anything, but another person had suddenly appeared to stop him, naturally wanting to obtain the object.

As for the cultivator who stopped Jia and the cultivator who destroyed the peach wood, in order to prevent it from being destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, he purposefully led the group away from the peach wood.

However, this was for the best. Wouldn’t this lightning strike peach wood fall into his hands and he would pick it up for free to be a fisherman?

The more low-key something was, the better it was. In the worst case scenario, if he was discovered by the two of them, Yang Junshan would be attacked by them.

Without further ado, the battle between the two sides continued. Yang Junshan chopped down with one palm, a sharp light slashed out from the edge of the palm, and cut off half of the peach tree. Half of the branch that was struck by lightning fell, and was kept by Yang Junshan in his storage ring, as he hurriedly left.

Yang Junshan originally wanted to kill the Demonic Cultivator Jia He, but in fact, almost none of the cultivators in this world had any killing intent towards the Demonic Cultivator. Even after more than a hundred years in his previous life, when the various races and influences in the Alien Cultivator had started to integrate with the world, the Demonic Cultivator was still a race that was rejected by the cultivation world.

But now that the benefits had been obtained, Yang Junshan could not care about any Demonic Cultivator, he could only leave this place and let them fight him to the death.

When Yang Junshan cut off the part of the peach tree that was struck by lightning, he had deliberately noticed that the age of the peach wood was at least five hundred years old. But the problem was that after being struck by lightning, the peach tree had been growing tenaciously for one or two hundred years.

It was originally only a middle-grade spirit material, but now it waigh-grade spirit treasure. If it could be refined into a high-grade spirit artifact in the hands of a master refiner, then its own power would definitely surpass a magic treasure of the same level.

If a cultivator could cultivate another thunder and lightning sacred art, when combined with this spiritual tool, its power would double!

Thunder and lightning had always been domineering, but it was naturally extremely difficult to master them. In the worst case scenario, it would often end up hurting others and oneself.

In order to prevent anyone from tracking him down, Yang Junshan directly used the Earth Escape Technique. However, he had no choice but to jump out after he had traveled less than five kilometers underground.

The underground roots of the trees were often affected by the Earth Escape Technique. However, underneath the Red Mist Mountain, the roots of the peach wood formed an even larger and tighter network with each other, perhaps because they shared the same roots.

This caused Yang Junshan to have no choice but to climb out after escaping for a distance of two miles. The Red Mist Mountain was filled with dangers, Yang Junshan did not want to suddenly meet enemies, but because of the excessive consumption of True Essence in his body, he did not have the strength to run away.

Furthermore, more importantly, as Yang Junshan became more and more familiar with the control of the Earth Escape Technique, he also discovered a weakness of the Earth Escape Technique. Although he could roughly control the direction of the place, he couldn’t exactly control the place where he jumped out from, nor did he know what kind of situation he would encounter after coming out from the underground.

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