Spaceships and Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Armour

My worry about fighting a group of opponents might have been one that was overstated. Akash had already shown their ability to manipulate multiple vine tendrils at once when I had tried to make my way out of the crater. Now the plant alien used this ability again to devastating effect.

Roots sprung up from the ground and wrapped themselves around six of the 20 assailants in an instant. They were anchored in place, completely unable to move, and the perfect pickings for my energy beam. Like when I had tried to attack Akash, I swathed my hand in manna before punching out in a wide arc, releasing it at the same time. The low powered energy beam was still enough to knock the six aliens out, without even breaking a sweat. Technically that meant I had already qualified to get through to the next round of the tournament, but I still had to survive for the rest of the duration.

"I had them, Human," Akash seethed, "Do not presume to usurp my glory again."

I rolled my eyes at that. I could understand Akash being angry at humanity in general, and I could even understand that anger bleeding over to me due to my species, but being angry enough to have a go at me about helping them when we were in the middle of what was our biggest battle yet seemed quite ridiculous. Of course, I didn't say any of that out loud, it probably would have set them off all over again.

Instead, I used my propulsion to dart forward to a group of four aliens on our right. The one closest to me was a mass of swirling tentacles. I stopped in front of it and, before it could react, slammed my fist into its centre before letting off a devastating energy beam from the fist. The initial hit seemed to damage the creature, but the blast sent it careening backwards through the trees where it didn't rise again. I hoped I hadn't killed the alien, but couldn't allow myself to rest on the thought for too long as the other three creatures began their assault.

I dodged a scythe-like arm from an insectoid alien by dodging backward, only to have to spin away from the lancing strike of a venom tipped tongue. The third alien, almost centaur-like and wielding a blue bow comprised entirely of manna, shot a shimmering arrow my way. I wasn't quick enough to avoid the strike, but it glanced off of my corona shield and spun away harmlessly into the forest.

It was my turn to go on the offensive again. I moved so fast that I almost overshot the centaur alien. I grabbed his torso in a bear hug and used my manna propulsion to shoot us up into the air. When I'd achieved enough velocity I flipped us back around and used the ability again to send us straight back toward the ground. I'd tumbled through the dirt far too many times today, so I figured it was about time someone else got to experience it. Using our combined momentum I launched the centaur into the insect, and the two together skid through the dirt until they landed in a pile right on top of the tentacled alien I'd already shot away.

The owner of the venom tipped tongue was my final opponent. So far it seemed to be a rarity, but this creature was vaguely humanoid in shape. The only real difference I could make out from a baseline human was the fact it had a layer of fur covering every part of its body, and small whiskers poking out from its cheeks. If I didn't know any better I'd say I was facing off against a cat-person from a fantasy game.

The cat began to chant under its breath, building up an ominous glow backed by floating runic sigils in front of its hands. Whatever it was doing was something I probably didn't want to get hit by. I darted forward just as the catlike alien finished its incantation, and onto the battlefield stepped a golden warrior.

The cat alien had summoned an animated set of armour that looked strangely human in its appearance. The design of the armour was medieval, with ornate carvings across its breastplate and small spikes protruding from its shoulders and arms. In its right hand it held a simple-looking broadsword, though an inky blank smoke seeped off it and hung heavy on the ground. I jumped back. If I had attacked then, I was sure this armour would have cut through me without a second thought and left me for dead.

"Akash, I'm going to need help with this one buddy," I said, already pooling manna in my hands.

"What did I tell you, Human," Akash responded, swiping another alien assailant away with a root from a nearby tree. "I'm not your buddy."

Nevertheless, Akash took up a position beside me. They seemed just as concerned by this new addition to the battlefield as I was.

"You will need to buy me some time," Akash whispered, so low I could barely hear them. "We will be able to defeat this construct, but only through the combination of our strongest attacks. I will give you the word."

I didn't have a chance to respond to Akash's simple statement. I had no idea how I was going to hold my own against an opponent like this for any space of time, for all I knew this was how Akash planned to off me once and for all to complete his revenge. I shook the thought away as quickly as it had appeared, I needed to trust the tree alien if I was going to make it through this. They had a plan, I just wasn't privy to it.

I shot a low powered energy bolt at the construct, which was easily parried by its blade. Instead of being deflected, however, the sword merely absorbed my blast. It seemed to sap manna in some way, which meant my corona shield would likely be all but useless against it. My goal, alongside not dying, would have to be to separate the sword from its wielder.

I used my propulsion once again to get in close, but the armour was ready for me. It lashed out with a heavy forward kick and timed it perfectly so that I crashed into its metal boot. I was knocked away and collapsed to one knee before spitting up a spattering of blood. That had hurt. That had hurt more than anything I'd been hit by so far, up to and including the slap from the Mannachoid. This things battle experience far outweighed my own, so going on the offensive was going to be completely out of the equation. Instead, I'd have to rely on my enhanced speed. There was no way a hulking piece of animated armour could be fast enough to keep up with me.

I clambered back to my feet and urged the armour to come at me with all it had. The armour was all too willing to oblige. Within moments I was engaged in the fight of my life, doing all I could to pivot and dance out of the way of the construct's sword strikes.

"Now, Human!" Akash roared, the loudest I'd ever heard them. Four massive roots ripped themselves out of the ground and wrapped them around the constructs limbs and pulled as hard as they could. The legs and arms of the armour were pulled away from the torso, connected only by wispy fragments of shadow.

"Your energy beams, fry the things core!" Akash called out. josei

I didn't know if Akash had seen me try and fail to use my energy beams against the thing, but I had to trust that they knew what they were doing. I charged up energy around both hands and plunged them deep into the gaps between each shoulder. I could immediately feel the inky shadow within begin to attack my manna reserves, eating away at the ability even as I discharged it. But everything had a limit, and as I poured more and more of my manna, and watched my levels dip from the 2500 manna they had already fallen down to right down to the 500 points mark, the armour finally stopped struggling and the shadow was slowly burned away.

Akash let the armour go, it fell to the ground in pieces.

I stalked toward the cat alien, but before I could land a punch it dashed away on all fours and disappeared into the underbrush. I cursed under my breath, and readied myself for the next fight, only to realise that Akash had already dealt with the remainder of our opponents. They were terrifying.

"You lack training, Human," Akash said, "But, begrudgingly I must admit, your power is overwhelming."

"We could work together you know, last through the rest of this battle royale together now that we've both eliminated more than one opponent."

The hair-like frills on its arms bristled at that. "We worked together under necessity, and as thanks, I shall let you live. Cross me again, and it shall be the last time."

Before I could respond, Akash had disappeared into the forest and melted away into the shadows of the trees.








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