Chapter 163 - Too Bad

Chapter 163 - Too Bad


Chapter 163 - Too Bad

In a blink of an eye, Gavriel's blade was right before Thundran's face. The dark fae leapt back but the moment he landed on the head of the dragon, blood gushed out from his forehead as though coming from a faucet spray. The vampire prince had inflicted such a wound on him in such a quick move!

The haughty smile on Thundran's face was finally gone. His face now contorted with disgrace and rage, as if he could not accept that a vampire had managed to wound him. Much less a younger vampire that was not even half his age.

"Listen to me you, coward!" Gavriel's voice thundered, his eyes blazing with nothing but pure bloodlust, "You will never have any of the two… most especially her!!! I will have you die first before you can even touch a strand of hair on her head!"

The next moment, Gavriel was attacking again. This time, his strikes were faster and more deadly. Why was it that everyone seems to be wanting her? He was done with people coveting what was his – his pretty wife, Evie. She belongs to him alone!!!

The dark fae was losing in strength and power as he blocked Gavriel's ferocious and merciless attacks.

"I see… so you're set to kill this body, huh, vampire prince?" Thundran scoffed. "Even if this guardian dies, just know that a mere vampire like you will never win against me. Do you know why? Because the moment this guardian dies, I'll possess you next! Hahaha!"

Gavriel's eyes widened for a moment and then with one last powerful clash, he leapt away from him. "You think a coward like you can scare me?" Gavriel asked, recovering his stance again. "If you can possess someone so easily, there shouldn't be a reason that you needed to wait for so long before possessing the guardian." He sneered at Thundran. That made the dark fae prince's face contort in rage at Gavriel's jab on his incompetencies.

"You are underestimating what dark faes can do, little vampire prince. I guess, this land has truly forgotten about who's truly the most superior race… but oh well, I shall make you all remember again... very soon… but first," he paused and smirked as he licked the blood dripping from the side of his face. "I shall educate you first!"

Thundran's eyes began to light up just as how Evie's eyes glowed like the sun a while ago. But the dark fae did not emit amber lights. Greenish hued lights that were the same shade as his serpent-like eyes enveloped him. There was also something dark combined within it.

He spread out his arms and slowly floated off the back of the dragon. "An ancient blue blooded dark fae can possess anyone weaker than him…" he said in a way as if educating an idiot. "Oh, you asked why I waited… I planned to make this guardian, what's his name again? Oh, Lucius? Yeah… I planned to make this Lucius become one of my test subjects, but he defied me when I ordered him to serve me. What a stupid man." Thundran scoffed.

"He is not a stupid man. He is a brave human warrior, unlike a coward like you." Gavriel replied calmly, "If you're so powerful as you claim you are, why don't you show your real self and fight me for real? Stop hiding in someone else's body like a bloody coward. Or could it be that you are nothing but an invisible dead fae who can do nothing else but possess someone?"

"I am not dead!!" Thundran suddenly burst out and he attacked Gavriel this time.

Gavriel had realized the dark fae was triggered when he said he was just an invisible dead fae. Could it be that this dark fae was actually still unable to materialize in his physical body? Gavriel grinned evilly to himself as he picked up on that hint. According to the myths, faeries were supposed to be able to disappear and materialize whenever they wanted. But for some reason, this fae chose to possess someone's body than to materialize. That in itself was a big giveaway clue.

Knowing this, Gavriel could only think of one conclusion. That this fae could not materialize as he wished, and the reason was what Gavriel wanted to know.

As the two of them clashed again, Gavriel felt the tremendous increase in the fae's power. He was even stronger now. Gavriel felt that the dark fae's power was being limited by what the guardian's body could withstand. Gavriel felt that if this dark fae could use his own body instead, he could not even imagine how strong the dark fae would be.

Gavriel was about to wound him again, but the dark fae used a strong and blinding magic to deflect Gavriel's sword, causing him to be pushed back he nearly fell from the dragon's back. He had to stab his dagger into the side of the dragon for him not to fall off. He leapt back on the back of the dragon immediately and faced the dark fae again.

He did not expect him to use his magic!

"Not bad," Thundran smirked, "But too bad, young vampire prince… you're going to have to die here before I awaken my real body fully. I'd love to play with you, but I must eliminate you now for me to get what I want."

His blade began to be enveloped with magical green and dark lights and Gavriel immediately felt the danger. This was the first time he was going to fight a magical creature. But he could not care less now because he understood fully well now why that dark fae prince wanted Evie. This creature wanted her to awaken him fully and that was why he said he wanted just two things. This damned dark fae wanted his Evie's blood for his double awakening!! Gavriel howled internally in utter fury, swearing that he would see the end of this despicable creature.

The realization made Gavriel's entire being feel a strange booming pulse. And in the instant his eyes burned completely blue, the dark fae's eyes circled round in shock.

Before he could even process the sight that shocked him, the blue-eyed vampire disappeared and Thundran was struck right in his chest. The next thing he knew, Thundran was falling to the ground.


A/N: Hellbound With You is updated ^^

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