Chapter 208 - Names

Chapter 208 - Names

Chapter 208 - Names

"How can I make the call so that the dragon would come to me willingly?" Evie questioned, her eyes brimming with a very strong will. She wanted to learn to call on the dragon to come to her without forcing them against their will. No living creatures would be pleased if they were forced into something. If only she could make them respond to her call willingly… that would be the ultimate power that she can wield! And she knew deep within her that that was what she wanted the most. For the dragons to come to her aid without being forced.

"I am sorry, but I don't know the answer, princess." Zanya's expression was apologetic. "Back in the day, there was no answer as well. That's why even since a long time ago, light faeries aren't that fond of calling upon the dragons for help. Calling the dragons are always the last resort for us in wars because they drain too much energy from us. However, there are some who managed to call a dragon without suffering any side effects, like the late queen. Her dragon, Onyx, had responded to her willingly and to her alone. I believe, it must have had something to do with the attachment since other royals back in the days were unable to call a dragon without draining their magical powers."

"He responded to the late queen alone?" Evie repeated as she realized that Onyx was indeed very different from the dragons the guardians had been summoning throughout the years since they had known how to. He was so different from the other seven dragons they had seen on their way here as well. She also heard from the stories and history in the past and everyone thought that the dragons were of the same size and had similar features to each other. She thought that was true at first until she saw another dragon that was bigger and darker in Dacria. And now Onyx was even bigger and much darker than the others she had ever seen. Could it be that he was the largest?

"Yes, Princess. Back then, only the queen could call for him. Others just could not call on him even if they used force and spent up all their magical energy. That's why Onyx was considered special even back then when the summoning of dragons was still considered common."

At that moment, Evie did not know why but Zanya's words made her want Onyx to be hers even more. She wanted to call him and wanted him to respond to her call. It still mystified her why she felt a strange attachment towards the dark dragon. She had thought that it was because she was the queen's descendant. But somehow, she was not quite satisfied with the thought. It was as if there was more to it than just her being the descendent.

"Tell me how, Zanya. I'd like to try to call him now," Evie said and Zanya immediately obeyed. josei

"It's the same process princess. Gather all your magic but this time, instead of collecting them into your palms, concentrate them in your eyes. Imagine the dragon's image then picture yourself opening your eyes. Your eyes must glow brightly – as bright as possible – as you look into the dragon's eyes. Make sure to look deeply as if when you are talking with someone and wanting to convey your words through your eyes. Then say the words 'Come forth my dragon' in the fae tongue."

Evie did not waste a moment and immediately tried what Zanya had instructed her to do.

"Razhyan ze vaske ryuhz!" she commanded after she managed to carry out the prior steps.

The sky thundered and lightning flashed. In that moment, Evie knew something was off. And her intuition was right as she opened her eyes and saw that the dragon which was flying over to their position was not Onyx.

The men were again smiling proudly as they watched a dragon land before Evie. But Evie was a little disappointed. She made sure that it was Onyx that she envisioned in her mind.

"That was amazing, princess! Right on your first try!" Zanya exclaimed, "Do you feel exhausted at all?"

Now that Evie took stock of her body's condition, she indeed did not feel exhausted at all. It thrilled her somehow despite the disappointment.

She shook her head and Zanya beamed at her. "Incredible. You didn't only successfully carry out a summoning on your first try but also managed to call a dragon without sacrificing your strength or your magic!" Zanya's voice was trembling with excitement.

"Thank you," Evie said as she set her eyes on the dragon that had landed before her. It was one of the seven dragons she saw after they entered the gate. Though she could not stop herself from being disappointed, Evie berated herself that she should not be too greedy. It was already an amazing feat that she had managed to even summon a dragon. For now, she should be grateful that this dragon had willingly responded to her call. Maybe, she could make Onyx respond to her next time.

Evie approached the dragon. It has the same amber eyes as Onyx, but the vividness was different. Its body was an ashy grey colour unlike Onyx's colouring which was as dark as ink.

"Do you have a name?" Evie asked as she touched the dragon's snout. The dragon did not make any sounds and just crouched down in satisfaction, as though it was enjoying Evie's touch.

"She does not have a name, princess." Zanya informed Evie.

"She? How did you know this dragon is a 'she'?"

"They have reddish colours on their chest. That indicates the dragon is a female." Zanya explained.

"I see… why doesn't she have a name?" she then asked, curious.

"Because unlike Onyx, this dragon is not an ancient one. I told you previously that Onyx was the only one who survived back in that war, right?" Zanya said, "This dragon, including the others, except Onyx were still in their eggs when the queen killed off all living creatures that day with her light. The dragon eggs were wrapped with smooth dark crystals and that was why they weren't affected back then. And since dragon eggs takes a thousand years to hatch, these dragons are still considered young. No one was there to give them their names. So, they are still nameless until today."

Evie was once again surprised with this new information. She looked at the dragon and a smile bloomed on her face. "Alright, then I shall give all of them their names." Evie declared.


A/N: If we reach rank 1 in golden ranking an hour before weekly reset, i will give bunos chapters. So don't forget to cast your Golden Tickets for our Evie and Gav. ^^


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