SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 950 Two Heroes

Chapter 950 Two Heroes

"Those two... just who are they?"

By the time the Busan Hunters returned to the scene of destruction, after ensuring the safety of every single citizen, they were met with a corpse party.

All the Monsters were dead, without any discrimination.

There was hardly any struggle or large-scale battle here.

It was simply a massacre.

'This is amazing! This is such good news for the Association!' Commander Lee smiled, his widening eyes growing even further in sheer disbelief.

The profit gained from this alone, especially from the Boss Monster, would go a long way to alleviate the financial burden they had been experiencing for so long.

Still, the fact that the two strangers were the ones who took care of most of the monsters, it was only obvious that they would be taking a bulk of the profit.

They would have to pay Tax, but still... it wasn't the same as the Association having the rights to the total profits.

Commander Lee completely understood how things were, though. It was the law, and it was only right that the one who hunted should have the right to their prey.

The most important thing now was that the Dungeon Break had finally been extinguished.

'It's a shame that a lot of my comrades had to suffer death and grievous harm to make this a reality...' His thoughts trailed.

"Have you calculated the total number of civilian deaths and injuries? What about the same figures for our Hunters?" Commander Lee turned to the Hunter that approached from behind.

"W-well, about that..."

"Just give it to me straight. I want to know." He gritted his teeth as he spoke.

While all that happened was nothing short of a miracle, the staggering deaths that were bound to result from this venture would be nothing short of heartbreaking.

"T-the thing is... there are none who are injured or dead, sir."


"We checked thoroughly. We couldn't find a single dead or injured. We're currently doing a head count for the Hunters, since we know how many were dispatched, and their information. So far, it seems all of us are accounted for."

"H-how is this possible...?" Commander Lee muttered.

It was impossible! He had heard sounds of his comrades dying. He had definitely heard their screeches and desperate screams.

Sure, he was busy killing the monsters to focus on a single one, but he was certain there were fatalities.

And yet...

"Are you serious?" He muttered.

"I am, sir. As for the civilians, er have t found a single corpse or injured body. At this point, it's very doubtful that there are any."

It all sounded very unreal. In the history of Dungeon Breaks, there hadn't been a single S Class disaster that didn't leave a trail of dead bodies in its wake.

This was literally the first time he had ever heard of something so ridiculous.

"I-I see. Well, keep doing the head count and all of that. Is there anything else you have to report?" He spoke, a tired smile on his face.

He had seen way too many miracles today to remain the same.

"Yes sir. We found this letter drifting in the air, covered in some sort of energy. Its addressed to you, Commander."josei

The Hunter handed over a letter to him, and sure enough, it was addressed at a "Commander Lee."

"This is my name... yeah... well, thanks." He could hardly make coherent statements at this point.

His mind was too muddled with thoughts and assumptions at this point.

What was real? What wasn't? He could hardly figure it out.

That is, until he read the letter.


~Commander Lee;

You should know who this letter is from. Just wanted to inform you that we have no interest in the spoils, so just treat them as the Hunter Association's property.

We're unaffiliated with your country, or other countries, so just think of us as individuals who wanted to test our strength... or something like that.

I certainly hope you, and everyone else, end up being okay.

This shouldn't be a time for mourning, after all.

That's all I wanted to say. Good work today.~


Seeing the contents of the letter brought a trembling sensation to Commander Lee's body, and he found himself covering his mouth and stifling his gasp.

"It was... them? They... but how?"

Healing abilities? Resurrection abilities? The first was extremely rare, and the second didn't exist.

"But if they're Healers, they wouldn't have had such amazing offensive abilities."

Everyone knew Hunters specialized in certain fields based on their Classes.

Commander Lee was a Warrior, specialized as a Swordsman. He had most of his abilities stacked in that respect.

'A Healer of this level... shouldn't have been able to defeat so many monsters.'

Just the two of them were enough to handle an S Class Dungeon Break.

They claimed not to belong to any nation or group, which made sense since Lee would have heard of them if that hadn't been the case.

"Haha... what an absurd miracle." He couldn't think of any other world to describe what he had just experienced

Still, despite his relief, his curiosity remained persistent.

'Just... who are they?'




In a large expanse filled with luxuries all covered in darkness, two figures entered, bowing to greet a third person who was already in the room.

He was seared on a glamorous sofa, he legs crossed and resting on a footstool. He also had a wine in his hand, and a blue glow radiating from his eyes

"Boss... the mission failed." One of the men said, his tone sounding grave.

"..." The seated one said nothing

"There were some unforeseen elements that disrupted the plan. Two strangers appeared out of nowhere to—"

"I understand." The deep voice of their leader caused the men to instantly keep their mouths shut.

He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, a holographic screen appeared in front of him, visible also to the two who trembled in his presence.

"I saw it all." The man smiled. "These two..."

The screen in front of him displayed two heroes fending off the attack of the monsters spilling out of a Gate.

Their attacks packed heavy punches, and their blows were destructive.

"... It seems we'll need to make a few changes."

His grin grew wider. "You watched them from your safe distance, didn't you? What do you think of their power?"

For a brief moment, there was tense silence.

"They were incredibly powerful, easily S Rank. However..."

"They won't be a match for us—the Seven Stars of the Shadows of Light."

The man nodded, his grin expanding even further.

"Good. Well then, I suppose it's time.for your next assignment."

Dropping his wine cup while interlocking his hands, he began exuding the authority and power befitting the leader of the Shadows Of Light.

The light in his eyes flickered with malevolence, and his voice rang deep and hollow as he spoke.

"Eliminate them."





Bad guys alert!

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