Spirit Cultivation

Chapter 540 Presents

Chapter 540 Presents

Chapter 540 Presents

"When I said we made it with our hearts and souls, I wasn’t joking. We literally used our blood and part of our souls to create it," Tianshi explained.

A simple bracelet made from colorful crystals and a string laid inside the box, illuminating his palms with its light. Anyone could tell it wasn’t an ordinary Artefact with just a single glance.

"I can feel it... Your presence within the crystals..." Xuefeng muttered amazed, grazing his fingers across the crystals.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

Each stone was beating like a real heart, one faster, one slower but each giving a healthy rhythm.

"Each crystal represents one person. Once they get mortally hurt, the crystal will crack and once they die, it will turn into dust. Parts of our souls live within the crystals so you will have to keep them alive but it won’t be a problem," Ming added as one of the creators.

"Are your souls alright?" Xuefeng asked worriedly. "It must have hurt to split them."

No matter how precious the present was, their safety was his priority. Thankfully, he was worrying for nothing.

"Don’t worry, we are already healed. It didn’t hurt much too," Xiao Wen assured and called out excitedly, "Quick, wear it!"

They seemed satisfied with his reaction and he was indeed shocked. He wore the bracelet on his free hand and suddenly all the heartbeats mixed together, acting like subtle wrist massage. That wasn’t its main feature though. It was the ability to know his wives’ condition at all times.

"This is honestly the best gift I could have ever asked for," Xuefeng praised and stood up, extending his arms.

Everyone knew this sign very well and dove into his arms, hugging all together in a group embrace. "I love you all."

"How did you even make it?" Xuefeng questioned as they separated. "I understand the soul part but blood?"

Ming only shrugged. "Soul slips are quite common. Even your Sect has one but Blood Curses are quite rare. There was a hidden clan that specialized in them, causing trouble for powerful cultivators so they were wiped out. I think the clan was already forgotten by everyone but I just happened to have records of their arts I could make use for your gift."

"I wanted to learn but big sis doesn’t want to teach me..." Wuying complained while pouting but Ming didn’t budge. "I’m doing it for your own good. All of their curses were evil, meant to torture and bring pain. The one we used was the only one that was meant for good. Lovers would gift each other such crystals to show their feelings. All I did was connect the curse with the soul slip and you can see the results."

"Great results indeed," Xuefeng confirmed. "I can even recognize each of you."

He touched one stone after another, calling their names, "This is Wen... This is Tianshi... This is Nuwa, calm as always. And this must be Lisa, your heart is beating really fast. Are you okay?"

The stone was vibrating much faster than the others. When everyone looked at her, she blushed, walking in front of him.

"I have a personal present for you."

In her hand, a vial of pills, fourteen to be exact, all bright red with a tint of yellow in them.

"What do they do?" Xuefeng asked curiously, accepting the vial. The pills had to be special if she was this embarrassed.

Lisa took a deep breath and introduced her product, "We know you didn’t start cultivating properly yet because you train your abilities first so I made a pill to help you with that. Now you can train during the day and cultivate at night, with us."

"Oh!" Xuefeng exclaimed, finding it interesting. "So it helps with Spirit Qi gathering? I did cultivate with Ling but I don’t mind quickening the process when I can."

Each time he had sex with Ling, his body absorbed Spirit Qi from the air even if he wanted it or not. He tried to limit it to match his cultivation with his wives. He was already close to breaking through to the Monarch Stage when they have only been in the Hidden Realm for half a year. If they were meant to stay there for three years, he would ascend long before them at this rate.

He smelled inside the vial and was almost pushed away by the amount of condensed Qi inside. What was the most surprising was the sudden rush of blood in his body. He looked down and saw his friend awaken, ready for some action.

"Cough, one herb I collected had the same properties as an aphrodisiac. It acted as a perfect catalyst so I didn’t have a choice but to add it," Lisa explained with a dry cough. "The pills don’t help with Qi gathering as they already have immense Qi inside of them. The best thing is that it can benefit both partners and quicken their cultivation."

"Lisa! You are a genius! Why didn’t you say anything? We would help!" Yiren called out excitedly and everyone nodded eagerly, knowing exactly what such pill implied.

More sex with Xuefeng! How could they not be excited?

"I wanted it to be a surprise..." Lisa muttered. "Also, I wasn’t sure if I can make them. The pill should already surpass Rank 9 as all the herbs used don’t come from the Earth Realm. Almost all had abnormal levels of Qi condensed inside them and it was really hard to manage them."

"But I eventually succeeded," she added with a bright smile.

"Amazing!" Xuefeng called out happily. "We should definitely use one today for the test but we shouldn’t overuse. I want all of you to master your abilities and Elements before you focus on Cultivation. That’s our last problem."


The ladies nodded when Nuwa raised her complaints.

"This is not fair. I am already at a peak when it comes to Cultivation. I cannot Dual Cultivate with you. I request additional sessions before or after!"

"Don’t worry, I won’t mistreat you," Xuefeng assured and pulled her into his arms. "Are you unsatisfied lately? I remember you crying yesterday that you can’t move anymore or was it all a dream? You slept right after so maybe you don’t recall."

Nuwa pursed her lips and didn’t comment. Since Xuefeng could manipulate time, they could have all the time they needed and he finally defeated her yesterday, breaking her limits. josei

"Haha," Xuefeng laughed when she hid in his chest, hugging him and he embraced her as he gazed at the rest. "Thank you once again. Now I can feel at ease when you distance yourself from me. I will always have you near me, even when you are away. I love you all."

"We love you more," Nuwa replied for everyone and shamelessly claimed his lips, also for everyone.


A heavy hand landed on Nuwa’s butt when she didn’t let go for more than a minute but that was like a reward for her, having no impact at all.

"Nuwa! You are doing it again!"


While the party was ongoing, Drakos was below them, inside the mountain. He has been digging a giant hole from the side to the get inside for months but he was getting closer and closer to the main mine, making him dig happily.

Even though he has been finding smaller chunks of Fate Stones, that wasn’t his goal. Those were just his snacks to restore his energy as he dug endlessly. Naturally, they also contributed to his growth.

He was much bigger compared to half a year ago, being almost one meter tall. This was the main reason why Bella still didn’t kill him, believing his story for now.

"I’m so close... Just a bit more..." Drakos muttered as he punched the wall once again.


The wall exploded, sending big chunks everywhere, bringing him closer to his goal once again. There were no other methods of getting inside the mountain aside from blasting it apart with physical strength time and time again.

He asked Xuefeng to help him dig a hole but Earth Qi seemed to be useless the deeper one dug. The black rocks mixed with Fate Stones were just too dense and hard. The couldn’t simply remodel them with Earth Qi.

"One more!" Drakos cried out once again, punching once again before he had to throw the debris out.

For the first time, the rocks didn’t blast in his direction but instead, they fell forward.


Stale air blew at his face as if happy it could escape outside. Drakos didn’t mind it at all and instead breathed it deeply with a big grin on his face.

"I finally made it!"

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