Spirit Soul

Chapter 163 Cured

Chapter 163 Cured

Having received the permission, after updating everyone about the possible dangers, Kyle felt reassured that nothing would happen to him.

At least, he could prevent any kind of accident from happening because the Liad race's Leader would, at most, try to suffocate him once again.

This was not something he looked forward to, but Kyle couldn't care less about the possible dangers his help could bring forth.

He could not see the pained expressions of the young Liad in front of him, who was suffering.

With that in mind, he didn't even want to waste any time in pretending as if he was examining anything.

Thus, he simply touched the chest of the young Liad, before activating the Nurture ability.

His ability slowly began nurturing the Maest cultivation past, giving it the final nudge to awaken.

Kyle didn't even need to use much of his energy to empower his ability because a moment after he touched the young Liad, many things happened at the same time.

First, the young Liad began to writhe in pain before he calmed down within a moment, as an itching sensation overcame him.

His mana vein seemed to have finally awoken, and thus his entire body was undergoing drastic changes.

But the blockage seemed to have dissolved, allowing the young Liad to absorb mana for the first time in his life.

Other than that, the pain was slowly receding, causing a faint smile to emerge on his face.

His mother lovingly wiped the sweat off his forehead before he fell into a deep slumber free of all the previous pain.

In the end, the entire procedure was not magnificent or anything special, and it was already over before it had really begun.

And Kyle was thankful for that because half of his mind had been on the Liad race's Leader, who wanted to attack him the moment his son twitched in pain.

However, Yas' wife and mother held him back, perceiving that the mana that permeated the room was slowly drawn towards the young child.

This was the very first time he could do it and clearly showed that Kyle had done something they had been incapable of doing themselves.

It might have looked like he did nothing special, but what did that matter? As long as the little Liad didn't have any problems and his 'illness' was cured, the entire process could look boring, exciting, magnificent, or even disgusting.

Kyle didn't even break a sweat, but Beatrice still stepped forward the moment the Liad race's leader wanted to do the same.

She had instinctively placed herself before Kyle, acting as an obstacle for the Liad to overcome before he could reach him.

Perceiving her reaction, Kyle quickly intervened and pulled her back.

Even he stepped aside, giving the others enough space to take a look at the young Liad, who was now sound asleep.

After giving it another thought, he felt that it had been way too easy to solve the issue of the young Liad, but that was not something he would ever complain about.

Instead, receiving any kind of reward for doing a rather trivial task was something to be glad about.

As such, Kyle hoped that they would be able to leave after seeing the map of the Shalivra forest, pin-pointing to their current location.

In the end, it would already be enough if they knew where the ginormous tree that had given birth to the sentient seedling was located. But Kyle believed that the map of the Liad race was likely to be much older than the energy devouring tree, to begin with.

With that in mind, he calmly waited for the family to celebrate the recovery of their child.

Beatrice did the same, but she was restless and wanted to leave.

Now, she was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable with the unique sensation that enhanced her senses.

It made her want to stay inside the settlement because she felt that it would enhance her cultivation progress.

At the same time, Beatrice wanted to take the thing that caused this weird attraction with her.

She knew it very well that Kyle would leave once he figured out the direction in which the Sadorla forest was.

As such, her thoughts were slowly being manipulated, making her feel confused. This was certainly not great, and Beatrice was fully aware of this.josei

Thus, she tugged at Kyle's sleeve, gaining his attention before slowly moving closer to him.

Her scent hit his nostrils and he looked at her in confusion, not sure what she wanted to do.

'Is she hungry? Or can't she control her urges again?' Kyle thus wondered.

But, then he recalled that Beatrice had no problems with controlling her urges after she had started to drink his blood.

This made him disregard this possibility.

A moment later, she reached his neck, only to turn her head as she began to whisper into his ear.

"This place is weird. Don't you feel this…weird sensation? Let's leave as quickly as possible, otherwise I might accidentally do something stupid…"

After she said this, Beatrice moved backward again.

But it was at this moment that her right hand lightly caressed over his chin, without her truly realizing what she was doing.

At this moment, Kyle visualized many 'stupid' things that could accidentally happen.

His hormones played a major role in these visualizations, and he had to shake his head to stop it from going wild.

Beatrice had sounded serious. Thus, it was unlikely for her to think about anything that had to do with her urge to mate with him.

,m With that in mind, the thoughts he had only a few seconds earlier disappeared.

Though his brain lingered on the question about what she meant by accidentally doing something stupid.

Yet, instead of asking her further, he also believed that it was best to quickly leave.

As such, he looked at Old Kas, who had heard Beatrice's words owing to her acute hearing sense.

Thus, the elderly Liad knew that the young adventurers were truly not after something inside their settlement. Instead, the settlement was causing something uncomfortable within the young woman.

This was interesting, but it not something Old Kas bothered to figure out, even if she couldn't help but feel slightly curious about the young woman's behavior.

And there was no time to ask about this in the future as well.

Because of that, Old Kas could only accept the things how they were.

Rather, she thought that being too intrigued about this could have adverse consequences on their settlement, and the two adventurers.

Owing to this simple thought, Old Kas looked at Kyle as she spoke in a solemn voice,

"I sincerely apologize for my son's earlier rude behavior. Please accept my gratitude for healing my grandson! Follow me so that I can repay your kindness by returning the favor!"

Saying so, she walked outside the room, giving her grandson some space and quiet to sleep soundly.

Normally, Old Kas would rather spend more time with young Lyan, but if she were to do that now, it would be rude to Kyle and Beatrice.

Considering Beatrice's earlier words, even she felt that it would be best to make them leave quickly.

With that in mind, she walked inside her small room within minutes, followed by Kyle and Beatrice.

Meanwhile, Old Kas had forbidden the Leader of the settlement to follow them inside.

As such, there were only three people in the room now.

Yet, Kyle couldn't even focus on anything else but the map that his eyes were immediately drawn to.

He racked his brain to recall the memories of the map he had received at the time of his reincarnation.

Kyle tried to compare it with the one imprinted in his mind, but there was too many differences to make sense of it.

Fortunately, he wasn't all that disappointed as he had already expected it.

In fact, he knew that many things were different from the map the reincarnation trials had provided him.

That was because the map of the reincarnation trials showed him the most basic information about the entire, infinitely large planet, that was still enlarging.

Thus the information in his memory was rather crude, and the map imprinted in his head was an older version.

As such, the fact that he had studied the map for a very long time before he finally found the Shalivra valley, meant that the map he had seen was already ancient.

However, based on the maps he had seen of the Sadorla forest and adjacent kingdoms after he had reincarnated, Kyle knew what kind of transformation the region he was searching for had undergone.

Kyle even assumed that it would allow him to pinpoint the exact location of the Sadorla forest much faster than he would normally be able to.

This was exactly what happened as he found the rough position of the Sadorla forest only a few minutes in which he intently studied the map.

"We have to go there…and right now…we…are here?" Weirdly enough, even without the help of Old Kas, Kyle was able to roughly gauge where they were located.

Old Kas nodded her head before moving her hand slightly towards the right.

Using her index finger, she pointed at a specific location of the map that was painted in a dark green color.

"The Ancient Tree of Dekacon is to our left, but you were relatively close with your assumption. Did you see the Tree? Probably only from far away…the tree is said to be extremely dangerous, after all."

She mumbled the last two sentences to herself, but Kyle noticed that Old Kas seemed to be different than her son and his wife. It was almost as if she was an outsider!

Because of that, he couldn't help but feel like asking,

"I'm sorry if I ask this and I hope it is not rude, but Madame seems to know more about the outside than your daughter-in-law. Is there a specific reason behind the fact that she doesn't know about things you do know? Why…is the Liad race staying inside the settlement green Mias-...I mean, divine wall your Goddess constructed? Doesn't it feel like you are imprisoned?"

The last question was a little bit over the top, but Kyle could clearly tell that Old Kas was more reasonable.

As such, he took a risk speaking whatever had been on his mind.

Hence,, he was a little bit more straightforward than before with the Liad race's leader, while staying as polite as possible.

However, Kyle would have never expected to receive the answer he actually did, which was a detailed explanation about their reasoning.

"Don't worry. I don't have a temperament like my son…or I can control it better. Either way, I know more about the Shalivra valley than Nuan.

After all, it was my late husband and I that left the divine walls in order to adventure through the Shalivra valley.

In fact, we searched for our Goddess because our son had the same issue as my grandson. As such, we hoped to find the Goddess by stepping out of the divine wall she had created.

Unfortunately, we didn't find anything, and the map is the only thing we are left with now.

After we returned to the divine walls, and the settlement, we almost died passing through them. Since then we didn't have any sane visitors until you two arrived.

Without the divine wall the Goddess constructed for us, we would have long since died.

There are beasts inside the Shalivra valley that are simply too strong for us to overwhelm.

This includes the Ancient Tree of Dekacon, and my late husband and I almost faced death at every alternate step, just by traveling through the valley.

As such, after that incident, we never left the divine walls again.

However, even before the walls had been created, we had never been a competitive race.

We preferred staying in recluse and didn't bother to expand our lands to procure more resources. As such, we are currently more than fine with staying here.

In fact, our current location is great. But it looks like there are certain things you don't seem to be feeling. I don't know why you are unaffected, but your little girlfriend seems to be sensing the influence of this particular place, right?"

Averting her attention to Beatrice for a moment, Old Kas didn't even wait for her response and she continued,

"As for whether we feel imprisoned or not, that's something I can answer with a clear no! Why? Because our small settlement has a world bridge that connects us to a different planet, where we can roam freely!"

The two kept listening to her intently, as Old Kas seemed to be eager to share a lot more.

Thus, when she saw that both Beatrice and Kyle weren't bored, she continued to explain multiple things.

Kyle assumed this was probably owing to her feeling thankful for what he did to cure her grandson.

Yet, her words made him feel confused as he mumbled to himself,

'A…world bridge? Connecting two places with each other? Isn't that just a long-distance teleportation then?'

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