Spoiled by Mr. Russell

Chapter 1729

Chapter 1729

Chapter 1729

Chapter 1729

It was quiet inside the apartment. Olivia looked at Edward, who was sitting there with his head down, then sighed quietly. She then moved two steps closer before stooping to pick up the items off the ground.

There was a blanket, a glass that had been knocked over and shattered, and other miscellaneous items.

She had no idea why Edward had become crankier recently. She thought it was because he was injured and could not stand. After all, after getting wounded and betrayed simultaneously, he must have been devastated.

That was why she could understand and tolerate his temper. But what happened today...

She quietly picked up the pieces of the shattered glass, then carefully threw them into the trash can. Looking on without a word, Edward neither tried to stop her nor offered to help.

Suddenly, he frowned, impatiently threw a trinket over, and said, “ Stop picking them up!”

Olivia felt a sudden, intense pain in the back of her hand where the small object had struck and caused her hand to press against the shards.

Blood soon seeped from the small but deep wound. Wincing, she lifted her hand and stared at the man before her.

Taken aback, Edward did not intend to hurt her, but he soon knitted his brow. “I told you not to pick them up!”

“I'll go get the band-aid.” Olivia stood up, holding her hand, and turned around to turn on the faucet and wash her wound after experiencing an unexplainable emotion. As she watched the water wash away the blood, she started to feel the burning pain.

Warm tears welled in her eyes as she dried her hands and searched for a Band-Aid. As it was a small cut, it stopped bleeding after she applied the adhesive tape, but she could still feel the pain.

The pain spread like sap flowing through the veins of a leaf and engulfed her entire body.

Coming back, she picked up a large shard and threw it into the trash can. Seeing her actions, Edward grew impatient. “Didn’t I tell you not to—”

“Shut the f*ck up if you don’t want to help!” Suddenly, Olivia flared up at him in anger.

Edward was stunned.

She had probably been too gentle and submissive lately, and he did not know how to react to her outburst. He moved his lips but did not say anything.

Olivia picked up other shards, then got up to take the broom and dustpan to clean up the rest of the garbage. She later opened the refrigerator and took out a can of beer.

Under Edward's gaze, she pulled the tab off and gulped down half of it.

She usually did not drink alcohol and only prepared beer for novelbin

Edward and for cooking sometimes. Having gulped down half a can in one breath, she soon felt intoxicated, although her mind was unusually clear. She kept thinking about each sentence of the earlier conversation as if someone had hit the replay button.

She burped and felt she had mustered some courage, ready and eager to pour her heart out.

Edward said nothing and remained still. After getting yelled at, he looked at her quietly and kept frowning.


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