Spoiled by Mr. Russell

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

They had a good night‘s sleep at the Lodge family‘s manor. However, Alexander stirred awake from the commotion downstairs at the break of dawn. Although he was not a morning person, he was a light sleeper, especially in an unfamiliar environment.

Any noise would wake him, so he got up from the bed and walked toward the window to look outside. It had finally stopped raining, and the front yard was clear of snow. The Lodge family members were already awake and had started their morning training routine.

They were having their morning jog in such cold weather. It was strange because Alexander could feel the heat just from seeing them run. It was as if the cold never bothered them.

There was a knock on the door, and Alexander went to open it. He saw his wife standing outside, yawning, “You‘re awake?”

“I just got up. Let me wash up, and then we‘ll go down,” Alexander said.

“Okay,” Lily agreed while rubbing her sleepy eyes. She wanted to go back to bed but could not, as this place was not her usual home, and she would not be able to sleep well anyway.

After the couple had washed and dressed up, they went downstairs and noticed the busy housekeepers preparing breakfast. The Lodge family‘s morning routine was vigorous, so it was typical for everyone to have a big breakfast. That was why the housekeepers scurried around to get things done as soon as the family returned.

“You‘re up early,” Justin commented as he entered the room. He had finished his training and was now wearing a thin wool sweater.

“I always woke up early in the past,” Lily replied, “Where‘s grandpa?”

She remembered that her grandfather was always the first to wake up. That was also why no one could complain since Wilfred was the oldest and most disciplined.

Lily asked for his whereabouts because she wanted to say goodbye as they were planning to leave today. Was it because she had left for too long? It felt bizarre and slightly uncomfortable being back. Since the snow had stopped, it would be best if they could leave sooner.

“Maybe he‘s still asleep,” Justine looked at his watch and replied. He knew what Lily wanted to ask from the look on her face. So, he took the initiative, saying, “Grandpa is not as he used to be. He has trouble sleeping, so his body can no longer keep up with his usual routine.”

“Trouble sleeping?” Lily recalled seeing her grandfather yesterday; indeed, he looked tired and was not his usual vigorous self. His eyes had also lost their vigor, but Lily had never imagined t it was due to insomnia.

‘Is it really because of his age? Is that why his condition is worsening?‘ Lily wondered.

“Let‘s have breakfast before we continue talking,” Justin suggested as he accepted a napkin from the housekeeper to clean his hands, “Are you planning to leave today?” Since he had managed to guess their intentions, Lily nodded, “Yeah, since it stopped snowing and we still have some things to handle, we wanted to...”

“All right, you can leave soon. I‘ll inform grandpa when he‘s up,” Justin agreed without a fight. “No, it‘s fine. I‘ll wait for grandpa to get up and tell him personally,” Lily would only feel horrible if she left without saying goodbye to her grandfather. Even though she was the one who left the family without looking back, it was not unbearable living at the Lodge family‘s manor.

It was true that it was sometimes harsh, but this household also had warmth. Moreover, Lily realized that her grandfather‘s health was not as it used to be.

“It‘s up to you.” Justin finished cleaning his hands, moved to the dining table, and took his seat. The housekeepers were already placing breakfast on the table. Lily glanced at Alexander, and they also sat at the table. No one spoke at the table; only the occasional sounds of forks and spoons hitting against the plates sounded. Alexander did not speak, as Lily had told him that no one should speak at the table when having meals.

It was one of the Lodge family rules. Of course, it was a different story if one was dining outside. However, no one could speak at the dining table when at home.

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