Spoiled by Mr. Russell

Chapter 943

Chapter 943

Chapter 943

Chapter 943

Since she was on the way home from her workplace, Lily was surprised to see a car with a foreign number plate parked outside the entrance of her house.She could not help but glance at the car in curiosity.She was about to walk through the gates when a car door opened and a person stepped out.

To her pleasant surprise, it was Justin.She had just thought about him a while back at her office, and now he surprised her by coming over without even giving her a call.

Lily immediately instructed the driver to stop the car and got out, asking, "What are you doing here?"

Lily had never been particularly close to Justin, and it was as if there was an invisible wall between them.

However, after their grandfather passed away, their relationship improved as they were comrades ‘battling’ a common enemy.

"How could I not be here for your wedding? We’re family, after all,"

Justin studied her carefully and concluded with a frown, "You've lost weight."

"No, I didn’t.I think I’ve gotten fatter.I’ve been eating a lot lately!"

She touched her cheeks and smiled. novelbin

"I’m glad that you’re happy and well.It looks like no one had given you any trouble!"

Justin commented nonchalantly.

However, Lily was trying to hold back the tears that were building up around her eyes.

"Of course! Who would dare give me problems? I’m from the Lodge family, after all!" Lily replied, trying to sound tough.

Justin smiled contentedly.

"It’s good you're aware of this!"

"It’s too hot here.Let’s talk inside!"

She glanced at his car, "Did you drive here?"

The journey from Sapphine to Brown City was at least a three-hour drive.

Did he come all the way just to see her? "yeah, I had something to do here, so I thought I’d come and see you," he added nonchalantly.

Lily pouted but chose not to expose him for coming here just to see her.It was not like she would laugh at him if she found out.

Lily could hear a commotion outside after they entered the porch.

She noticed several huge cargo trucks following behind Justin’s car.

The villa they lived in was huge, but still, it was not big enough to accommodate several cargo trucks simultaneously.

"What's all this?"

Lily asked in utter surprise.

"Since you're officially getting married, the Lodge family has to ensure you’re sent off properly.Since you've chosen to hold a wedding ceremony, even though your marriage has already been registered,

we'll need to do things the right way.You're the only granddaughter and direct descendant of the Lodge family, after all, "

Justin said solemnly, "Grandpa was supposed to do this, but..."

Justin chose not to talk about it, as this would only make them sad.

"I tried my best to prepare for this, but I’m still unsure if I’ve done it right.Please, don’t be upset if I missed something."

Lily was overcome with emotion by what Justin had said.She was so happy and grateful at the same time.


She had always called him by his name, but this time she chose to call him her brother, and with this gesture, ill feelings and barriers between them completely melted.

They were the closest family members left in the Lodge family.

They were family.

Justin smiled gently and lifted his hand to ruffle her hair.

"Silly girl!"

The gifts were immediately moved into Lily’s house by the people Justin brought.

There were lots of things, from furniture to large chests of jewelry.

Everything Justin had prepared was extravagant.


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