Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046

Mo Caiwei shook her head and sighed: "forget it, you are so busy with your work, I have added a lot of trouble to you, so don't make trouble for you again."

Jingning just wanted to say a few words to persuade her, but she interrupted again.

"Don't tell me no, I know that the reason why ah Su agreed to go to China with us this time is not only because he can't rest assured of me, but also because he has promised to provide him with a better medical laboratory and to allocate a sum of money to him every year for his free control. Although this money may not be a big deal to you, I can't do it because of this It's your luck to marry into the Lu family. The Lu family treats you well. But we must not be more arrogant and greedy just because they are nice to us

Seeing what she said, Jingning couldn't help laughing.

"Mom, I haven't said anything yet. You see, how many sentences have you said?"

She sighed, took Mo Caiwei's hand and patted the back of her hand.

"Mom, don't worry about it. Even if the money is not from depth of field, I can afford it. Don't underestimate your daughter. Although my ability to make money is not as good as that of him, it is not comparable to that of ordinary people."

Mo Caiwei has long heard that her business in China is booming. josei

Now, the entire domestic entertainment market is almost controlled by Anning international.

For the first two years, Jingning was only the public relations director of Anning international, but gradually, Lu Jingshen directly gave her the whole Anning international.

Even the shares were transferred to her name.

Therefore, she is now the real boss of Anning international.

In addition to her own Xinghui entertainment, although Xinghui has been affiliated with Anning international until now, it is just because Jingning thinks that since both companies are her, it would be too troublesome to separate out, so she is lazy to score.

As a matter of fact, since she transferred all the artists of Xinghui to Anning international two days ago, and Xinghui turned to be a video platform, its earning power has gradually been comparable to that of Anning international.

Therefore, for Jingning, there is no shortage of money.

She has the confidence and the qualification to say such words to Mo Caiwei.

Mo Caiwei of course knows that what she said is the truth. She is not only relieved, but also distressed that she is busy all day.

It's impossible to bother her to go around her every day.

But these words, she did not say any more.

After entering the restaurant, she ordered some special dishes here, paid for them to send them to the castle at 11:30 at noon, and then left with Jingning.

When going out, I don't know if it's her illusion. Jingning always feels that someone is following her.

She looked back, but found that there was no one behind her except the customers in the shop and several waiters who were busy with their own affairs.

She frowned, wondering if her feelings were wrong?

So he did not think about it any more and went to the opposite side of the street with Mo Caiwei.

The car was still safely parked there.

The conductor, wearing the top hat he wore when he came out in the morning, got out of the car and opened the door for them.

Mo Caiwei is very happy now. Xu is finally able to figure it out. The heavy stone in her heart is finally put down.

When she got on the bus, she felt the wind on her body.

Jingning is also affected by her happiness, and she has a word of chat.

The car started in the downtown and drove out slowly.

Two people also did not care, while sharing their own mood, Jingning side with Mo Caiwei said before she happened in the country.

Mo Caiwei likes to hear her say these things very much. It seems that the more you listen, the more you will make up for the missing days in these years.

Because she can't remember the past, even if she thinks of some now, it's just some fragmentary fragments.

Therefore, Jingning is not sure how much memory she has for Jing Xiaode.

Naturally, I won't take the initiative to mention things about the Jing family.

After all, Jing's family is no longer here. Whether it's because of the crimes they committed against Mo Caiwei or what they did to themselves, Jingning can't forgive them.

Even if they die, they can't let go of their hatred.

And these things are too heavy for her to carry on her own, there is no need to let Mo Caiwei know.

Therefore, Jingning did not tell her how she was bullied by the Jing family since she left, and how she retaliated back.

She is afraid that Mo Caiwei will blame herself, worry and think more.

Mo Caiwei did not seem to think of these, so did not ask.

They chatted with each other, but they didn't notice that the scenery outside the window was getting colder and colder. It was not the way back to the castle.

After a long time, Jingning inadvertently looked out of the window, just suddenly surprised.

She looked at the time on her watch. Half an hour had passed, and if she remembered correctly, it took only about 20 minutes to get from that street to the castle.Because she is not familiar with the road here, she is not sure whether the other side is changing the way, or how.

So he said, "how long do we have to get home?"

The driver's muffled voice came from the driver's seat

Jingning frowned.

No, it doesn't sound like the driver before.

Suddenly, she was in pain.

She suddenly widened her eyes and turned her head. She saw a needle in her hand, which was pinned on her neck. Beside her, Mo Caiwei had already been injected. She did not know what drug it was, and she had already fainted.

She stares at each other, want to talk, but what voice also can't make out, finally, also can only eyelid a turn, heavy fall down.

After both of them fainted, the man who had been hiding in the back seat of the car just stepped over with his long legs.

He first checked the eyes of both men and found that they were in a coma. Then he was relieved.

At the same time, he pulled down the collar and scolded: "Damn it, in order to confuse them, I almost didn't suffocate me! You'd better drive a car

The driver who had been sitting in the driver's seat took off the round politeness on his head.

He said with a cold smile: "don't complain, who let your son that driver's stature is not the same? I have to do it. "

He said, his eyes turning back.

"Is the pregnant woman OK?"

"It's OK. It's still alive."

"That's all right. The master has made it clear that we must ensure her safety. She is the biggest chip in our hands. Nothing can happen."

"I know, all right. Now take us to the master."

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