Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1051

He said if he didn't want to.

Perhaps it was because I felt that I was not enough to prove my innocence. After a pause, I added, "a few days ago, I did something that offended them and was expelled by them. So I don't know all the things behind me. The reason why I came here this time and said it was a trip is actually a feeling of boredom and relaxation."

In fact, Lu Jingshen has believed in this.

There is only one reason, that is, Nan Murong doesn't have to lie to him.

He nodded. "OK, I see."

Nanmurong looks at him, Gu owes words and stops.

After half a ring, he summoned up the courage to ask, "is something wrong?"

Lu Jingshen didn't hide it from him. Anyway, there was nothing to hide.

"Ning Ning was taken by him."


Nan Murong was shocked again.

Although he did not know nangongjin deeply, he was a member of Nanshi family after all, so he contacted nangongjin more often.

In his opinion, nangongjin is a villain. He is not like him because he has never seen nangongjin kill anyone.

But if you want to say that he is a good man, that is absolutely not because what he does, no matter what is mentioned, is not what a good man will do.

It is most appropriate to describe him as both good and evil.

But Rao is so. He has never heard of any innocent person he has dealt with before.

The reason why I find Qiao Qi and Gu Si Qian is that Qiao Qi's father once betrayed him.

And Qiaoqi just needs money to save her life, so this is to take what she needs.

As for Nangong Yu, it is not so much a threat as a voluntary acceptance by Nangong Jin.

Between them, it is not too much to use collusion. Naturally, there is no one who has harmed who.

It is also because of this, so in the face of this time, what they have done to Jingning and Mo Caiwei is more shocking.

Nan Murong was silent for a while and said in a low voice: "I really don't know about this matter, but if it is really captured by him, it's probably for the sake of Tianshu jade and silk. Although I don't see him many times, let alone understand how deep he is, he knows that in his eyes, all fame and fortune are floating clouds. He cares, as if only the book of heaven and silk."

Lu Jingshen nodded. "I think so, but we don't know much about this person, and he's too good at hiding his identity information. Even if it's convenient for Mr. Nan, please tell me about his background."

Lu Jingshen has never believed that Nangong Jin is just an ordinary person.

Want to know, what kind of existence is Nanshi family, what kind of existence is Nangong Yu?

Nangong Jin can firmly grasp these two forces in the palm of his hand. He is not an ordinary person.

South Murong in hearing him ask out this sentence, pupil is mercilessly shaken for a while.

He suddenly remembered the scene he saw when he first saw Nangong Jin.

It's incredible, but it's real.

If not sure that it was true, he would even suspect that it was a ridiculous dream.

How can someone really pick up things from space? Still alive for thousands of years? Is that a monster?

Nangong Jin's face turned pale.

In fact, Lu Jingshen is just a casual question to test.

He didn't expect to get an answer from Nan Murong. After all, Nan Murong's identity is not very prominent in the Nan family.

Even if he was selected to work for nangongjin this time, Lu Jingshen didn't think Nangong Jin would tell him all about his identity.

But now, looking at his suddenly pale face, Lu Jingshen did not think so.

Does he really know something inside?

Realizing this, Lu Jingshen's eyes sank.

He quietly to his men not far away to show a meaning, the other side will know, has quietly surrounded the South Murong.

So that when he wants to escape, he can be caught at any time.

However, Nan Murong did not seem to want to escape.

He stood there, the night puffed up his clothes, like a flying kite, with an indescribable confusion and loss.

"I can tell you about it, but promise me that you won't let anyone know that I told you, whether you believe it or not."

Lu Jingshen was shocked.

Don't want to think about it, he nodded.

"Yes, I promise." josei

South Murong stopped for a moment and said in a deep voice, "it's not convenient here. Let's find a quiet place to say it."

With that, he stepped back.

Lu Jingshen naturally follows.Soon, the two entered a secluded private room.

Lu Jingshen asked people to watch outside to avoid being approached or disturbed. Then he sat down on the futon and looked at nanmurong.

"Mr. Nan, it's very quiet here. There are all my people outside. I promise there won't be a third person to hear me. Can I speak now?"

Nan Murong nodded.

There is tea for guests in the room, but I don't know how long ago it was. It's cold.

Nanmurong didn't mind. He poured a cup and drank it to his lips.

Since Lu mentioned the depth of his scene just now, he didn't pay attention to the condition.

At this time, even the hand holding the cup was shaking faintly.

He frowned quietly, and didn't quite understand where the change in South Murong came from.

But the other party is obviously doing psychological construction for himself, and he is not easy to disturb and can only wait patiently.

After about two minutes, Nan Murong Fang finished a cup of cold tea and forced himself to calm down.

He looked up at Lu Jingshen calmly and asked, "Mr. Lu, do you believe there is immortality in this world?"

Lu Jingshen raised her eyebrows.

He did not expect that Nan Murong would ask him this question.

Before the birth of Tianshu jade and silk, many people are discussing this issue, believe it or not.

Everyone has his own opinion in his own heart.

Before Lu Jingshen, also always did not believe.

Until he experienced something

Thinking of this, his eyes became more and more deep and dark, and said in a deep voice, "I believe."

South Murong micro tremor for a moment, look at his eyes with some can't believe.

He did not seem to think that Lu Jingshen would give this answer.

But for a moment, he laughed at himself again.

He shook his head and sighed, "I always thought Mr. Lu was an atheist. Did you believe in immortality?"

Lu Jingshen has no wave in his face and says lightly: "atheists don't believe in immortality."

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