Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054

But there was a silence.

Nangong Jin did not appear.

Mo Caiwei had known for a long time that she would suddenly break up and hurt people, so it was no accident at the moment, just a little nervous.

She gazed around eagerly. Seeing no one appeared, she whispered: "Ning Ning, are they not here? Why don't we go now

Jingning frowned.

I didn't know where the laughter came from.

"Miss Jing, do you think you can blackmail me with a servant's life? You may as well try to strangle her, and I will let you go

Jingning a Leng, turned to look out of the window.

This just discovered, outside the window opposite the big tree, actually has a small sound.

She couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Nanjin didn't even think that the camera was installed in the house.

Since he could hear it, Jingning didn't want to give up so easily.

Therefore, instead of letting go of the person in hand, he said in a cold voice, "she is your man. Are you afraid that if she dies, will other people under your hand feel cold? How about this? I don't ask you to let me go. As long as you are willing to come out to see me and tell you the truth about the purpose of binding me here, I will let her go. "

Jingning also knows that with the identity of a small maid, Nangong Jin is required to let her go, which is unlikely.

So she offered another relatively easy condition.

However, even this condition, Nangong Jin did not agree. josei

From the sound came Nangong Jin's chuckle, which was like some kind of irony.

"As I said, when you should know, you will naturally know. Before that, you should stay here honestly. Don't try to escape, and don't play any other careful tricks. It's useless here."

He said, and gave orders to the servant.

"Take Miss Jing to the bathroom."

The servant trembled, then raised his eyes, and looked at Jingning in horror and pleading.

Jingning is not Nangong Jin after all. She can not take human life seriously.

Just now, she was just trying. She didn't really want to do anything with the maid.

So, seeing Nangong Jin didn't eat this set at all, she had to put her hand down and follow the servant to the bathroom.

After going to the bathroom, she returned to her room and suddenly said, "Mr. Nan, since you know that I can't escape, you don't need to lock me with this iron chain? Anyway, I'm a pregnant woman. It's not only physical health but also mental health that matters. If you keep me locked like this, maybe I'll be ill. When Lu Jingshen comes to the door, how can you explain to him? "

She said this with a tone of half joking and half serious.

I didn't think Nangong Jin would agree.

But the other side pondered for a moment, as if to say to himself: "originally locked you, is afraid that you will be too excited, do something to hurt yourself, now it seems, you are quite optimistic, let go of it."

He said, and told the servant, "don't lock her any more."

Servant a Leng, hurriedly respectful should way: "yes."

Jingning picked her eyebrows, and a rare smile appeared on her face.

"In that case, thank you."

There was no more sound coming from the other side.

After the servant had set the breakfast, he went out.

Jingning went to the dining table and sat down. Seeing Mo Caiwei standing there, she also got up and sat down.

"Don't worry, mom. You can eat and drink when you should."

Where can Mo Caiwei do like her?

She worried: "Ning Ning, we just stay here, when can we go out?"

When she saw Jingning pick up a piece of bread, she put it into her mouth, and suddenly her face changed. She immediately took the bread that she bit in her mouth.

"Ning Ning, spit it out quickly. The other party is so cruel that he doesn't even care about his own life. How can he eat the food he prepared? Are you not afraid that he will poison us to death? "

Jingning a Leng, looking at Mo Caiwei worried about the appearance, smile.

"Mom, you don't have to worry. If he wanted to kill us, we would have died long ago. There is no need to poison us. We won't sit here until now. So you can rest assured that this food can be eaten."

With that, he also offered her a bowl of porridge.

"After a day and a night, you are hungry. Eat more to supplement your strength. If you don't have strength, where do you come from to fight?"

Mo Caiwei's heart is still a little suspicious.

However, seeing that Jingning is so delicious, she has not eaten since yesterday noon, and her stomach has been growling with hunger.

After thinking about it, I think Jingning is right.Now it's me. If they really want to kill them, they don't need to poison them.

Therefore, they also rest assured to eat.

After breakfast, they finally recovered a little strength.

Jingning was forced to lie in bed for a day and a night, the body has long been stiff, now it is not easy to move, then slowly walk in the room.

At this time, she noticed that it was an independent villa. It looked like it was on the beach.

From the window of the living room, you can see the golden sand beach and the blue sea. There are gulls passing by and resting on them.

Her eyes narrowed.

By the sea?

She doesn't remember the city where Mo Caiwei lived before. Where is the sea.

But maybe she didn't know enough about it, so she didn't know for sure. She just took back her eyes, turned her head to Mo Caiwei, and then motioned to her.

Mo Caiwei will understand, and then come over and help her, two people walk to the chair and sit down together.

That chair is a long sofa chair, which can seat two people at the same time.

After sitting down, Jingning lay down and said in a loud voice: "sleepy, take a rest."

Mo Caiwei nodded, "you sleep, I lie here with you."

Then he lay down.

Two people just lie there quietly, from the monitoring to see hair, as if there is no communication.

But in fact, Jingning is quietly asking Mo Caiwei, "Mom, I just saw the sea outside. Do you remember where there is sea near home?"

Mo Caiwei frowned imperceptibly and said in a low voice: "no, there are all deserts there, except a goddess River, there is no sea at all."

Jingning's heart sank down.

No sea?

Does that mean they're not in the city at all?

Mo Caiwei seems to be aware of this, her face slightly changed.

However, she was very familiar with this side. After a while, she remembered.

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