Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 316

Chapter 316

The dry palm with the hot temperature, burned in her slightly cool skin, Guan yuewan subconsciously remembered the woman's delicate voice just now, the bottom of her heart could not help a burst of nausea, forced him away.

"Dr. Ji, this is a public place. Please pay attention to your identity. I'm not a bar girl like her!"

With that, he left in a hurry.

Her words made the woman look cold, rushed forward and yelled, "stop! Who do you think is a women's bar

However, Guan yuewan ignored him at all and left quickly. The woman still wanted to make trouble, but she turned her eyes and noticed Ji Yunshu's ugly face. She was silent and did not dare to speak any more.

She murmured for a moment and hesitated: "Ji Shao, I have no other meaning, I just..."

"All right

Ji Yunshu's face was very ugly. "Originally, it was for the sake of our two families' social relations. You said that you had an accident, and I happened to be nearby, so I came here to have a look. Since you have nothing to do now, I'll leave!

But Miss Lin, please don't make fun of this kind of words if it's not really urgent in the future. As for other thoughts, I'm sorry, I'm not interested, so you'd better stop those thoughts! "

He finished and left without waiting for her to respond.

Miss Lin looked at his back as he left. Her face was blue and white.

Half ring, just hate the stomp, hum, turn to the other side.


Guan yuewan cold face back to the card seat, Gu Zijun saw her, quickly came over with a smile.

"What did you do? I haven't seen you for a long time. "

Guan yuewan didn't even bother to look at him. He picked up the wine in front of him and took a fierce gulp. He was not angry and said, "do I even have to report to you for going to the toilet?" josei

Gu Zijun choked, some of them chatted.

"If you want to report to me, I will ask you one more question? This kind of place is very chaotic. I asked you because I was afraid of something wrong with you. But your attitude is really blind to my kindness

A word, said Guan yuewan a stagnation, a moment, then frowned: "I'm ok."

Then he poured himself a glass of wine and drank it up.

The hot alcohol ran down her throat, burning her mind like a fire, but her agitation did not abate at all, but became more and more intense.

Gu Zijun saw this, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "don't you say you don't drink? Why did you drink it again? "

Guan yuewan glared at him, "I like to drink, it's none of your business, how? You love it

She took out two hundred yuan bills from her bag and put them into his hand, "this is wine money! Is that enough? "

Gu Zijun looked at the money in his hand, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry, "what nonsense are you talking about? Do you still care about the wine when I invite you out to play? "

Then she put the money back into her bag.

"But it's boring for you to drink alone. Come on, I'll accompany you!"

Finish saying, also took a cup to come over, want to accompany her to drink wine.

Guan yuewan was upset. Although she hated him, she would not refuse at this time, so she touched him with a cup.

However, she did not know that, just in the place where she could not see, Gu Zijun had put the bag of white powder in it, and then served the wine to her.

Two people touched a cup, Guan yuewan drank up the glass of wine in one breath, but Gu Zijun only sipped it gently, and his eyes were fixed on her face.

Until I saw her drink the wine with my own eyes, there was a fierce success in her eyes.

Next, under Gu Zijun's initiative, they drank many cups.

Although Guan yuewan's drinking capacity is not good, he is in a bad mood at the moment. What's more, Gu Zijun orders beer, which is very low. He is not afraid to drink more.

However, after a few drinks, she suddenly felt wrong.

I don't know what happened. The wine seems to be very strong this evening. In the past, she could drink at least a few bottles, but today she only drank a few cups, and her head became dizzy and whirled around in front of her eyes.

She thought in her heart, is it true that the saying that people are drunk when they are not drunk?

She's in a bad mood because she's in a bad mood.

Because of the unconsciousness of her consciousness, she felt a little vigilant and didn't want to stay here.

Holding the bag, stumbling up and saying, "it's late, I'm going home."

With that, he staggered out.

Gu Zijun, how can you let go of this opportunity? He quickly stepped forward to hold her and said with a smile, "don't you say you want to talk to me? We haven't started yet. "

Guan yuewan frowned and said unhappily, "there are too many people today. I'll inform you when I have time."

"What day? It's better to choose a day than to collide with the sun. Let's talk about it today! Well, I'll take you home and we'll talk slowly in the car

Guan yuewan's eyebrows and hearts are together, and subconsciously she wants to refuse.However, he pushed his hand, but he didn't know what was going on. He didn't have any strength and couldn't push it.

Other people did not notice the movement here, so she was so stumbling by Gu Zijun out.

When we got to the underground parking lot, the cold wind poured in from the corridor of the parking lot and blew on his face. Guan yuewan's consciousness suddenly became clear.

He found that he was being helped into the car by Gu Zijun. He immediately became alert, pressed down on the door and said, "I don't want you to deliver it. I'll take a taxi myself."

However, at this time, seeing that the beauty was already in her arms, where would Gu Zijun allow him to go?

He stopped her and said with a smile: "how dangerous is it to go back by yourself? I'll see you off. "

Guan yuewan shook his head, "no, I'll go by myself."

Then he tried to push him away.

However, the man suddenly hugged her and said, "you are not allowed to go anywhere tonight. You will follow me! You don't worry, I will be very gentle to you, absolutely will let your valley owe Xian Gu die, comfortable enough to let you experience once, you can't leave me again! "

This words, let Guan yuewan's heart a burst of cold, at this time the man has been ugly, even if she is not aware, also know what he wants to do.

So he tried to push him away and roared, "get out of here!"

And then he tried to escape.

However, at this time, the effect has already taken place, where can she still run away?

Gu Zijun easily stretched out his hand and pulled her back. Because the range of action was too large, her head hit the door of the car. With a bang, Guan yuewan snorted in pain and covered her head subconsciously.

At the next moment, Gu Zijun had come up and pinched her face, and said fiercely, "you should be honest with me. Don't force me to use strong drugs against you. This effect is enough. Now you will act like a chaste and heroic girl with me. You will keep it later and ask me to make you."

His words, let Guan yuewan severely shocked, a strong panic hit in an instant.

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