Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 331

Chapter 331

Lu Jingshen also knew the news, but compared with Jingning's worries, he was very open-minded.

"If Gu Laoyao had an idea of his own, he would not submit to his family. If he did, it would mean that he had no independent ability and determination from the beginning. Even if he did not marry Jing Xiaoya, he would marry other women. Both sides are in exchange of interests, and there is no difference."

Jingning is still worried.

"But she..."

Lu Jing looks at her deeply and pinches her in the palm of her hand.

"Don't be afraid." He said softly: "the Gu family and the Lu family have already stood opposite to each other, and that woman has done that to you before. No matter whether she marries Gu Laoyao or not, you can't turn an enemy into a friend. Therefore, the enemy is determined. It doesn't matter whether they get married or not."

Jingning looked up at him with a worried look in her delicate eyebrows.

"Does it really matter? If Guan Jia really stands with Gu Jia, can you handle it alone? "

Lu Jingshen laughed. josei

He reached out his hand, gently picked up her face, pointed to her belly, and smoothed her cheek. After half a sound, he said softly, "as long as you are standing beside me, that's OK."

Jingning was shocked.

Man's eyes are so gentle, and so firm, with an indescribable force, gradually stabilized her heart.

She reached out and put her hand around his waist and put her face close to his chest.

"I will always stand by your side, no matter what happens, we will always be together."

Lu Jingshen raised the corners of his mouth happily.

"Don't worry, even if the family has a move, it won't be these two days. At least we have to wait for the year before we start. So we should take a vacation for ourselves during this period of time, eh?"

Jingning nodded, and then he gave a gentle "um".


On the other side, Jincheng.

On the first day of the new year's day, the Chinese family is also lively.

Hua Jingze, as the leader of Jincheng's business, came to visit him in an endless stream.

Hua Yu, as the young owner of Fahrenheit, naturally wanted to accompany the party.

The servants in the house are so busy that they hardly stop from the back kitchen to the front hall.

In this way, on the contrary, Hua Yao, who has nothing to do, has become the most leisure one in the whole family.

She was too lazy to look at the faces and faces of those social gatherings, so she did not go downstairs. Even lunch was sent to her room to eat by herself.

Hua Jingze was busy dealing with the guests, but he didn't have time to pay attention to her. Instead, Hua Yu sent someone up to look for her and asked her whether she would like to go down and sit down. Many elders in the company came. As a younger generation, since she returned to Jincheng, she went down to see her.

But Hua Yao refused.

She didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the company. It was enough for the company to have a father and a brother.

Therefore, those people, naturally, are not willing to see.

Hua Yu is very helpless, but also know his sister's temper, so it is not good to force.

Because there were too many guests, Hua Yao refused to help, so there was no hostess in the house. Even if there were so many servants, they were always busy.

Hua Jingze simply reserved a box in a nearby five-star hotel to take people out for dinner in the evening.

Hua Yao didn't want to go. He stayed in his room and watched TV plays.

Hua Jingze is still in the cold war with her, so he doesn't pay attention to her. Anyway, there are servants and ready-made meals at home, so she can't die of starvation. As soon as the time comes, he takes people out.

Listening to the noise outside, Hua Yao turned off the tablet computer in front of him, closed his eyes, and came out in slippers.

The servant saw that she had finally got out of the house and rushed to meet her.

"Miss, where are you going?"

I don't have to wave my hand, Hua

Seeing this, the servant could not ask any more questions and turned down.

Hua Yao comes to the study and looks around.

I didn't find my own contract.

She knew that although she and Hua Jingze were their own father and daughter, Hua Jingze, sometimes cruel, could really disown him.

If she doesn't want to be controlled by her father, she has to do it again.

But the whole study, also did not find any trace.

Hua Yao looked for it for a long time. Finally, he got impatient. He just wanted to call to ask if he had seen the contract. When he turned around, he saw Hua Yuzheng standing at the door.

She was startled and patted herself on the chest.

"Brother! What are you doing? It scared me to death. "

Hua Yu shook his head helplessly.

He stepped over and straightened out the places that Hua Yao had messed up. Then he said, "don't waste your mind. Dad will take care of your contract. Without his permission, no one can get it. He has been on guard against you. How could he put such things at home?"Hua Yao was stunned and then frowned.

"You don't even know where it is?"

Hua Yu shook his head honestly, "I don't know."

Hua Yao is a little angry.

"What is he trying to do? Do you really want to kill me

Hua Yu smiles.

"If you say that, you really wronged good people. Dad is also for your good."

Hua Yao's face was cold and turned to one side.

Hua Yu sees her stubborn appearance, can't help but sigh.

"We don't agree that you are with that man. Naturally, we have a reason. But if you don't listen, you must elope with him and have a child with him. That's all.

Have you ever called your family this year? Did you care? Dad is not angry with you and that man, but he has raised his daughter for so many years. In the end, he made such a scene for a man and his family. If it was you, would you feel cold? Are you disappointed? "

Hua Yao's eyes were red in an instant.

She pressed her lips and lowered her head to wipe the corners of her eyes.

For a moment, he murmured, "it's not that I don't want to contact him."

It's just that every time I call back, I can't help but scold. As time goes by, she doesn't want to find her own scolding.

Hua Yu laughs and shakes his head helplessly.

He reached out and patted her on the top of her head with a helpless tone.

"My silly sister, she is so stupid."

Hua Yao has a lump in his throat. He doesn't know what to say.

Hua Yu turns around and takes out a contract from the interlayer of a drawer and hands it to her.

Hua Yao is stunned. When he sees the content of the contract, he is shocked and widens his eyes.

"You don't mean you don't know..."

Hua Yu shrugged, "I really don't know, and I haven't stolen it to you, so if Dad asks, you can't betray me, otherwise I won't recognize your sister."

Hua Yao gives Hua Yu a hug after a moment's reaction.

"Thank you, brother."

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