Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

"Xiao Wang, did you bring a beautiful woman? Why didn't you see people? "

"Here we are. We're all here. We'll have a good time tonight."

With that, he winked at the girls outside the door. Although some of them were reluctant, there were also those who wanted to gain opportunities. They took the lead to enter.

Kang Luo Yao make complaints about the crowd at the end of the crowd.

Where is this business activity?

This is clearly with the commercial activities of the guise, openly want them to be hostesses.

But fortunately, there are so many people. She should be OK. She will try her best to reduce her sense of existence. Anyway, I'll talk about it tonight.

She shrank her neck as she thought. Try to look small and mean.

After entering the box, I found that there were a lot of people sitting in it. The box was very large and incredibly large, with at least a hundred square meters.

In front of the sofa sat a line of men and women, including even a few famous female stars in the entertainment industry.

Kang Luoyao was surprised to see them.

She thinks that these people are already very famous, and have a great position in the entertainment industry. They should be very arrogant. How could they come to such a liquor store?

And look at the men sitting beside them, you can see that they are just like themselves, just as a foil.

Who are the people here tonight?

Kang Luoyao's heart is full of curiosity. At this time, brother Wang said in a low voice: "all the people here tonight are the big names in the entertainment industry. You should keep your eyes on the bright spot. Don't play the big lady's temper by relying on your own fame. It depends on your own ability to change a sparrow into a Phoenix."

Then he said with a smile to the group: "Mr. Li, Mr. Huang, long time no see. All the new people come here today. Please take good care of them."

Said, pull two girls to the past and introduce: "this is Xiaoyu, this is Qingqing, call people quickly."

"How is Li?"

"How is Mr. Huang?"

"Well, good, good."

Kang Luoyao watched with her own eyes that general manager Li was holding the girl's hand, with a look of squinting. Another girl sat next to Mr. Huang.

She didn't change her face a little, and renewed her understanding of the wine party tonight.

What kind of liquor bureau is this? It's just pimping.

It must be that brother Wang often does this kind of thing. These peripheral women, if they can become a big man in the entertainment industry, may have a chance to get ahead, so they are happy to participate.

It's just that I didn't know how Su Hong was related to these people.

Kang Luoyao was in the middle of a wild imagination. She was pulled by brother Wang and pressed by a fat man.

"Mr. Liu, this is the most popular fried chicken now. He has been in several plays before! You have to take care of me tonight

The so-called general manager Liu, smiling at Kang Luoyao, nodded, "no problem, I like this kind of pure female star."

The other side said, her fat hand touched her hand. Kang Luoyao felt a nausea in her stomach, and she had an impulse to run away.

However, he raised his head, touched Wang's warning eyes, and finally suppressed the nausea.

Forget it, for the sake of money, you'd better bear it!

Thinking like this, she quietly took out her hand, picked up the glass and said with a smile, "Mr. Liu, I'd like to propose a toast to you."


Seeing her so active, the general manager Liu was obviously very happy. He took up his glass and drank with her. josei

Kangluoyao is not afraid of drinking, after all, his drinking capacity is pretty good.

If drinking can ensure that she won't suffer, she would rather drink more.

After arranging these, brother Wang left, and he didn't show up all night.

Kang Luoyao drank a lot of wine. At the beginning, Liu was quite regular, but when he got to the back, he began to be dishonest.

The hand always seemed to touch her, and even wanted to reach her waist.

Kang Luoyao all quietly avoid, that Liu general manager is not forced, just look at her eyes, can not help but take a few silk unhappy.

"I hear you've been in a few plays before. What are they? Can you tell me about it? "

Mr. Liu didn't seem to have much to do with the entertainment industry. Kang Luoyao said with a strong smile: "it's just some small productions. Mr. Liu, we'd better drink a bar."

Finish saying, will go to carry wine cup, but unexpectedly was stopped by Liu Zong.

He has seen that Kang Luoyao's drinking capacity is good, even better than himself, so it is unrealistic to get her drunk.

So smile Ying Ying Ying way: "no hurry, drinking too much is not good for girls' health, let's talk about your filming first."

Kang Luoyao dry squeeze out a smile, "Er, good."

"In fact, I happen to have a modern play in hand. I think your image and temperament are quite in line with the hostess of the play."Anyone who is a normal person will be very happy after hearing this sentence.

Then he asked what kind of play it was and whether he had a chance to participate in it.

But unexpectedly, Kang Luoyao just a light "Oh", there is no below.

Mr. Liu frowned at her.

It had been a whole night, and Rao was a little impatient now that he was more patient.

In front of this girl, in the end is really do not understand, or deliberately play silly?

He waved and called for a waiter nearby, and whispered a few words to him.

The waiter nodded respectfully and left.

General manager Liu then sneered at Kang Luoyao.

Whether she really does not understand or pretend not to understand, anyway, since he is interested in this evening, he can't escape!

Kang Luoyao didn't know what kind of calculation president Liu had in mind. She sat there and looked at the time. It was already 12 o'clock, and some people left the box one after another.

She thought to herself that the Bureau would be over soon!

My heart was a little relieved. After all, I was worried all night, and I could leave immediately. I was very happy.

Just then, the waiter came and poured two drinks for them.

Mr. Liu raised his wrist, looked at the time, and said with a smile, "it's getting late. I'm going back, Miss Kang. I'm glad to meet you. Have a last drink?"

Kang Luoyao's eyes brightened when she heard the speech. She quickly raised her glass and said, "OK."

She did not doubt that it had it. She drank the glass of wine, but after drinking it, she felt that the taste of the wine was strange.

But she was about to leave, and she didn't think much about it. After drinking, she saw that Mr. Liu had already stood up.

"Miss Shi, are you going to stay here?"

"Well, no, I'm leaving too."

Nonsense! What are you doing here when it's over?

She quickly stood up, the general manager Liu flashed his eyes and chuckled, "let's go out together."

"Oh, good."

They walked out together, and the other girls who followed Kang Luoyao didn't think much.

Or, no one noticed them at all.

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