Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

The atmosphere was frozen.

Jingning opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

she knows what Lu Jingshen cares, but sometimes she can't see what she has the final say.

It's better to spread out the words at the beginning rather than to do it later.

Thinking of this, she pursed her lips and said in a deep voice: "Lu Jingshen, I'm sorry, I know you care very much, but I really have my difficulties, but I promise you, after this matter, I will tell you everything. Can you wait for me again?"

Lu Jingshen frowned.

That pair of deep eyes, with a cold examination.

After half a sound, just ironically led the lip.

"Whatever you want."


Since that day, Jingning and Lu Jingshen have fallen into the cold war.

It's been a year and a half since they were married. It's the first time they've had such a big conflict. Even Aunt Liu and An'an feel something wrong between them.

Aunt Liu was very worried. After all, she saw the two people coming all the way. She could not understand their feelings and temperament.

If it wasn't for something big, it couldn't have happened like this.

Therefore, Aunt Liu also advised a few words in private.

However, both of them refused to say the reason. She was an outsider about this matter. After all, her ability was limited and she could not say anything.

Aunt Liu can only sigh helplessly, secretly praying that the two people can make up early, and don't make any more serious contradictions.

On the other hand, Jingning also knows that it is impossible to go on like this.

She knows what kind of disposition that man is. In fact, according to his ability, if such a thing happens, he can do it by himself without asking her opinions.

But he did not, but respected her and let her choose for herself.

Since he has done this, how can Jingning let him down again?

After careful consideration, Jingning still decided to tell him the truth.

She is not sure what Lu Jingshen will think about the matter of long Tuan and old K. however, no matter how bad the result is, it will not be worse than now.

So, Jingning found a chance to be frank with him.

But unexpectedly, the man's reaction is completely beyond her expectation.

Not very surprised, also not very surprised, calm Enron let Jingning almost feel that he did not understand.

But the man obviously understood.

His eyes overflowed with a smile and said in a deep voice, "why did you refuse to say that before?"

Jingning pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I lost a memory. I don't know what happened, experienced, met or done in those months.

When I woke up, I had been saved by Gu Si Qian. In those years, he taught me martial arts and racing. He saved my life, so I can't be ungrateful, but he and I are just like this. Ah Shen, do you believe me? "

Lu Jing looked at her deeply and nodded, "I believe it."

Jingning breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Jingshen also said: "Gu Jiashui is very deep. His illegitimate son has stayed abroad for many years, and his life is not necessarily easy. He will set up a dragon group, which must have his own reasons."

Jingning nodded.

"But I didn't intend to join in, but Lao K died. He said that the people who killed Lao K and those who pursued me at the beginning are probably the same group. I want to find out, ah Shen, what I experienced in those months and why those people chased me. I don't want to live with this puzzle all my life. Can you understand?"

Lu Jingshen's fundus in her invisible place quietly flashed a touch of darkness and complexity.

He said in a deep voice: "Ning Ning, have you ever thought about it? In fact, sometimes there are some truths that you don't need to know clearly. If you don't know, there are also advantages that you don't know."

Jingning was stunned.

Don't understand to look at him.

Lu Jingshen sighed.

He raised his hand, gently touched her hair, and whispered, "don't let yourself be too tired."

Jingning just laughed.


"If you need my help, just let me know."


After the matter was said, Jingning's mood suddenly improved a lot.

This afternoon, because she wanted to have a good conversation with the man, Jingning specially set Aunt Liu and other servants away.

Two people quietly lean on the sofa, quietly said.

Sometimes it's so wonderful that you have tried to cover up the fact that if you open a hole, it's like the water from the breakwater.

It seems that there is no need to hide any more.

In the following time, Jingning told him everything about his four years abroad.Lu Jingshen listened quietly, without interrupting in the whole process, only when he needed to respond, he could give a slight um or a reply.

Time slowly and bit by bit, later, Jingning said a little tired, perhaps because of the complete relaxation in his heart, as well as the incomparable trust in men, even in his arms gradually sleep in the past.

Time is quiet, time is easy.

The woman lies peacefully in his arms, the man slightly lowers his head, can see her quiet beautiful sleeping face.

His eyes were deep. josei

Memory seems to go through the wind of time, and return to that night of that year.

He thought that he had suffered countless dangers and pains after so many years of trials and tribulations. He should have been a rock in his heart. However, he was filled with mixed feelings at the moment.

Slightly thick big, holding her weak boneless hand, feeling her soft temperature, my heart is like the pain and pity of axe chisel hammer.

Ning Ning, I'm sorry!

She had confessed to him where she had gone and what she had done in the years when he could not find her.

Unfortunately, he couldn't confess to her the same, the accident, and The memory of those months.

Men's eyes are very deep, with a touch of bright blood.

Think of these years she passed by alone, the red eyes that wipe more heavy.

He picked up his cell phone and sent a text message out.

Then, just in her forehead fell a very light kiss, and then gently picked her up, into the bedroom.

This sleep, Jingning very heavy sleep.

When I wake up, I find it's dusk. The setting sun comes in through the French windows and sprinkles a layer of magnificent light gold on the whole room.

She squinted slightly and stretched.

Maybe it's really because I put down the heavy stone in my heart. I just feel that I sleep deeply and fragrant. I wake up full of energy at this time. I can't relax.

It's just

What about Lu Jingshen?

Jingning rubbed her eyes, opened the quilt, got up, came to the living room, found that there was no one in the house except her.

The breeze was blowing on the tea table, which she opened in her leisure time, and made a slight noise, which made it more and more empty and lonely.

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