Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 402

Chapter 402

The content of the will was simple, but it surprised everyone present.

For nothing else, except for Guan Jiming, who will continue to be in charge of the Guanshi group, Guan handed over to Jingning all his 15 shares, as well as many real estate and private properties under his name!

Everyone was stunned and could hardly believe what they heard.

Jingning is also muddled, do not understand the intention of Guan Laozi.

She stood up and declined: "grandfather Guan, I'm not a member of the Guan family, and I have no origin with the Guan family. The so-called reactive work is not accepted. It's not appropriate for you to do so. I can't take these shares and properties."

However, before she finished her words, Guan Laozi raised his hand and interrupted her.

"Rather, don't be in a hurry to refuse."

He said, gently looked at her and asked, "do you remember when you were born?"

Jingning a Leng, more muddled, but still honest answer: "of course, I remember, I'm the third birthday in the winter of Yihai."

"No, wrong. You're not on the third day of winter. You're on the 26th of September."

Jingning stayed.

"How could this be possible?"

Don't know why, her heart suddenly rose a bad illusion, even the smile on her face has become forced up.

"Grandfather Guan, don't be kidding. I remember clearly that I was the birthday of the winter moon. I have been living for more than 20 years. How can I remember it wrong?"

"You remember correctly, because the person who told you this birthday didn't know when your real birthday was. She picked you up on that day and made it your birthday. So it's not her fault. But rather, your real birthday is September 26."

Jingning's face changed.

"What found me? Grandfather Guan, I don't understand what you're talking about? "

Seeing Guan, Guan handed a look to the maid next to him, and the other party immediately presented a report.

"Originally, I wanted to take the secret with me into the coffin with my death, but then something happened, which made me change my mind. I didn't have much time, so I couldn't hesitate, and I didn't have time to go around. Take a look at this. I can guarantee the authenticity of the report. If you don't believe it, you can identify it yourself. It can't be adulterated. "

He said, handing over the DNA identification report.

Jingning looked at it, but did not receive it.

After a long time, Lu Jingshen, who was standing next to her, took it over and took a look.

Jingning's eyes followed him, and soon, he gave Lu Jingshen a positive look.

How is this possible?

Her face changed rapidly. She took the report, looked at the data above carefully, and finally focused on the report percentage at the end.

"Ning Ning, in fact, you are Xiaowan's child. These days, we've been looking for it, but we haven't found it. We don't know that you are already around us.

It's our fault that we didn't find out in time and was cheated by Jing Xiaoya for so long. Now the truth has come out. I hope you can accept my apology and give me a chance to make up for you, OK? "

Jingning heart mercilessly a shock, looking at the above number, simply can't believe.

How could she be a shut in?

How could it be picked up?

She clearly remembers that she grew up in the villa of the Mohist family when she was young. Her mother, Mo Caiwei, was so kind to her. Everyone said that they looked very similar. She would be as beautiful as her mother when she grew up.

She still remembers her mother holding her as a child, telling her stories about what happened when she was born.

She was distressed for a long time, sighed that her mother was too hard to give birth to herself, and vowed to repay her well when she grew up.

But now someone took a DNA identification report and told her that she was not born by Mo Caiwei. She was Guan Jiwan's child?

Jingning just can't believe it. Lu Jingshen reached out to hold her cold hand and whispered, "don't be afraid. I'm here."

The strength of her hand came from the back of her hand.

She looked up at Guan and asked in a deep voice, "when did this come out?"

Guan's eyes flashed a little guilty.

"Not long ago! This is the first thing that Xuefei discovered. There is a butterfly birthmark on your back, which is both on you and your mother. It can't be fake

Jingning couldn't help laughing.

"So at that time, in fact, you already knew my identity?"

Guan nodded uneasily.

"Then why didn't you say that at that time? But I'm not going to say it until now? "

Guan Laozi suddenly stagnated.

At this time, Guan Jiming quickly explained: "first, I didn't know for sure. Secondly, considering that An'an was hurt by elder brother and Jing Xiaoya at that time, he was worried that you would have an opinion on us because of this, so he didn't dare to say so.Now, after such a long time, no matter how much anger we have, we have to recognize each other sooner or later. After some discussion, we decided to speak out. "

Guan Laozi also nodded frequently. At last, he looked forward to Jingning.

"Ning Ning, can you forgive my previous mistakes and recognize me as my grandfather?"

Jingning looks at him calmly.

The news came so suddenly that she could not digest it well for a while.

Therefore, there is no way to give the answer at this time.

Guan seemed to see her hesitation. Although he was disappointed in the bottom of his heart, he managed to smile: "don't worry. You can think about it slowly. When you think about it clearly, you can tell grandfather.

As for these things, many of them were originally your mother's. As for the others, it should only be my grandfather's little compensation for you. Don't be in a hurry to refuse, and think about it clearly

When he had finished the speech, he gasped violently.

Seeing this, the servant quickly took a box of inhaled medicine and put it on his nose. He took two strong breaths, which relieved him. josei

Jingning was silent for a moment and then asked, "as you said, if my biological mother is really aunt Guan Jiwan, what about my father?"

At the mention of this, Guan's expression stagnated for a moment.

The light in the fundus of the eye was obviously dimmed.

"I don't know."

He said in a low voice: "things were a little complicated in those days. I don't know the details. If you are interested and come back later, I will take you to your mother's room to see. Maybe I can find out any clues."

His answer was obviously perfunctory.

Jingning heard it, but he was too lazy to poke it.

Guan Laozi is a man who always chooses what is good for him. He was like this to Jing Xiaoya before and also to her.

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