Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Sure enough, Feng Yi soon replied to a string of spitting blood expression.

Feng Yi: "you You are going too far

Jingning is also very speechless, but to see Feng Yi was so angry, also very happy.

Seeing her trembling smile, Lu Jingshen slightly hooked her lips and replied, "feed the dog, sleep."

Feng Yi:.... "

You're tough!

Lu Jingshen put her mobile phone aside, then hugged her and kissed her, "OK, sleep!"

A good night's sleep.

The next day, Jingning and Lu Jingshen began to investigate the Zijin family.

Lu Jingshen knows Zhuge Liufeng, but what they want to check is not good for Zhuge family, so naturally they will not go to him in advance.

Fortunately, with the help of the Jin family, Lu Jingshen also has his own channels. Therefore, it is not difficult to find out, but it takes time.

Moreover, there are some old acquaintances in country F. if you want to check Zhuge family, it is easier to find them.

In this way, Jingning made a rare call to his former friends.

Her best friend, Xia Quan, was her most trusted friend when she was in longtuan.

Long Tuan now internal change is too big, she has some unfamiliar, after the death of old K, the only person she can find is Xia Quan.

The phone was put through soon.

Opposite came the female voice of Qingyue, "who?"

"Spring, it's me."

It's opposite.

After a long time, it seemed that they could not believe it and asked, "seven?"

"Well." How are you, Jingning? Funny

The opposite seemed to calm down for a moment, "I'm ok. You disappeared for several years. Why did you suddenly think of calling me? Where are you now? "

Jingning said in a warm voice, "I'm fine. I've come back to country f recently. I want to ask you for help. Is it convenient for you to come out and see me now?"

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"Now I'm working outside, it doesn't matter, you say first, I'll go back to see you when I'm done. It's the same with you."

Jingning thought about it and thought it would be OK.

So he said his intention.

After listening to her intention, she seemed surprised.

"You want to check the Zijin family?"

"Well, I'd like to trouble you to keep it secret for me. Don't tell anyone about it."

The summer spring was still for a few seconds.

"Well, I see. You wait for my news."

Jingning should a, two people said a few words, this just hang up the phone.

After Jingning entrusted good things, she was relieved. Now she could only wait for news, so she asked Lu Jingshen to go out for a visit in the evening.

And at this point, on the other side.

The most luxurious hotel in the open-air garden on the 48th floor.

At the moment, the lights in the garden are shining, and countless young men and women are shuttling among them. The colorful lights flicker gently in the night, like claws, spreading into the endless darkness.

A young woman with a glass of wine sitting on the sofa, looking at the mobile phone black screen, eyes slightly deep.

But this time is obviously not her time to think much, she quickly put away the mobile phone and looked around her eyes.

She was wearing a tight black dress and white fox fur shawl on her shoulders. Her face was exquisite and her temperament was lazy. She sat there like a natural scenery line, which was so beautiful that you wanted to pick it up.

A few men are not far away muttering to discuss, want to go up to chat up, but she was shocked by her cold temperament, not dare to close up easily.

Several people pushed mulberry, after a long time, a young man was pushed out.

He came forward with a smile and asked, "Miss, alone?"

The woman raised her eyes, which were like the best poison in the world. Just one glance made people indulge in them completely.

The young man breathed slowly. He was a man who had been through the flowers for a long time. At the moment, he could not help blushing. He felt as though he had been seen through by her eyes.

Before the reaction, the woman had a soft smile on him and whispered: "what? You want to soak me? " josei

As soon as the young man was shocked, he regained consciousness and said with an embarrassed smile, "Miss, how do you say that? I just see you alone here, very boring, so come to ask

Said, and pointed to a few of his friends not far away, "my friends are there, if you don't mind, you can go and play together."

The woman sat on the sofa, twisted her body, changed her posture, looked at the group of friends not far away from him, as if thinking.

The man quickly assured: "you don't worry, we are not any bad guys, we are better to meet by chance, even if we make a friend, it's OK."

The woman seemed to be a little moved by him, considered for a while, nodded, "that's OK."Her answer made the man's heart very happy, and quickly reached out to help her up from the sofa, just like serving the old Buddha, he helped her to go forward.

When we saw that the young man invited the woman over, we could not help but show an ambiguous smile.

The woman went to the table and sat down in the sofa. Naturally, someone poured the wine and handed it over. She did not refuse and drank it at one breath.

Those several people see her drink so refreshing, smile on the face immediately deeper, smile the way: "do not know this young lady how to call?"

The woman glared at him, discontented way: "what miss miss's?"? Did you say that? "

The man was stunned, not only did not get angry, but felt that her gaze was so charming that half of her bones were crisp.

He quickly nodded and bowed with a smile: "yes, yes, it's my fault. You see, you have to introduce yourself to us, or we don't know what to call you! "

The woman chuckled, her eyes turned and said, "my name is Gu."

"The old and the present?"

I'll give you a good name

The man said with a smile: "your name is very special, very nice to hear. Come on, Nai Nai, I'd like to propose a toast to you."

The smile in the woman's eyes was deeper. She raised the glass and touched him.

Another person said, "it's fate for us to get together today. Let's have a drink."

The woman nodded, touched the glasses with them, and drank the wine in the cup.

Several people saw that she drank simply, so they poured wine one after another.

Women seem to have not noticed their careful thinking. They never refuse to come. Before long, they even drank more than ten cups.

They had a bad intention, so they poured her a lot of brandy. Even if she was a good drinker after more than ten cups, she would be slightly drunk.

At the moment, the woman's eyes were covered with mist, but she couldn't bear to be drunk.

One of the men swallowed his saliva, felt his throat tighten, and winked at them.

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