Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 431

Chapter 431

A bad premonition arose in her heart.

Sure enough, Zhou Wenzhong hung up the phone and walked toward her with a face of evil.

"Mrs. Lu Shao, if you say you are not worth one billion yuan, you are too self belittling. This is not true. Lu Jingshen is about to arrive. I'll take you out and have a look. By the way, how the president of Lu's consortium lies at my feet and begs me like a dog! Ha ha

When Zhou Wenzhong finished, he did not know where to take out a rag and plug her mouth. Then he lifted her up and went out.

Jingning's mouth is blocked, can not speak, can only make a whine sound, struggling desperately.

But her strength is not worth mentioning for Zhou Wenzhong. She grabbed her, tied her to a rope, and then hung her on the mast, and her whole body suddenly rose into the air like a flag.

"Wu -- Wu -- Wu --"

Zhou Wenzhong looked up at Jingning, who was struggling and full of fear, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Don't be afraid! When you get the money, you give me a ride, and I'll let you go! Don't worry. I only want money, but I don't do harm to my life. I'm not good at killing you now except to let Lu Jingshen chase me all over the world! "

Zhou Wenzhong said, glancing at the watch on his hand, "he's almost there! Just pray that we can have a good deal

At this point, on the other end.

More than a dozen dark green military Humvees were parked on the roadside. Lu Jingshen was sitting in the car with a laptop on his knee. He was skillfully operating something on it.

The door opens and Su Mu's figure comes in from outside.

"Here we are, president."

Lu Jingshen's face was dark and cold, and his fingertips hit the keyboard quickly. Soon, a map appeared with a red dot flashing on it.

"Take this as the center to arrange, underwater, and every fishing boat around it!"

Su Mu nodded and hesitated, "president, do you really want to go alone? It's too dangerous! "

Lu Jingshen didn't answer him. Su Mu knew that he had made up his mind and could not say anything more. He had to turn around and do something.

Ji Linyuan called him again.

"Lu Jingshen, I have arranged for you to meet me at any time."

"Well." He nodded faintly, pause a few seconds, deep voice way: "thank you very much."


The opposite smile, did not say anything, hung up the phone.

Lu Jingshen didn't say anything more. He stepped out of the car and went to the dock.

On the fishing boat.

Jingning's body was suspended in the air, and the rope made him feel as if he had been stabbed by a knife, and the pain was unbearable.

She bit her teeth and finally spit out the rags in her mouth. With a sigh of Bah, she looked at Zhou Wenzhong, who was leaning against a knife and pulling a rope to smoke. She was angry and afraid.

"Zhou Wenzhong, don't go on. Even if you get the money, the broken fishing boat can't take you away!

Kidnapping and blackmail, at least 15 years in prison, you have to think clearly! If you are caught, you might as well go back and turn yourself in now

Zhou Wenzhong glanced at her coldly. Under the night, the burning cigarette ends were bright and dark, which made him look lonely and cruel.

"No nonsense! As long as you are in my hands, not to mention a broken fishing boat, even a piece of broken wood, do you believe that I can take you far away? "

Jingning frowned, "is it not said that one hand pays money and the other hand pays people?"? What are you doing with me? "

"You think I'm stupid! What if Lu Jingshen ambushes people around? You must take me to a safe place, and then I will let you go! "

"Zhou Wenzhong, this is too much. Even if you are a kidnapper, you should have a professional ethics of being a kidnapper!

If you don't let people go after you take the money, Lu Jingshen certainly won't want to!

You'd better let me go now. I promise you, I'll help you plead, and I'll use my personality guarantee! "

"Why do you talk so much nonsense?"

Zhou Wenzhong threw his cigarette butt impatiently and looked into the distant darkness.

Half ring, saw a figure from the distance, his lips hook up a cruel, took out the mobile phone edit a text message sent out: "the people arrived."

Jingning is still trying to persuade Zhou Wenzhong that although he knows that he is not working hard, he can always relieve his attention by doing something, so that the feeling of weightlessness is not so bad.

"Zhou Wenzhong, why don't you let me down first! It's hard for me to hang like this!

If you slip the rope by accident, I will fall into the river to feed the fish?

The water here is so fast that I must be dead if it falls down. It doesn't matter if I lose a little life at that time. It's not cost-effective for you to work in vain and die with me if you don't get the last cent! "

Zhou Wenzhong was told that she just wanted to plug her ears with cotton.

"Zhou Wenzhong! Did you hear what I said? "

Jingning called feebly."Yes, I hear you!"

Zhou Wenzhong finally ran out of patience and yelled at her: "shut up! Your man comes, he gives money, I will let you down

Jingning was stunned.

Looking up, I saw a familiar figure on the wharf.

It's Lu Jingshen!

Is he really here?

Her face turned white.

At this time, her first thought was not his own safety, but his injuries. josei

Such a heavy injury, just out of danger a few days ago! The doctor didn't even allow him to walk out of bed. How could he be so reckless that he actually ran over in person?

Jingning's eyes suddenly became hot, and his heart was torn up, and his heart ached to death.

Zhou Wenzhong's face became serious. He held on to the rope and waited for the landing depth of field to enter the ship for negotiation.

The boat stopped at the dock, and he ordered Lu Jingshen to come by in a small boat, and he didn't dock.

Lu Jingshen did not say anything, a man in a small boat, rowing to this side.

However, at this time, Zhou Wenzhong's ear in the Bluetooth headset out of a sound.

"There is an ambush! Kill her

After just saying this on the phone, Zhou Wenzhong immediately lost his head, looked up at Jingning, and then turned to see Lu Jingshen, who was getting closer and closer.


He suddenly burst out to drink, Jingning has not responded, there is a gunshot "bang" in the night.

Zhou Wenzhong took a gun out of nowhere and fired it in the direction of Lu Jingshen. He said in a sharp voice, "stop! No more approach

Lu Jingshen's boat stopped there.

Jingning was stunned and didn't know what was going on!

"Kill her!"

Another cold command from the headset.

However, Zhou Wenzhong did not listen to each other.

But slowly put down the rope, his movement a little trembling, you can see the inner panic.

And Jingning can only see his rapidly changing face, do not know why he would be like this.

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