Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 512

Chapter 512

"Sister Luoyao, why don't I buy you some medicine or ask the director for leave?"

It seems that the medicine I bought last month was in kangluoyao's bag. However, Xiaoqing didn't find it when she looked for it.

Kang Luoyao looked at her anxious look and shook her head.

"I'm fine."

She forced herself to her feet and, with a white face, sat down in front of the mirror.

"You can prepare a cup of hot water for me with a thermos later. Don't make a noise."

Xiaoqing looked at her pale face, but she still nodded.

Before long, the rest of the actors came in.

There are not many dressing rooms. Everyone is crowded with several people in one room.

Because of yesterday's incident, we all have some opinions on Kang Luoyao, but because of her status as a female star and her rising star in the circle in the past two years, we dare not show it.

But Rao is so, that naturally revealed the sense of exclusion and isolation, or let Xiaoqing keenly aware of it.

She pulled down her face and was about to break out, but her sleeve was pulled silently.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Kang Luoyao shaking his head gently.

Small feeling helpless, can only give up, angry go out to call make-up artist to give her make-up.

Not far away, Liu yu'er saw this scene, and her eyes flashed a little dark. josei

Before long, the make-up artist came in and made up her hair. It was eight o'clock in the morning. Kang Luoyao saw that it was almost time and went out.

According to the notice, what was originally shot today was a literary play.

Kang Luoyao didn't worry too much. After all, although she was not feeling well, she was relatively relaxed in her performance. What's more, it was not too intense. She didn't have to have too much emotion fluctuation, so she was not embarrassed.

However, when I got to the set, I realized that the actor who was playing with her was suddenly seriously ill and asked for leave.

Liu Ming saw her and waved to her.

Kang Luoyao walked over.

"There is a temporary change in today's scene. The indoor drama can't be shot. Let's change it to an outdoor water play. You'll have to prepare for it later, and let Wu Zhi set the action for you."

Kang Luoyao is stunned, looking at Liu Ming's script, a little confused.

"Director Liu, but..."

Liu Ming frowned and gave her an unhappy look.

"I've been hospitalized for acute gastroenteritis in Xiaozhou. Now the crew has to catch up with the schedule. I don't have so much time to spend here. Don't give me any advice. Anyway, this water play will be filmed sooner or later. It's not cold today. I'm also thinking for you, understand?"

Kang Luoyao bit her lip and nodded.

"I see. Thank you, director Liu."

Liu Ming waved, and she went down to prepare to go.

Xiaoqing was shocked to learn that she was going to shoot the water drama.

"Sister Luoyao, you can't go into the water. You're not comfortable at all. If you go into the water, you can do it?"

Kang Luoyao sighed.

"Xiao Qing, go and get me some cotton swabs."

"Sister Luoyao."

"Stop it."

She stomped her feet and ran to the rest room.

Kang Luoyao found Wu Zhi and learned the tricks she had prepared before. After that, the actor who took water drama with her was also in place.

The staff came to put vias on her and started shooting.

This is another play.

Because the play itself has a lot of play, as the female owner of Kang Luoyao naturally more, at least 40% of them are playing drama.

She would have been able to cope with it on a regular basis.

But today's body is really sick, even if we try our best, it is difficult to achieve the effect the director wants.


Liu Ming frowned and moved his eyes away from the screen and looked at the two people hanging above the pond.

"Kang Luoyao, what's the matter with you? Didn't eat in the morning or something? You don't have any strength to lift your sword. How can you look like a female general like this? "

Kang Luoyao pursed her lips, knowing that he didn't mean to embarrass herself, because her performance today was really unsatisfactory. She could only say, "another one, I'll try my best."

Liu Ming didn't say anything. He sat down again.

Yell again to start, two people set up posture, start shooting.

The plot is that after a fight between the two, Kang Luoyao, the female owner, is stabbed and falls into the water.

Although it is only late autumn, but the weather has been very cold, although the sun is not easy today, but the temperature is still a little low.

Water is a small wild pond outside, inside duckweed weeds, everything.

After several rounds of fighting, Kang Luoyao was "stabbed" and then fell into the water with a scream.

Naturally, the actor flew back to the shore with a beautiful sword flower in his arm.Kangluoyao struggled in the water for a few times, and finally came out with a pile of colorful weeds, pointing to the bank and shouting, "forest minister, how dare you dare to stab me!"


Director Liu Ming's voice sounded timely.


Two simple words, so that all the people present at the scene were greatly relieved.

The actor immediately changed from indifference to nervousness and concern. Looking at Kang Luoyao who was huddled in the water and shivering, he asked, "how are you doing? Are you all right? "

Kang Luoyao felt cold and shivered all over her body, even her teeth were shaking. She shook her head, "I'm ok."

The staff quickly pulled her up.

As soon as she landed, Xiaoqing came with hot water and blanket.

When I saw her face turned white with cold, her eyes turned red.

"Sister Luoyao."

Kang Luoyao comfortingly patted the back of her hand and whispered, "I'm ok. Don't worry."

Small feeling shriveled mouth, dare not say anything, can only use towel to wrap her tightly.

Kang Luoyao drank some hot water and went to find Liu Ming.

"Director Liu, is that ok?"

Liu Ming nodded and looked up at her again. Seeing that she was wet all over her body, her face was so white that she immediately frowned.

"There is no part for you today. Go back and have a rest."

Kang Luoyao nodded.

"Thank you, director Liu."

She turned to leave, not far away, Liu yu'er looked at such a scene, secretly frowned.

"Director Liu."

She came up to Liu Ming and said with a smile, "is this my play next?"

Liu Ming nodded and asked the deputy director to tell her about the play. Kang Luoyao looked back and saw a little dark under her eyes.

Back in the hotel, Kang Luoyao took a hot bath. As soon as the talent got to the bed, she felt the pain as if she were scattered.

She closed her eyes, and her head was a little dizzy, as if something was stirring in her head, dizzy and painful, shaking violently.

Xiaoqing finally ran outside to buy medicine and came back. Seeing her lying there, she poured a cup of hot water.

"How are you, sister Luo Yao?"

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