Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 529

Chapter 529

What did she do wrong?

The mobile phone suddenly rings, she doesn't have to think about it, but she knows it's from home.

It must be after confirming the authenticity of the marriage certificate that I called! Or you won't call her until now.

Anjiao's heart is more sad, she took out her mobile phone, did not look directly hung up, and then press the power off.

Looking at the completely dark screen, Anjo felt more comfortable. He got up from the sand, picked up his bag and walked back.

On the other side, settle down.

Sorry, please dial again later

Mechanical female voice from the receiver, ANZISHAN's face slightly changed.

Finished, just can get through, now turn off the power, that Ann Joe is really angry!

He hung up the phone angrily.

Peace of mind with the marriage certificate in hand, or some can not believe, "Dad, you say, this is true?"

"ANZISHAN hate to stare at her," Civil Affairs Bureau people have asked, you say? "

Peace of mind:



on the middle of the month, the night is already deep.

Anjiao walked back step by step, and finally came to the road. On this side of the coast, there were fewer vehicles and pedestrians at night, so it took a long time to stop a taxi.

She got on the bus and told the driver, "go to Zhonghai garden."

Then think about it, or turn on the phone, ready to call Zhen Zhen.

Zhen Zhen is her high school classmate. She has a rich family and a sharp personality. She and she have been very close since she was a student. In the past two years, she has experienced so many things. Zhen Zhen Zhen stands by her side to support her and help her. Therefore, in addition to her family members, she only tells Zhen Zhen Zhen about her return home.

However, no sooner had the number been found than the phone rang.

The caller ID is a string of unfamiliar numbers.

Anjiao slightly frowned, her mobile phone number, is just returned home, no one knows except her father.

He must have found that he couldn't get through on his phone, so he changed his number.

Anjiao sneered, but his fingers hesitated for a second and then hung up.

She doesn't want to go home now, let alone listen to their bad words!

But as soon as I hung up, the number came in again.

She hung up again.

I called again.

Hang up again

three minutes later, the mobile phone is still ringing tirelessly, as if not stop.

Angel has no language, these people, can't let her alone quiet?

She was a little angry, but at the same time, she felt that they were really too much. She said she was not enough at home. She had to call and scold her again, didn't she?

Anjiao gritted his teeth, pressed to answer, and roared at the mobile phone: "enough! You don't have to call again, I tell you, what I haven't done is not done! Whatever you say is useless! "

Then he hung up the phone.

The other end of the phone.

Feng Yan stood on the broad terrace and looked at the black screen of the mobile phone. He was stunned for a moment.

Then his face turned black.

This woman! If you don't answer his phone call, do you dare to yell at him like this?

You are too bold!

He was about to call again when he suddenly remembered what Anjo said just now. What is the meaning of not doing something is not doing it?

What did she do?

Feng Yan realized that something was wrong. Meifeng moved and gave up calling anqiao. Instead, he turned to find ANZISHAN's phone and dial it.

The phone rang twice and was connected, "Hello!"

Feng Yan was not in the mood to talk to his father-in-law too much. He asked, "where is Anjiao?"

"Who are you?" he asked

"Feng Yan."


anqiao soon arrived at Zhonghai garden.

Zhonghai garden is a luxury villa area for the rich. She can't get in without the access card, so she can only wait outside.

However, Zhen Zhen's mobile phone calls, again and again, no one answered.

She looked at the time and now it's just over nine o'clock in the evening. According to Zhen Zhen Zhen's habit of being a night owl, she can't fall asleep.

Why didn't anyone answer?

Anjiao is a little depressed. Zhen Zhen is the only friend she can trust. Now she can't even contact her. It seems that she can only stay in a hotel tonight.

In this way, Anjiao rubbed his eyebrows and said to the driver, "uncle, please take me to the nearest hotel nearby."

The driver's uncle was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was a little fat. His eyes seemed to sink into his flesh. He took an eye at Anjiao and said with a smile, "what's the matter? I can't get through to my friend

Angio was a little depressed and thought, "isn't that bullshit?"?

But she still didn't show it on her face, just a faint "um".The driver's uncle then said, "well, it's not safe for you a little girl to stay in a hotel. Otherwise, I still have an empty room in my house. Go to my house tonight."

Although the driver's uncle has tried his best to be kind, it is still shocking for a strange man to invite a girl to live in his house.

Anjo looked at him warily and shook his head. "Thank you, no more."

"Little girl, don't listen to your advice. Do you know how chaotic the hotel is now? Well, did you read the news about a female guest being dragged away in the corridor last time? How dangerous it is for those criminals to focus on girls like you who are young and single

Anjo listened to him vividly, but also remembered the news he had seen last time.

But compared to going home with a strange man, she still felt safer to stay in the hotel, so she insisted on refusing, "no, thank you for your kindness. Please take me to the hotel."

The driver's uncle was not upset. He looked at Anjo's solemn face in the rearview mirror, and a sneer crossed his heart.

Fifteen minutes later, the taxi suddenly stopped at a remote roadside.

"What's going on?" Angel asked nervously.

The driver spread his hands and said, "I don't know why the car stalled. It's estimated that the engine is broken."

Where did Anjiao know this, he could only ask, "what should I do?"

The driver also pretended to be helpless, "it's not convenient to call a garage at this time point, so we can only stop here first."

Anjiao looked around and saw that there were barren mountains and jungles everywhere, and there was no one to smoke. He couldn't help being flustered.

Her face changed slightly. She took out two hundred yuan bills from her purse and handed them to the driver. She said, "I'm sorry. I have something else to do. I won't wait here with you. The 200 yuan will be used to compensate for your loss. I'm really sorry."

Finish saying, want to get out of the car, but was caught by the driver wrist. josei

Turn around and see the driver's gloomy face.

"Hum! Two hundred dollars? How about sending beggars

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