Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 531

Chapter 531

Feng Yan looked solemn and said seriously: "if I insist on it again and let you go home with me, it will not happen."

Angio didn't expect that he would say so, and he shook his head.

"How can I blame you?"

"My wife hurt me. I was wrong."

Angio: "angio's face is red again. I don't know what to say.

Feng Yan slightly hooked his lips and gently touched her hair.

The car bypassed a mountain road and finally stopped in front of a building. Assistant Gong got out of the car and opened the door for them. Feng Yan went down first. When Anjiao was getting ready to get off the bus, he suddenly picked him up from the car and strode to the villa.

Anjiao slightly surprised, subconsciously about to struggle, but was rebuked by a man, "don't move!"

She shriveled mouth, looked at the man frowned, inexplicably will refuse to swallow back.

All right! Can she understand that she hurt her knee, but any man should be such a gentleman!

However, in spite of this thought, when leaning on Feng Yan's broad shoulders, a warm feeling rose in my heart.

The villa Fengyan lives in is very large, which is at least several times larger than the villa where he settled down.

Anjo was held by him, went all the way into the house, and then went straight up to the second floor. Feng Yan kicked open the door of a bedroom with his foot and went in and put her on the bed.

Bedroom is a simple black and white line design, very in line with the style of men, should be furnishings, although not all are very precious, but put with a glance is after careful design, it is very tasteful.

Feng Yan put her on the bed and took off her shoes.

Anjiao was so stiff that he stopped him and said, "I'll do it myself."

However, his outstretched hand was blocked back by the man. Feng Yan glanced at her and said with a smile, "I have never helped a woman take off her shoes. You are the first one."

Anqiao slightly a Zheng, small face Teng red up, immediately more at a loss.

She is wearing a pair of white board shoes today. The man's long and beautiful fingers are very smooth to untie her shoelaces and take off the shoes.

Then she took off her pink socks.

At this time, Anjiao found that her foot was twisted, and her ankle was bruised and swollen. It hurt when she touched it.

But just now she didn't find out. How did he find it?

Not waiting for an Qiao to understand, Feng Yan frowned and said, "sit down for a while, I'll come up right away."

Then he turned and went out.

When he came to the door, he suddenly stopped for a moment, then turned back and added, "remember to take off your pants. The wound on your knee should be treated in time."

Anqiao: "three minutes later, Feng Yan came up again, and he had an extra medicine box in his hand.

As soon as he entered the door, he found that Anjo was still sitting on the bed as he was, without taking off his trousers.

A frown flashed across his eyebrows. He went to her and squatted down. He said in a deep voice, "why don't you listen?"

At this time, Anjiao doesn't know what language to describe his mood. Do you think it's appropriate for you to say that you are a big man and always ask other girls to take off their pants?

Feng Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, as if to see her shyness, suddenly evil smile.

"I've seen everything about you, so don't be shy."

An Qiao originally red face suddenly burst red, a push him away, "hooligan!"

"Oh The man quickly grasped her small hand, as if she was not embarrassed enough, but also grandly put it to the mouth and kiss.


Ooh, this hooligan!

"Good, the wound will be inflamed if it is not treated. Let my husband have a look."

Feng Yan coaxes her like a child. After coaxing, he will come up and take off her pants.

Anjo shrank back in fright, blocking it with his hand and exclaiming, "no! I'm going to the hospital. "

"The doctors in the hospital are not as gentle as their husbands."

"I'll do it myself!"

"With the attitude of resisting death, Anjiao finally exhausted Feng Yan's patience. He stood up and looked down at the little woman in front of him.

Anjo clung to his pants with both hands and glared at him.

Half ring, Feng Yan suddenly cold hook a lower lip, turn to go out.

Anjo: "watching him stride out, the door slamming behind him.

Angio is a little confused. Is he angry?

She is a little aggrieved. What a temper this man has!

Isn't it just that he's not allowed to take medicine? As for making such a big fire?

Give her a look!

Anjiao thought, combined with the whole day's experience, only felt that his heart was very upset and his nose was sour, as if he wanted to cry again.

However, before she finished her grievance, the door suddenly opened and Feng Yan came in again.The man was cold with a face, without saying a word, came to her in a big stride, picked her up, and went out.

An Qiao a Leng, ask: "what do you do?"

Feng Yan didn't spit out three words: "go to the hospital."


I have a bad temper, but what should I do to her?


it was very late when she arrived at the hospital. The doctor on duty gave her medicine and gave her some food and drink precautions. Then they went back.

When she went back, Anjiao's legs were bandaged, so it was more inconvenient to move. Feng Yan still carried her upstairs.

Anjiao suddenly thought, this is the rhythm of living under the same roof tonight?

In fact, she also understood that if she still insisted on going, it would be really affectation, but she was not ready to live together.

Feng Yan seemed to see her thoughts. He kneaded her head and said, "don't think about it. I'll sleep in the guest room tonight."

Anjiao had been embarrassed, was said by the man, more embarrassed, not from a low voice roared, "who is thinking nonsense!"

Feng Yan chuckled and didn't care about her. After putting her on the bed, she twisted a hot towel to wipe her hands and face. Anjiao was a little embarrassed to be served, but she wanted to come by herself several times, but was blocked back by the man. She thought about it and could only talk aside the topic to dilute the embarrassing atmosphere.

"The man tonight"

"don't worry, I've sent someone to deal with that person."

"Disposal?" Anjiao frowned slightly, "don't you need to call the police?" josei

As soon as the voice dropped, Feng Yan suddenly looked up at her and said, "I'll call the police. Don't worry."

Finish saying, let her lie down and cover the quilt, this just took towel to walk out.

He picked up the phone and called the door of Mr. Qin.

"Qin tezhu, how are things going?"

"Boss, it has been dealt with!"

"Well." Feng Yan thought for a moment, but finally added: "find Feng Yi and let him send someone to the police station for a walk."

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