Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 577

Chapter 577

Of course, Lu Yanzhi would not refuse. He nodded quickly, "yes, of course."

So, that night, they found a place to talk about the project.

On the whole, it went well.

Lu Yanzhi didn't do this project on impulse.

He knew that if Jingning invested in this project, he would take the risks and knew that even if he was closely related to Lu Jingshen, he could not get any benefits from the investment because of this relationship.

Therefore, he did it with full sincerity.

The three talked for more than two hours before they came down with the matter thoroughly.

After in-depth understanding, Jingning found that although this matter is very risky, it can be regarded as an opportunity to try.

As Lu Jingshen said, if Anning international dare not make such a big investment and high-risk attempt, other investors will not dare to do so.

As a leader in this industry, it has the convenience it enjoys, and naturally it should shoulder the responsibility it should bear.

Finally, Jingning agreed to the project proposed by Lu Yanzhi.

Because she will go abroad to do business next week, she can only allocate part of the money to him, and the rest will be decided by bidding when she comes back.

This matter has been settled for the time being.

After the three separated, Jingning went straight home.

During this period, An'an has been in Fengqiao villa.

Xiaojingze has been one year old. Although he is still young, he can't walk steadily, but he has already shown the nature of the devil.

For example, he always likes to mess up his father's study, and he always likes to climb on Jingning's dressing table and scribble.

Every time I do something bad, my mouth is always babbling and I don't know what he is talking about.

Once, small competition Ze side scribbles on the ground, while bar Ji mouth.

It was a rare time to have a rest with Lu's family.

Suddenly I heard a soft, not very clear voice.

"Ba Baba. "

Everyone was stunned. Lu Jingshen was stiff and looked at him in disbelief.

Xiaojingze is still sitting on the ground, forgetting to play with the brush, do not know what earth shaking event he has done.

Then, Lu Jingshen suddenly jumped up from the sofa, ran over, hugged the bun and asked, "what did you call me just now?"

At that time, xiaojingze didn't even have a year old at that time. He was less than ten months old. Looking at him, he was stunned for a while, and suddenly giggled.

Then, while drooling, he called out: "Dad Dad

This can make Lu Jingshen happy!

Although he is not the first time to be a father, but it is the first time to hear his own little child call himself the first father.

You can imagine the passion.

That night, Lu Jingshen was overjoyed and asked the servants of his family to make a feast to celebrate.

Jingning know this matter, the heart can be sour.

She ran to hold a small bun, teased him: "Ozawa, you all called Dad, also called a mother, OK?"

However, Ozawa did not pay any attention to her.

It was staring at her chest, a pair of fleshy hands stretched out there.

"Milk Grandma... "


His face was almost green with anger.

Although xiaojingze has broken the milk, but after all, it has just been broken for a short time, so when she saw her holding up, she subconsciously thought she had milk to drink.

Jingning snorted angrily and threw him directly to the nanny and ignored him any more.

The more I think about it, the less convinced I am.


Why is it that the first word she shouts for is not her mother, but her father?

It's so unfair!

Lu Jingshen looked at her sitting there sulking, but did not say anything, just smile all day, you can imagine how good the mood is.

The best, Jingning depressed mood, or in an comfort, just slowly get better.

Because of the birth of her little brother, Ann's character has become more mature and sensible than before.

More likely, because the little girl is growing up, the nature also from the previous jump off naughty, become clever and intimate.

In fact, compared with his own little Hun Shi Wang, Jingning is more pro an.

Perhaps it is because she has always wanted a daughter, and An'an happens to be a girl and Lu Jingshen's own daughter.

In addition, she is cute and cute. The more she looks at it, the more she likes it.

An'an has always treated her as her own mother. Since living in Fengqiao villa, she has been pestering her to tell her stories for a while every night. She will let her go when she is asleep.Jingning is naturally very satisfied with its dependence on An'an.

Sometimes, she looked at the sleeping little girl, in the heart also can't help but think.

I don't know what kind of woman she would be if she had a biological mother.

It's said that Ann is Amy's child bred through test tube, and different from other test tube babies, she is the first child born through artificial uterus in the world.

That is to say, the woman contributed nothing but a disturbance.

Lu Jingshen has a serious habit of cleanliness. Naturally, it is impossible for him to let another woman give birth to a child through her abdomen and put the formed embryo into another woman's body.

Because of this, An'an, who grew up and was born in an artificial womb, has always been weaker than other children in the first few years of her childhood.

It was not until I was six years old that I was getting better.

Think of here, Jingning heart suddenly some strange feeling.

She suddenly found that she never really thought about a problem.

That is, why did Lu Jingshen use that woman's trouble to give birth to such a child with congenital weakness.

Judging from An'an's age, Lu Jingshen was only 22-3 years old at that time. He was not very old, or even extremely young. josei

At that age, we should not be in a hurry to settle down or get married and have children.

What kind of opportunity and idea would lead him to have a child even if he couldn't have a child with that woman, but in such an artificial way?

Because of love? Or because of something else

This problem has been lingering in Jingning's mind since it came out.

But she did not dare to ask Lu Jingshen.

I don't think it's necessary to ask.

After all, her life is stable and happy enough. It is just the way she once dreamed of. No matter what the truth is, those things have passed away. Why does she have to find herself boring and uncover the scar again?

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