Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 581

Chapter 581

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned.

Jingning is the first to react to come over, quickly squat down a body to cover her still want to continue to say the mouth.

Then she laughed awkwardly at Kang Luoyao and said, "I'm sorry. Children don't know what to say."

After all, looking at Kang Luoyao's tone just now, she didn't agree that Feng Yi was with her. Since she wasn't together, she didn't have a baby.

Although Jingning is Kang Luoyao's boss, she doesn't think it is natural that her children have offended others on such personal issues.

Kang Luoyao's face was red, and she shook her head, "it doesn't matter."

Feng Yi also responded at this time, and coughed awkwardly. In order to avoid continuing such a topic in front of children, Feng Yi could only rigidly divert the topic.

"Well, sister-in-law, it's getting late. We'll go there first."

Jingning nodded quickly.

"Go, go, have a good time."

Feng Yi led Kang Luoyao to leave in a hurry.

After they left, Jingning was really relieved.

And on the other side.

After leaving the exhibition, Kang Luoyao and Feng Yi went to the museum nearby.

Feng Yi asked Feng Yi to go to the previous children's art exhibition, but Kang Luoyao wanted to come here.

Originally, she wanted to deal with him, accompany him through the art exhibition, and then visit here.

But unexpectedly, Feng Yi followed directly.

I'm going to hang out with her.

Although Kang Luoyao felt a little uncomfortable, but since the man decided so, she knew that she couldn't change it, so she just let him go.

Two people strolled slowly inside. The museum here is a science and Technology Museum.

Kang Luoyao was only interested in these things at first, but in fact, she didn't understand many things until she came up.

Fortunately, Feng Yi is quite good at science and technology, so when he explains it, many things will open up like a thatched cottage and understand it all at once.

She asked him what she had seen on the Internet and didn't know about technology.

Feng Yi answers for her one by one, although still a little abstruse, but she has been able to understand seven or eight points.

At this time, I saw a middle-aged man in a suit panting over, and behind him, there were two museum staff.

As soon as he came over, he said with a smile to Feng Yi: "it's true that Feng ER Shao has come. How can he send someone to inform me that I'm ready to submit it and be ready to receive you."

Feng Yi lightly nodded to him, "accompany my girlfriend to stroll around casually, what do you make such a fuss about?"


The middle-aged man was startled and noticed Kang Luoyao next to him.

Because she was wearing a mask and a hat, the other party didn't recognize her at once, and could only say with uncertainty: "this is What do you call it? "

Kang Luoyao looked around and found that the science and Technology Museum was not popular, and few people came.

Even if you don't pretend, you won't meet anyone.

Then he took off his hat and mask, and then gave him a polite smile.

"Hello, I'm Kang Luoyao."

The man was shocked at the sight of her.

"Hello, Miss Kang. I'm Lin Hua, the curator of this museum. Just call me Xiaolin."

Kang Luoyao naturally doesn't call him that. This man looks at least 40 years old. He's old enough to be his father. His name is Xiao Lin, too awkward.

She called out politely, "curator Lin".

Lin Hua quickly waved his hand and respectfully said to her, "Miss Kang, this is the first time to come. Do you want me to accompany you around?"

frowned and frowned on the man who was playing the lantern as an electric gun. He said, "is the curator free? Go on your way

Lin Hua knew that he didn't have to use himself. He said with a smile: "good, good. You can go around and call me when you need to."

Feng Yi was too lazy to pay attention to him. Kang Luoyao replied with a kind smile, "OK, definitely."

In the middle of the tour, Feng Yi's mobile phone rings. He goes to one side to answer. Kang Luoyao walks forward alone.

Not far away, I saw several people coming in front of me. The first one was familiar.

It was Li Xianglan, a good friend of song Jiajia, who often ganged up with several female stars to bully other newcomers.

Kang Luoyao thinks that she probably didn't look at the Yellow calendar when she went out today. How can they be found everywhere?

However, song Jiajia is not here this time, only Li Xianglan and two other rich families in the upper class circle of Kyoto are the only ones.

"Today I don't know how I've been down for a few lifetimes. How can I see this annoying ghost everywhere?"Li Xianglan said in a strange way. The two people next to her obviously saw Kang Luoyao and both laughed.

"Hello, what's your name? Don't you dare to offend Xianglan if you don't say hello to us? "

"yes, we need to know that our sister LAN is the most awesome family in Kyoto except the four largest families. Are you not mixed up with entertainment circles? As it happens, sister Xianglan is also involved in the entertainment industry. If you kneel down here today and kowtow to her three times, maybe sister Xianglan will cover you in the circle in the future. "

As soon as the voice fell, the other side immediately burst into laughter.

Kang Luoyao looked at each other's insincere reminders with indifference. Without answering them, she turned and went on. josei

The man was upset, and he pulled her up, "Hello! What's your attitude? I kindly remind you that you are silent. What do you mean? "

Kang Luoyao turned her eyes and glanced at her.

If she remembers correctly, this man is Li Xianglan's cousin, Li yubai. She has a bad reputation in the celebrities circle in Kyoto. She has always been a double faced character.

She sneered, flicked Li yubai's hand and said, "thank you for reminding me, but I'm just a little-known character. Even if I'm in the entertainment industry, I don't have much ambition. How much food do you have? So you have to worry about it."

"It turns out that he is a poor man without ambition! Who else should I take it? "

Li Xianglan sneered and said in a loud voice, "Hello, you have been wandering for so long. Can you afford the things here?"

Kang Luoyao frowned slightly.

Li yubai also came forward and said, "you don't know? The exhibition hall is charitable. All the exhibits here can be sold. The money sold is donated to the Institute of science and technology as a research fund. After visiting for so long, you can't have bought anything! "

Kang Luoyao looked down at her empty hands. She did not buy anything.

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