Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 595

Chapter 595

Two days later, the doctor announced that Kangmu had officially passed the critical period.

The operation is really a great success!

Kang Luoyao is very happy. Although Kang's mother is still very weak now, as long as she takes a good rest, her recovery is only a matter of time.

It's been too long for the crew to drag on.

Therefore, the next day after Kang's mother recovered, Kang Luoyao left the hospital and returned to the crew.

On the day of her return, in order to celebrate the success of Kangmu's operation, the crew specially fired a salute to her. In the evening, they also stopped the night play and ordered several special high-end banquet to celebrate.

Kang Luoyao was very moved. Looking at the passionate faces around her, she felt as if her frozen heart was alive.

That night, she drank a lot of wine.

There is pleasure, there is indulgence.

Over the years, she has been trying to press up, although there are four reasons, but more is worried about her mother's body.

Now, the operation is successful, and my mother's body will recover slowly.

As if she had put down a heavy stone, she was naturally happy.

We all drank together until early in the morning.

Because they drink too much, so there is no reason who will send them back.

In order to take care of Kang Luoyao, Xiaoqing didn't touch a drop of wine tonight.

After the banquet, I came to take her back to the hotel.

At this time, but see Xie Xiao not far away, stumbling over.

"Kang, kangluo, Yao!"

Xie Xiao also drank a lot tonight. Obviously, he is kangluoyao's home court, but he is stronger than Kang Luoyao himself.

Almost everyone in the evening had a thoughtful drink with him. I don't know. I'm afraid that this is a male family member.

However, because Xie Xiao is usually very enthusiastic and playful, we only regard him as happy, so we don't think much about it.

At this time, he saw Kang Luoyao and ran over excitedly, regardless of his assistant's hindrance.

"You haven't gone yet! I thought you were gone

Xiaoqing sees Xie Xiao, also some accident.

"Brother Xiao, you haven't gone back yet?"

Xie Xiao blushed and waved.

The body obviously already staggered to stand unsteadily, but still forced to pretend not drunk.

"I, I and Yao Yao, ha ha..."

He said, seriously looking at Kang Luoyao, smiling silly.

"Yao Yao, congratulations on you and auntie's success."

Although Kang Luoyao was not as drunk as she was last time, she was almost as drunk.

The brain is dizzy, simply can't hear what Xie Xiao is saying.

He can only see clearly through his mouth.

She couldn't help frowning and waddling over, "what do you say?"

Xie Xiao sees this, then also will body to come over, say aloud in her ear: "I say, Congratulations!"

This time, Kang Luoyao heard clearly.

She giggled, and almost all of her body was leaning on Xiaoqing's body. She raised her hands to him and made a bow, "thank you, brother Xiao."

Xie Xiao looks at her movement, crooked and twisted to come to correct.

"No, you're wrong. Girls should be lucky."

This time, the play of the two is an ancient costume drama, in which the souls of the prince and the princess exchange, and then explore the case together. Therefore, there are many things about this ancient etiquette.

Kang Luoyao heard the speech and waved his hand.

"No! I'm right

She burped her wine and said, "don't you forget that I'm actually the prince. You and you are just my princess. Therefore, you should be lucky to me!"

Xie Xiao listen to her say so, pour also have no objection.

Also really smile ha ha to her blessing lower body, said: "King Ye Wanfu."

Kang Luoyao burst out laughing and waved her big hand

Two drunk people, playing drunk here, see Xiaoqing and Xie Xiao's assistant cry is not, smile is not.

Almost speechless.

Taking into account the identity of the two people, if this scene is photographed again by someone who is interested in it, I'm afraid there will be some bad gossip.

Xiaoqing quickly supported Kang Luoyao and advised: "sister Luoyao, it's not early. We should go back and have a rest."

Kang Luoyao said with a smile: "that, OK."

Said, also turned back to Xie Xiao made a gesture.

"Princess, kneel down."

Xie Xiao is also seriously about to kneel down, was scared pale assistant a hold.

The assistant looked at Kang Luoyao awkwardly, "sister Luoyao, I'll take Xiao elder brother first."

Finish saying, also ignore her reaction, drag Xie Xiao to leave in a hurry. josei

Kang Luoyao can't see clearly, so when she is supported by Xiaoqing, she still complains."Xiaoqing, Dongsheng, how can he run as soon as he sees me? Does he not like me?"

Xiao Qing's forehead almost drops cold sweat, and he wants to say that with the actions you just made to Xie Xiao, he can't pull people to run.

However, at this time, she knew that Kang Luoyao's brain was not clear, so she was too lazy to explain to her.

Supporting her, just out of the restaurant, unexpectedly, saw not far away, there is a familiar figure standing there.

"Seal, seal two less?"

Xiaoqing is surprised.

When Kang Luoyao heard this address, she opened her eyes subconsciously.

However, before I saw it clearly, I felt a cold fragrance coming.

Then, the body was pulled away from the body of love, bumped into a hard warm embrace.

"Give it to me. Go back!"

Xiaoqing Leng Leng Leng, some embarrassment.

"But tomorrow, sister Luoyao..."

"I'll send them back tomorrow."

Feng Yi finished, did not give her a chance to speak, directly beat a person to hold up, took the person to leave.

Xiaoqing standing there, almost Gu owes tears.

It's not about chasing or not. At last, I prayed silently in my heart. I hope kangluoyao is safe tonight, and then I return to the hotel.

And on the other side, in the car.

Kang Luoyao was confused and felt as if she had come to a strange place.

Behind her was a warm chest, which tasted familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had smelled it.

"Well It's hard. "

People who drink too much probably know that it's hard to get drunk and then take a car.

Feng Yi looked at her face, because she was not comfortable, her eyebrows were wrinkled together, and her eyes were dark.

Gently caressing her back, he said, "bear with it for a while, and it will be here soon."

Ten minutes later, the car stopped in front of a villa.

Feng Yi got out of the car with Kang Luoyao in his arms. He went to the door and put her down. After pressing the password lock, he entered the house.

The villa is not very big, but it is very warm. There are men's and women's slippers in the porch, and there are some small flowers on the side cabinet, which makes it feel like home.

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