Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 627

Chapter 627

What's the reason?

Kang Luoyao thought for a moment and said, "let's wait until the year you promised your mother will expire, and we'll talk about the rest after another year."

Feng Yi's face suddenly became more ugly.

But he also knew that it was his promise to his mother.

It is also the reason why Dugu Ying is willing to let him and Kang Luoyao marry temporarily.

He has to comply.

Finally, he had no choice but to watch Kang Luoyao go out.

Outside, a driver will come to pick it up.

After Xiaoqing jumped out of the car, she took her hat, sunglasses and mask. She was almost fully armed. After confirming that there was no omission, Xiaoqing took her to the car in a hurry and drove out.

Kang Luoyao was kidnapped by he Si in the middle, which delayed her work for several days. Therefore, when she came to the production team, she made up for her part almost every day for the next few days.

For the rumors on the Internet, the crew naturally saw it.

Some are indifferent, and naturally others are very curious.

But we all kept a tacit understanding that as long as Kang Luoyao was there, they would never discuss it.

After all, it's not a glorious thing.

In the face of others to discuss, how to have a kind of gossiping, deliberately embarrassing meaning.

Although Kang Luoyao knows, there must be gossip about her behind her back.

But as long as not in her face, she also pretends not to know.

The days passed in such a quiet time.

The Internet scandal has been going on for a few days, but Kang Luoyao doesn't respond all the time. After Song Jiajia has been singing monologue for two days, she also feels bored.

This kind of thing, usually needs the other party to respond, and then two people you come and I tear it up, then it is lively.

If it had always been just one party, even if the heat was high at that time.

Concerned about this matter of netizens, found that later there is no more below, will gradually follow scattered, no longer to pay attention to.

However, this method is easy to say but difficult to do.

After all, I know that so many people on the Internet are talking about themselves and scolding themselves.

It's very difficult to pretend that you don't know anything, don't take care of it or look at it.

Fortunately, kangluoyao's quality is good. Under the guidance of Su Hong, no matter what happens online, she just doesn't respond.

In order not to let her upset, she even these days do not use a mobile phone, also do not open micro blog to see.

Some of the work that usually needs to use a mobile phone is handled by Xiaoqing.

Therefore, although she did not see those vicious words, she saw them all.

Xiaoqing is more sympathetic to Kang Luoyao.

How can these people be so vicious.

It is clear that elder sister Luoyao is the victim. Why do they not only feel different about her, but also ridicule her everywhere?

Look at those people. Are they speaking human language?

What she is a murderer's daughter, what deserves her to be scolded, what makes her get out of the entertainment circle, let her die!

Where do these people know the truth?

But it's just mindless following the trend!

Kang Luoyao has been developing very well in the entertainment industry in recent years, and has become a leading actress.

There are also a lot of play dates in ordinary times. As a result, in the highly competitive entertainment industry, many people are naturally blocked.

Everyone saw that at this time she had black material burst out, and naturally many people took advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the black hand, also followed by a black one.

The Internet is a mess at a time.

Kang Luoyao's side is incredibly clean.

That night, she had just finished a play and was sitting there studying the script for the next one.

Shoulder was suddenly patted, a look up, see is Xie Xiao to come here.

Xie Xiao held a cup in his hand, which was still steaming hot.

He squatted down and said with a smile: "the pear water boiled in winter is cold. It's just driving away the cold after drinking it."

Hearing the speech, Kang Luoyao quickly took it over and said with a smile, "thank you."

Xie Xiao laughed and didn't say anything.

Two people are the leading actor and heroine in the play. There are many places for communication.

Therefore, when we see them sitting together, we don't think about it anywhere else. We all think it's normal.

Xie Xiao dragged a stool and sat down beside her.

By this time, it was late at night.

There are very bright lights in the studio, but the light in the rest area is not very bright.

Because it was so cold, the crew arranged a small electric oven for many of the main actors.

Although the heating equipment is relatively primitive, the good thing is that it is very practical.

Everybody loves it.

At this time, Dongsheng saw Xie Xiao sitting here and took his electric heater.Put in front of him, Xie Xiao nodded, let him go down to rest first.

When there was no one around, he turned to look at Kang Luoyao and asked, "you've been Are you ok? "

There was something else hidden in his tone.

There's a little bit of grain in the air.

Of course, Kang Luoyao knows what he means.

She looked at the warm light from the front stove and gave a slight smile.


Xie Xiao saw her smile and frowned slightly.

"I know that what is said on the Internet is not true. If you need someone to help you speak or refute rumors, I can stand up at any time..."

However, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Kang Luoyao.

She turned her head and looked at Xie Xiao with a grateful and warm smile on her clear face. josei

Voice in the silent night, light as a feather, gently sliding through the tip of the human heart.

She said: "no, really, even if you stand up, no one will believe it. So it's better to do yourself well than to explain endlessly. Isn't there a good saying? I don't care about him

Xie Xiao looked at him quietly, the warm fire in the night reflected her exquisite color, and there was a kind of magnificent beauty in the clear pupil.

He felt only one of his own heart, and suddenly became sour.

Just like under her strong appearance, the same sour heart.

He suddenly chuckled.

"Now I finally understand why the front cover likes you."

Kang Luoyao was stunned.

Turning around, I saw that he had a self mocking smile on his face, looking at the distance, as if some regret, but also a little reluctant.

"You are really good. You are the best girl I have ever seen in the world. Feng ER has always been a man of vision. From childhood to adulthood, he is not the king of our group of children, but he is also a clever ghost.

You can be with him, in fact, I'm also relieved to say that. "

Kang Luoyao was silent and didn't know what to say.

Xie Xiao suddenly turned his head, looked at her seriously and asked, "can I ask you a question?"

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