Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 660

Chapter 660

"You say it!"

Feng Yi knew that the little woman was thin skinned. If she teased her again, she would be really angry.

This just quickly collected the painful expression, smiling and holding her shoulder, and said with a smile: "OK, OK, I'll tease you. The child's business will come slowly. As long as the mother is not in a hurry, I will not be in a hurry."

This is obviously kicking the ball to Kangmu.

Seeing this, Kang's mother said with a smile: "it's your young people's own business. I don't interrupt. But Yao Yao Yao, you're not too young now. If you can, you'd better take it earlier. Of course, the final decision is on you. I just give you an experience with my own people."

Kang Luoyao, with a crimson face on her face, said yes or no.

Finally, uh huh, ah, two times, when the right to perfunctory.

After making an agreement on the evening of that day, Kangmu reserved a ticket back to the south.

Kang Luoyao didn't have time to take her back to the airport.

When we parted at the airport, we were naturally reluctant to part with each other.

Because she was afraid of being bumped into when delivering the plane, Kang Luoyao arranged a VIP passage for her mother.

The two held hands there and said it for a long time according to Hefei's reluctance. Only when the plane was about to take off did they really wave goodbye.

After seeing off her mother, Kang Luoyao returned home and was not very happy all day.

Feng Yi was sent along with her. When she came back, she was not happy, so he made every effort to amuse her and make her happy.

The haze of Kang's mind is getting better and better.

The next day, she went back to the crew and continued filming.

Kang Luoyao has long been used to the life of the crew.

Although she and Feng Yi were married, because they were secretly married, people outside did not know. Therefore, no one would open any back door to her because she was a wife.

Everything is no different from the past life.

The only difference is that Xiaoqing's whereabouts have become more and more weird recently.

Originally, Xiaoqing, as her personal assistant, was always with her.

But also do not know is from when to start, Xiaoqing will often ask for leave, even with her side, will often be distracted.

She didn't seem to be able to hear her call or look for her.

This change attracted the attention of Kang Luoyao.

In fact, it's also because I care about her and I'm afraid that she'll have any accident, so I'll pay attention to it.

So, on one afternoon, Kang Luoyao saw that the opportunity and space were quite mature, so she found a little love and asked, "are you hiding something from me recently?"

Xiaoqing has not responded at the beginning, stupefied for a moment, "ah?"

Kang Luoyao looked at her, and knew that she was right.

She gave a Tut and shook her head.

"Xiaoqing, if you want anything, you must tell me. No matter what, I will help you."

Xiaoqing, this is the reaction of hindsight, her meaning, a face suddenly red.

She waved her hands and faltered: "sister Luoyao, I have nothing to do with me..."

Kang Luoyao looked at her and asked seriously, "really? But it doesn't look like you're OK these days. "

When Xiaoqing heard this, her face became more red.

She buried her head a little low. After a long time, she faltered: "sister Luoyao, I will adjust myself as soon as possible. You can rest assured that it will never happen again."

Kang Luoyao was stunned. After reacting, she realized that she had misunderstood her meaning.

She was just kind enough to worry about her and ask why she had been so absent-minded recently.

But hear the ear of Xiaoqing, it is estimated that she is not satisfied with her working attitude during this period of time, and just hit her.

Thinking of this, she originally wanted to explain two sentences to ease her mind. josei

But at this time, the deputy director came to call her, "Luoyao, come here quickly, your play is here."

Kang Luoyao stopped for a moment and said, "OK, I'll be right there."

She looked back at the little feeling, knowing that these words could not be explained clearly for a moment and a half, she had to say, "it's nothing. I'll just ask you casually. If you have any difficulties, just ask me, and you don't have to be too rigid."

Xiaoqing heavy key nodded, Kang Luo Yao saw the situation, this just left.

A play, it's coming to an end soon.

When the play was finished, the weather began to heat up.

From the original still wearing cotton padded clothes, shaqing has directly worn short sleeves on this day.

We took a group photo of shaqing, and at night we went to have a dinner to kill the green as usual. We communicated the following publicity process, and then we scattered.

When Kang Luoyao returned home, Feng Yi had not come back.

Because the previous few days are night plays, in order to facilitate the shooting, she has been staying in the hotel.So she hasn't been back for a long time.

During this period, Feng Yi also occasionally came to visit.

But after all, the two people are in secret marriage. If they come too often, they will inevitably be noticed. Therefore, each time Fengyi can only pass by when it is very late or early in the morning. In this way, everyone is still filming or has not got up, and there are no acquaintances in the hotel. Naturally, they are not afraid of being broken.

After going several times, he was a little disgusted and refused to go again.

Kang Luoyao also knew that it was a little aggrieved for a man to live such a furtive life, so she didn't force him to go later.

Only now I come back to pinch my fingers and find out that they haven't seen each other for a week.

Not to mention, I miss him a little.

In this way, Kang Luoyao looked at her watch and found that it was still early. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon.

So he rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen.

The cook in the kitchen of Lanxi villa, surnamed Huang, is a very good cook.

She took her three apprentices to complete all the kitchen affairs.

At this time, they were preparing dinner.

Knowing that kangluoyao will come back today, I prepared a lot of rich and fresh ingredients in advance.

At this time, I was surprised and frightened to see her suddenly come in.

"How did you come in, madam? The kitchen is full of smoke. Be careful to smoke you. "

Kang Luoyao laughed at their frightened faces.

"Where there are lampblack, have they not been smoked? What's for tonight? "

Seeing her asking, sister Huang reported the menu of the evening one by one.

Kang Luoyao scanned the menu, thought about it, pointed to one of the dishes above, and said, "let's change this dish. You don't need to use boiled pork slices. I'll make braised fish instead."


Everyone was a little surprised.

They are all real chefs after passing the professional Michelin Star Restaurant examination.

I usually work in some of the top houses in Kyoto.

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