SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 170. [The Gap Between Master and Friend (3)]

Chapter 170. [The Gap Between Master and Friend (3)]

Chapter 170. [The Gap Between Master and Friend (3)]

Translator: Seven ED: Sasha PR: LightBrin


Everyone got together and talked about the stage we attacked, the 32nd floor. We talked about our escape from Rimepolis. And about how we evaded our pursuers…

Of course, we also talked about someone behind his back

“We have to do something about that dog Heretic Questioner!”

As if fed up, the Black Dragon Master spoke in an angry voice.

“I don’t know what he was thinking. No, I do know. And that makes me even angrier! He doesn’t usually do things like that.”

“Well. That bastard is far from normal.”

Venomous Snake spoke in a resentful tone. His expression also wasn’t good. After learning that the Heretic Questioner had ruled on his own for 200 years, Venomous Snake’s looked like he’d eaten dog sh*t.

“He’s always been like that. There’s no way he’d change now.”

“……there’s something more important than that.”

I finally opened my mouth.

“It’s our reward. Guys.”

“Huh? Reward?”

“Right. You didn’t get your reward for clearing the 31st floor, did you? The Tower said that we would receive our reward for the 31st floor on the 32nd floor, but on the 32nd floor they said we’d get our reward on the 33rd floor. Our rewards keep getting pushed back.”


The Count touched the tip of her chin with her fan. Her eyes shined slightly. Among all the top rankers, the Count was probably the most perceptive when it came to money and rewards.

“That’s indeed the case. As far as I know, the Tower has never owed a hunter before. I wonder if they are deferring it because they have nothing to give…”

“Huh! That’s impossible!”

[The Lady Who Walks Through the Mirage.]


The Lady appeared with a ridiculous sound effect. But the sound wasn’t the thing that stood out the most. Instead, it was the fact that the lady stuck her head up from the ground like a mole rat. Venomous Snake, who was beside her, jumped.

“What the hell?! That scared me!”

“Sorry, sorry. I was late because I had to do something upstairs. Ugh, it’s really annoying to deal with talented people. It’s so much better to just have average skills.”

The Lady hurriedly climbed out of the hole in the ground. And after she’d fully extracted herself, the floor returned to its smooth, white appearance.

“Do something [Upstairs]?”

“Hmph, after all, I am a high ranking person. I have to participate in managing the Tower. Anyways, are you talking about the rewards?”

The Lady spoke as she brushed off her knees.

“It’s not that we’re being stingy with your rewards. We were just going to combine them and give you a big reward when you clear the 40th floor.”

The Count lifted an eyebrow with a ‘Hoh?’.

“So you’re saying you intend to give us the rewards for ten floors all at once?”

“Hmph. There’s a reason for that. You’ll find out later.”

The Lady turned to look at me.

The constellation was smiling.

“I think some of you already have an idea of what it might be.”

“Hmm, but it would be too much of a pity if I stick to secrecy too much. How about this, although I can’t give you your [Stage Clear Reward] yet, I can give you something. Ahem. I have at least that much discretionary power(1)!”

The Lady puffed up her chest proudly.

“Let’s see. If I split up and distribute the points Hereticy had… huh, that’s it!”


A message appeared in front of us.

[The Lady Who Walks Through the Mirage has allocated points.]

[You have received 9,160 race points!]

[You currently have 9,160 race points.]

For a moment, there was nothing but silence.


The Black Dragon Master muttered in a low voice.

“H-, hey? Did you give me the wrong amount?…… Ten thousand points?”

Our entire group was stunned.

‘Did she give more than intended?’

I was shocked as well. Looking at the Black Dragon Master’s reaction, and everyone else, it seemed that we all had received 9,160 race points.

“It’s right.”

The Lady confirmed in a calm tone.

“I’m not doing you guys a favor or anything. Hereticy got knocked out. I just split the points he had by 1/6. It’s a rule to give preferential treatment to the winners!”

“Wait a minute… You’re saying, the Heretic Questioner had 60,000 points?”

“54,964 to be exact. There were 4 points left after the even split, so I just gave those to the Swordy. Think of it as consideration for the number one.”


We were all speechless.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

The Lady tilted her head to the side.

“Hereticy controlled the floor for 200 years, 6 months and 21 days all on his own. It’s natural for him to have accumulated that many points. All’s said and done, you should be happy!”

Pah, the Lady clapped her hands.

“It’s time to get started on the 33rd floor. Is there anyone who wants to use their points in advance before I speed up time in that world?”

The Sword Saint raised his hand.

“I have a question.”

“Huh, Swordy. Say it.”

“What do you mean by ‘in advance’?”

“Exactly that. That world is still out there… Kuh. It’s really annoying to talk about it since it doesn’t have a name. In any case, the world that your races reside in is currently in stasis. Should I say it’s paused? If you buy items now, they will have an impact on the future.”

The Lady wagged her index finger.

Then purple letters appeared in the air


[The Invention of Bronze-Grade Technology(Draw)] - 1,000 points

[The Invention of Silver-Grade Technology(Draw)] - 3.000 points

[The Invention of Platinum-Grade Technology(Draw)] - 6,000 points


“If you were to pick any of these items now, they would be reflected in history and appear in the next stage. Although there is the disadvantage of not being able to control history in real time, from your perspective, these items would still be very beneficial to you, wouldn’t they?”


The Sword Saint Stroked his beard.

“Even if we can’t manipulate history, we would still be able to alter its flow to an extent. Last time, we skipped the stage without having this opportunity…”

“Ahh-. Huh. I guess I owe you guys an apology since Hereticy did that to you.”

The Lady sighed.

“Hereticy took advantage of a loophole in the system. It’s my fault for exposing the loophole in the first place. Seriously, like the Death King, he doesn’t leave the system alone.”


While the Lady grumbled under her breath, everyone slowly became lost in the Civilization Store as we decided what items to choose. As I looked from the Lady to my companions, I couldn’t help but ponder.

‘……she brushed over talking about the stage rewards.’

My companions didn’t seem to notice anything strange, but, having experienced the future, I knew. The fact that they were deferring our rewards was a kind of [hint].

As soon as I started mentioning it, the Lady appeared and changed the subject

‘I was naturally going to give a clue to my companions… Is the Lady intentionally restraining me?’

My eyes met the constellation’s. The Lady smiled and waved. There was no animosity on the constellation’s face, but I couldn’t figure out her inner thoughts either.

[The Lady Who Walks Through the Mirage asks for your understanding.]

My understanding.


I looked at the Lady and silently nodded.

‘If I tell them everything from beginning to end, I’ll take away their opportunity to grow.’

Until now, I had guided my companions using the knowledge I gained before my regression. It was a privilege of knowing the future.

But that privilege would soon expire

‘The Flame Emperor only cleared up to the 40th stage.’ josei

Beyond that was an unknown area.

I knew the [concept] of the 40th to 49th floors. I also knew that the 50th floor was a world shared by all Towers. But that was it.

I had no knowledge from the 51st floor onwards.

‘At that time… it would be hard to move with subordinates who only knew how to do as they were told. I need companions who can fill in the parts I didn’t even think about, and defend the points I can’t. ’

Taking everything for yourself and keeping everything to yourself.

Eating alone is as harmful as poisoning oneself.(2)

It might be useful to deal with the difficulties right now, but in the end, it would eat away at [Our Tower]’s power.

‘I can’t follow Yoo Soo-ha’s footsteps.’

I accepted the Lady’s intentions.

I’ll leave my colleagues to realize the truth on their own.

They’re all people who suffered like me, and they’re all way cooler than me. They’ll definitely figure it out in time.

‘The question now is where should I invest my points…’

I looked closely at the [Civilization Store].

In fact, it didn’t take me long to decide on what item to buy.

‘There’s a reason that I invested so much of my spare time on the 32nd floor.’

I read the item’s description.


[Race Evolution]

Rank: Undetermined

Effect: Certain races have the capacity to evolve. But in a world where magic power exists, the ecosystem is very complex, and because of this, evolutions can sometimes be quite dramatic! Aura is the ability to materialize will, and changing according to one’s will is much faster than evolution through natural selection.

There is no guarantee that the direction of the evolution will be a good one. It’s possible for a race to rely on the wrong thing. A race that relies on destruction might evolve into a race wholly focused on slaughter, and a race that relies on seclusion might choose to completely isolate themselves from the world. Please choose carefully!

Price: 8,900 race points (the current investment has been calculated to 1,100 points…)

Unlock Conditions: Your race must have at least three traits.

※The Goblin Race satisfies the evolution conditions.


‘I originally invested because I thought it would be possible to obtain this on the 34th floor…’

There was a twinkle in my eye.

‘But I can buy it now.’

Race Evolution.

This was the reason why goblins were able to fight against the [High Elf] civilization the Flame Emperor had created.


Before I returned, the Flame Emperor chose the distinguished Elf Race.

The elves had innate talents for aura and magic, so they were able to progress quickly under the Flame Emperor’s guidance.

But in the end, the goblins were the ones that made the elves lower their heads in defeat.

To be precise, it was the Goblin Race’s [Final Evolution].


Bae Hu-ryeong made a sound to match his blank expression.

-What the hell? Did something like that really happen?

‘Of course. Do you think I chose the goblins for no reason?’

-I thought it was because you felt they resembled you, so you felt pity.

‘I did feel it. I do feel it. But I told you, didn’t I? They will soar one day. I really meant that the goblins will soar.’

-You were serious…?

‘Tch. I wouldn’t lie about that.’

-Your whole life is a lie. You soothsaying bastard.

Those were just white lies.



“I’d like to buy this.”

I pointed at [Race Evolution] as I said that. My other colleagues couldn’t see it, but the constellation could definitely see the hologram in front of me since she let out a soft ‘heh’ sound.

“Death King, you should really use your points more wisely. Isn’t that a waste? With that much, you could buy several [The Invention of Bronze-Grade Technology] or [Nation-Grade General]s.”


No matter how much technology was invented, it was meaningless if they couldn’t use it well.

Even if an outstanding talent did appear, it would also be meaningless if they failed to succeed because of jealousy or envy.

On the other hand [Race Evolution] was something that the entire race could enjoy.

“I’ll stick with this one.”

“You won’t regret it?”

“I won’t. Why do you keep asking? Do you really want me to pick something else?”

“This is why cheat players…”

The Lady let out a soft sigh.

“Thank you for your purchase.”

Clink, a sound effect like coins falling filled the air.

[Purchased ‘Race Evolution’.]

[8,900 points have been deducted!]

[You currently have 206 race points…]


The item was activated immediately.

[An upheaval of times! The Goblin Race is evolving!]

[The status of the Goblin Race will change.]

[You won’t be able to see the evolution of the Goblin Race until you enter the next stage.]

I smiled happily.

‘Okay. There’s just one more step before they can achieve their final evolution. I’m growing closer to my goal.’

The day would soon come when the goblins stood tall as the masters of the world.

‘Ahh. The time is approaching when the shouts of ‘kerk’ would come from every corner of the world. A fire has been lit in my cold, lonely heart, and it’s slowly beginning to pound.’

-Crazy bastard…

The others also made their purchases. Some spent all their points, some saved for the future. Even though the points had been distributed easily, there were still many variations.

“Is that everything? Nothing else?”

The Lady looked around before nodding.

“Good. You better not regret it. From now on, the history of this world will change. How many years will it be this time… Heh? Uhh. Huh?”

The Lady blinked.

“A lot more time passed than last time. It’s been 660 years since the fall of Rimepolis.”

660 years.

Compared to when the Heretic Questioner had forced the progress along, the years had flown by.

“The losers of the last era… the snails. How unfortunate.”

“What happened to the snails?”

“Huh. Well, go in and you’ll see for yourself.”

The Lady Who Walks Through the Mirage spread her arms wide.

“I’ll open the 33rd floor now!”


The light we had grown accustomed to blinded our eyes for a moment.

The sensation of my brain juices swirling around in my head was a bit more bearable now.


The next moment.

Sounds that seemed to shake the heavens hit our eardrums like a truck

-Kill them! Cut off all of those dirty snails’ tentacles!

-Charge! Charge! Don’t allow the enemy to get away! Stick to them till the end!

We found ourselves on a battlefield.


1. “Discretionary power” means a power which leaves an administrative authority some degree of latitude as regards the decision to be taken.

2. ??(獨食)???? ??(獨識)? ???. This one was a bit harder to decipher since I’m not very good at hanja… but I tried my best. I believe it means ‘being greedy is the same as harming yourself’. If any of you have a better grasp of the phrase/better wording, ping me on discord, I’d love to see it.)

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