SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 176. [My Son is too Strong (3)]

Chapter 176. [My Son is too Strong (3)]

Chapter 176. [My Son is too Strong (3)]

Translator: Seven PR: LightBrin


A good warrior keeps winning.

A really good warrior knows how to accept defeat when they somehow lose.

-I lost.

The musclehead was a really good warrior.

-I’m confident that I wouldn’t lose in terms of quantity of aura, but when it comes to the usage of aura, the difference is like heaven and earth. Ugor. I feel like I’ve been treating aura too simply.

“Don’t blame yourself.”

I rubbed Uburka’s head.

“I also didn’t realize it on my own. Instead, I was taught martial arts by my master. No matter how talented an individual might be, it would be difficult for them to compare to the history of an entire faction. There are thousands of years of history behind the Demonic Path.”




“I don’t even want you to call me ‘Father’. Why don’t you call me ‘sire’(1)? My identity shakes when a big guy like you calls me dad.”

-Understood, daddy(1*).

“Uh… the sound is only slightly different, but the connotation is really unpleasant. No, if you absolutely must call me something, then call me whatever you want…”

-Daddy. I have a question. Why have you been sitting on my head all this while?

“It’s because you’re huge, Uburka. Anyone who sees a giant like you would have the impulse to climb up. People have a natural desire to climb. It’s hard for me to resist.”

-I see. So there was such an impulse.

Uburka nodded. Shake, shake. As I was riding on this child’s head, I naturally experienced a sensation similar to the Viking ship ride at an amusement park.

It was kinda fun.

“Now that you’ve lost to me, listen to my advice carefully. Of course, after you listen to me, you can still decide whether to do what I say or not. You can even tell me if you have a better idea.”


“Even if you were to force the peace negotiations, the chaos in the world would not end.”

I stroked Uburka’s head again.

“You have to carry out the negotiations so that all parties can be satisfied. Not only the snails, but the other five races should also benefit in some way.”

-How can we make them benefit?

“That’s simple. For now, put aside whatever you might think from your perspective. Instead, think about the perspectives of the other races. Then you will find an answer.”

I said.

“The snail race will welcome peace. That is because it will help them escape the fate of being destroyed. However, it would be difficult for them to accept [removing the source of the conflict by destroying Rimepolis]. Do you understand why?”

-Because it is the Holy Land?

“Tsk. If Rimepolis is destroyed, they won’t have a city to live in.”

I smacked the top of Uburka’s head.

“They would be happy that the crisis of being destroyed had been averted, but they would be anxious since their future was not guaranteed. In other words, if you can somehow relieve this anxiety, the snails will accept the peace negotiations.”

-A new city. A new place to live.

“Right. It would hurt to have their Holy Land destroyed. But as you said, you’d destroy the Holy Land [so no one can have it]. That is something they would be able to accept.”


Uburka nodded and my Viking ship returned.

-We will promise the snails that we will protect them as they make a new settlement to live in. They will probably be anxious if we were to put them in a place close to the other five races, so we’ll have to lead them to a place as far away as possible.

“Right. That’s it. The snails have good technical skills, don’t they? You can set the condition of them teaching a few of these skills to you. That way, the warriors of the goblin race will have fewer complaints.”

-Is that so?

“To be precise it should decrease the shibals a bit.”

-That sounds the same, but the connotation feels different…

It wouldn’t completely erase the complaints.

Nevertheless, within the goblin race, the law of respecting the strong was deeply ingrained. They would follow the will of Uburka, the Chairman of the Council and the number one goblin. Because the magic words ‘if you have any complaints, then come fight me’ existed.

“Uburka. Your will to prevent the destruction of a race is good. However, if you want to live ignorantly, then you mustn’t be ignorant. It’s better to think hard about whether you can achieve something or not.”

-Mm. Daddy. What do the other races need?

“I just told you.”

I chuckled softly.

“Can’t you just think from their perspective?”


-We will help you when you feel like you will fall!

The night of the full moon.

Although reluctant, the snails and the leaders of the allied army attended the meeting. Nevertheless, none of them had good expressions. It would be better to say they were ‘forced to attend’, than ‘attended’. Unfortunately, there was no one who could stand up to the leader of the muscle-heads.

Under the tent where the representatives of each race gathered, Uburka declared with ambition.

-Look. The Snail Empire, which boasted the greatest prosperity after the Primeval Forest burned, also collapsed. There is no such thing as eternal prosperity. The allied forces are in a good condition now, but it’s possible for one of you to decline someday. This is the logic of the world that we can’t control.


-The defeated race will become the slaves of the victorious race. The enslaved race would then experience the humiliation of 600 years ago, and the master race will repeat the same mistakes the snail race made 600 years ago. That’s not good at all! Both sides will have shibal, and eventually, the whole world will be filled with shibal!

Uburka had a sad expression on his face. In other words, he opened his mouth, showed his fangs, furrowed his eyebrows, and wiggled the tip of his nose.

When the strongest hobgoblin in history made such an expression, there weren’t many who could bear to look at him.

-Mm. Umm…

The vampire leader spoke in a cautious manner.

-In other words, you will help us in the future just like you’re helping the snails now?

-That’s right. When you are on the brink of extinction, I, Uburka, Chairman of the Fire River Council, promise to come to your aid. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

-Excuse me. Is there a guarantee that this promise will continue from generation to generation?

-There isn’t.

-Then I’m sorry, but this conversation…

Uburka grabbed the haft of his battle-ax. Flinch. And all the representatives in the tent shrank back like frightened deer.

-There isn’t, but now there will be.


-Wait here.

Chairman Uburka left the tent and approached the goblin soldiers who had surrounded it.

-Members of the Fire River Council, listen up! I will conclude the peace negotiations in the name of the Council. And from now on, if any of the tribes here are on the verge of collapse, we will help them.

The warriors glanced at each other.

And one of them, who seemed to have eaten a lot of jjambap(2), said,

-We will do as the Chairman says.

-This promise will remain valid even after I die.

-Ugo? How will that work?

-Because you will all vow [my descendants will never break this promise] now. And if any of your descendants break the promise you made with me, they will be considered sinful and a disgrace.

-What if we don’t want to vow?

-Defeat me.

-Shibal. josei

The warrior who had eaten a lot of jjambap picked up his spear.

-I’m against that decision! My name is Murk. Descendant of Kekerkker and Gorgir, the great warrior who ran beside him. Ranked 49th in the Fire River Council, and brother of Murmu, who died honorably in a duel after defeating many opponents in this war!

Uburka hefted his ax onto his shoulders.

-Nice muscles. I’ll only beat you within an inch of your life, instead of killing you.

True to his words, he beat up the warrior who’d eaten a lot of jjambap.


Uburka buried his fist in the warrior’s stomach, and the warrior showed his jjambap to the world.

The name of his exhibit was [Two Fish & A bit of Centipede Chicken]. It was a work that stood out because of the contrast between the thin gastric juices and thick ingredients.

The various goblins who witnessed his exhibit trembled with emotion.

-H-, he’s still as ridiculously strong as ever…

-I really want to know what the chairman eats that makes him so crazily strong!

-Even a double digit ranker was sent flying in one hit. That’s insane.

-Doesn’t he seem stronger than before…?

-I think it’s a really good decision, Chairman! Chairman is the face and honor of our race! Hooray for the Chairman!

-Who said that?

-That shameless bastard.

-Get out here you slug!

Afterward, several warriors stepped forward to contest the decision. There were those ranked 100th, and even the warrior ranked 6th. Nevertheless, no warrior was able to force Uburka to use his ax. All of them fell with just one punch.

When the number of beaten warriors reached 33, the goblins had no choice but to join together and chant one word in one voice.



Uburka put down his ax and folded his arms.

-Weak. How are you guys so weak? You’re so weak that I feel bad for hitting you. I’m already very sorry guys. Quietly agree to my decision before I become even more sorry.

A good warrior keeps winning. A really good warrior knows how to accept defeat when they somehow lose.

In that sense, all of the goblins were really good warriors.

-I agree.

-I agree, ugo.

-Those who are against it, speak up.


Only the sound of the bonfires burning could be heard in the military camp. All the members of the Fire River Council and all the warriors on the battlefield expressed their approval.

Uburka looked around and nodded.

-Good. Then as the Chairman of the Fire River Council, I hereby declare that [If one of the six races is on the verge of extinction, we will help that race]. Those who shouted in approval, and those who remained silent despite their opposition, as well as their descendants, cannot disobey this decree. Everyone. Swear on the sacred earth.

Uburka thumped his ax on the ground three times.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Without speaking, the goblin warriors also raised their weapons and thumped them on the ground three times.


Uburka returned to the tent and took his seat.

The representatives of the six races stared at him blankly.

Arms crossed, Uburka looked at the representatives.

-We have made a vow that the promise will be passed down to our later generations.


-Any other questions?


The vampire commander bowed his head politely.

-That is sufficient. I don’t have any other questions.

One bowed his head and another raised their head. It was the representative of the oni(3) race.

-Hey, mold. You’re really strong!

-Our father is stronger.

-Huh, son of a bitch?

-You’re wrong. We are not sons of bitches. When Kekerkker descended, he borrowed the body of a lion. Therefore, we are the children of lions, that expression could only suit the snails over there. I’m disappointed that you don’t even have such basic common sense. So you can go ahead and correct yourself by calling me son of a lion.

-Huh? Huh? Sh*t, anyway!

The oni commander drew his sword.

-I speak for the rest. We led the expedition all the way here, pouring in countless resources into it! Even if you say [we’ll help you when you have a crisis later, so leave now] that’s not enough, is it? What should we do about the resources that have already been poured into the abyss?!

-So what do you want?


-We are not a rich race either. We consider it a virtue to eat what you earn in a day. So we can’t compensate you even if I wanted to.

-Then we can’t negotiate with you either!

-Ugor. That’s not it.

Uburka stroked his chin.

-You must be worried about something else.


-The problem is that you spent so many resources but returned without a proper result. The nobles and landowners who were ripped off by you will definitely express dissatisfaction. It might even lead to a revolt, which would cause you to lose power as a result. If you’re not lucky, you would be made into a scapegoat and executed. That’s what you’re worried about, isn’t it?

Uburka recited the words we’d discussed in his dream. When he heard the unexpected remarks, the oni commander was shocked…

-Just once. If there is a rebellion in your country, I will help you.


-I won’t add this to the agreement. It is something I’ll do on my own. With this body, an ax and twelve spears, I should be able to change the minds of any rebel. How about it? Will you assist us in destroying the holy land now?

Uburka bared his fangs.

-If you still need an excuse then come fight me. Saying that you lost to me in a duel should be good enough of an excuse for oni like you.

-You, you bastard.

The oni commander became flushed and brandished his sword.

-Fine then! Let’s duel! But if you think I’ll go easy on you, you’re sorely mistaken!

-If you think that I won’t go easy on you, you’re mistaken. I’ll cut you some slack.

The oni commander was subsequently beaten. His horn was bent, his nose was broken and his leg was twisted. After a few of his teeth fell out, his appearance was thus completed. The oni commander, who was then buried headfirst in the ground, let out a groan.

-Fucking… dog bastard…

Uburka smiled at his masterpiece.

-You look more like a warrior now!

If someone were to bury a person upside down in front of you, you would naturally have a lot less to say.

So that night, the representatives of the seven tribes signed a peace treaty.


1.This is (??-abi), an older/slightly more informal way to say ‘father’, I settled for ‘sire’ because I couldn’t think of or find any better alternatives.

*. What Uburka says is (??-aebi) which is kind of a ruder/more informal way to say it.

So in those first few paragraphs alone, there were a total of four different ways to say ‘father’. ???-abeoji, ??-appa, ??-abi, ??-aebi.

2.This is an expression used as a measure of how many years someone has worked in a certain field. The word ‘jjambap’ originates from the military and literally means ‘military meal’ or army rations. Eating a lot of jjambap/military meals meant that your stay in the military is long so you have a lot of experience. The same was true if your rank is higher, it means that you have eaten a lot of jjambap and are now more experienced than those who have eaten less jjambap.

*Explanation mostly stolen/plagiarized from cc, another of our translators ^-^. The expression is used a lot in ‘The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military’ the novel she is currently working on, it’s quite good, you guys should check it out.

3. From now on, I’ll change ‘sprite’ to ‘oni’. It’s closer to what it should have been, just that at the time, I couldn’t think of a good way to translate it and settled for the second best. It had been bothering me for a while and I wasn’t sure whether to change it or not, but I decided to say ‘screw it’.)

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