SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 181. [Our Children have Changed (2)]

Chapter 181. [Our Children have Changed (2)]

Chapter 181. [Our Children have Changed (2)]

Translator: Seven PR: LightBrin

“What are you talking about? My kids are pure, cute, hardworking, sincere… After all, they were born from all the good things in the world. What does a blind guy like you know about us?”

-Right. You’re boasting so proudly. You must have been a goblin in one of your past lives.

Bae Hu-ryeong clicked his tongue.

At that moment, a voice sounded in my head.

[The 34th Floor’s quest has been given.]

Did the Tower judge that I had a rough idea of the stage so it gave out the quest? Words appeared in front of my eyes


[The Warring Theaters Period: The Crisis of Classics]


The name of the quest was strange.

Still kneeling in frustration, I looked at the quest window.


[The Warring Plays Period: The Crisis of Classics]

Difficulty: B+

Objective: You have succeeded in bestowing mythology to the Goblin Race. The Goblin people were born listening to your actions, seeing your deeds, and learning your beliefs. But the excitement was short lived. Having heard the same stories over and over for hundreds of years, the new generation of the Goblin Race have grown tired of the mundane ‘classics’!

For some time now, recreations of the classics have been gaining popularity in the Goblin Race. This trend has passed the stage of sensational popularity and has developed into a violent gale which threatens to displace the original myths!

‘Ugor. I like the evil Kekerkker better than the good Kekerkker.’

‘It is tradition that the Lady of Golden Silk and the Lady of the Silver lily be connected.’

‘The Constellation Killer and the Sword Emperor is good too.’

‘You don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s only a classic when the Sword Emperor and the Heavenly Demon are together.’

This is serious!

The Goblin Race has begun to quarrel amongst themselves over which myth is real. If this is allowed to continue, the Goblin Race might lose their original myths. If the original myths disappear, the Goblin Race will be unable to use their aura training method!

Noble White Lion. Create a play for the Goblin Race that will be performed in the theaters and receive applause as the true story. You are the one who decides the true myths and the true history! Unify the myths and establish the aura training method!

※However, if you fail to deliver, your race will lose the ‘Demonic Cult’ trait.



I read the quest window several times.

“Huh… so to put it simply, my stories have become so twisted that they are no longer sure what is real or fake? If I leave it as is, the aura training method that I worked so hard to plan out, will disappear.”

-I guess so?


I stroked my chin.

How should I go about this?

Several thoughts flitted across my mind for a moment. But my first thought was…

“Do I really need to fix this?”

I thought that it might be fine to just leave it as is.

“I would get tired of hearing the same thing every day too. The kids are only trying this and that because they’re hungry for new plays. There’s no need for me to spray cold water on them.”

-Huh? Then what about the aura training method that you so ambitiously prepared?

“That was just my greed. It started because Uburka agreed that it would be interesting. If the kids of this era don’t want to do it because they don’t think it would be fun then it’s up to them. I don’t want to interfere with their fun too much.”


Bae Hu-ryeong clapped his hands.

-For the first time, you actually look like a real parent.

“I’ve always been a real parent.”

-That’s a load of bullsh*t. If there was a competition in the world for the most childish parent, you would win a landslide victory. Zombie.

“Oh. That play sounds interesting.”

I pointed to the theater across the street.

There were many theaters in this city. If the circular theaters on the three way intersection were the large companies, then the one I was pointing to was a small theater company that had barely managed to carve out a space for itself in an alley. Nevertheless, the poster for the play was quite pretty, probably because they had to hone their advertising abilities.

-The Epic of Kekerkker! Watch the Fire Play of Kekerkker [The Rampant Fire Sword]!

The elf ticket clerk shouted.

-[Demon King Estelle], [The Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon], and [Raviel and Kekerkker] too, all of these stories start here and end here! The two people who are always together on a mythical journey! The story of him and him!

The picture of a tattooed hobgoblin stood out on the poster, although he seemed to be a bit soft for some reason. And behind him, was another hobgoblin with a lean, muscular body.

The two were staring straight ahead with their backs to each other.

“From the looks of it, that one is about us. Isn’t it?”

-Yeah. I think it’s a story about the two of us.

Bae Hu-ryeong also looked interested.

Filled with anticipation, we entered the small theater. A few logs that had been scraped clean were placed on the ground, and the guests sat on them in their designated spots. All of the seats were full. Even the standing area was filled to the brim.


After seeing the proper facilities, our expectations rose even more.

“It’s small but clean. It feels like an elite minority.”

-But among the things you told Uburka, were there any stories about you and me?


Apart from [Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon], there shouldn’t be any.

“Well, I guess this is a secondary creation. Ah. Looks like it’s starting. Watch quietly… you don’t need to.”

-Even if we talk amongst ourselves, no one else can hear us, so it’s pretty sweet.

“Don’t they sell popcorn at these theaters? Watermelon beer? Fried watermelon skin? What’s this? Why do these guys like watermelon so much?”

We chatted while watching [The Rampant Fire Sword]. For a moment, my heart pounded because of my high expectations. But as the play progressed, the faces of Bae Hu-ryeong and I quickly became sour in real time.

“What is this”

-What the fuck?

The two of us ran out of the play before it was even halfway through.

-Did those bastards lose their minds?


-That wasn’t me on the poster but the Flame Emperor!?


-Why is there a random scene of the Heavenly Demon and the Flame Emperor arguing!?


The word crazy just kept coming out of my mouth. Three ‘crazy’s. That was a strikeout.

“Now that I think about it, I think we need to distinguish the real myths. The kids’ fun? Of course it’s important. However, not the Flame Emperor. Anyone but the Flame Emperor. Crazy. They really crossed the line.”

-You’re right! You need to fix it!

With one mind, Bae Hu-ryeong and I vowed to complete the quest.

“Let’s see how we can solve this situation first.”

I wandered around the city until nightfall.

As a result, I found that there were unexpectedly some serious problems in the current era.

It was also related to the new trait the goblin race had acquired.


[Demonic Cult]

Category: Religion, Military, Politics.

Origin: [Bad Friend Doctrine]

Description: Finally, the White Lion Faith has begun to distinguish itself as a religion through the [Guru Doctrine] and the [Bad Friend Doctrine]!

Gorke, the First Prophet, recognized the White Lion as a close friend and Father of the Goblin Race. And the Goblin Race learned the myths of the White Lion from the Second Prophet, Uburka.

Nevertheless, the Demonic Cult is currently experiencing an unprecedented identity crisis! There are all kinds of denominations and opinions over the proper interpretations of the White Lion’s myths. The various denominations accuse each other of heresy and claim that they are the true inheritors of the White Lion’s will!

The Goblins, who believe in different myths, have different images. The appearance and efficacy of their aura varies depending on what image it is based on! Solve the problem of the doctrinal interpretations!

※However, this trait can change depending on how history progresses.

※Caution! There are 16 denominations in dispute about the doctrines! If conflict intensifies, it may lead to religious strife and perhaps even racial division!



I had a rough understanding of how the history of the past 300 years went.

“This. This problem probably began after Uburka’s death. If that child was still alive, he would probably have beaten up all the opposition and suppressed them with force…”

-Indeed. The kids who were forced to sit quietly without being able to make a sound are now raising their voices.

“That seems to be the case.”

Uburka was strong. Too strong. When such absolute powerhouse disappeared, the disagreements that appeared among the goblin race could not be dealt with as simply as before.

Conflict was natural.

Just like everyone experiencing puberty, the goblin race was now experiencing the pains of growing up.

-Welcome, welcome, ladies and gentlemen! This is ‘If I can’t have it, I’d rather destroy everything’! Take a look at Estelle’s unique charm!

-This is a classic Fire Play! It’s much better than the other pseudo-plays!

-Who are you calling pseudo!? You heretic!

-The Flame Emperor was actually a good person?! The story of a man who fell prey to Kekerkker’s viciousness……

…Although that pain was developing in a strange direction.

From the beginning, art and religion had been inseparable in the goblin race. The ones who demonstrated the Fire Paintings were priests and the theaters where plays were held were temples. Which play you went to watch showed what denomination you believed in.

‘Depending on the image they have, their aura could change drastically.’

Art. Religion. Military.

These important fields were grouped together.

But I could never, ever, allow the worship of the Flame Emperor.

It was something that I was determined to get rid of.

-Ack! There should be laws for this!

I was in a remote part of the city.

In a place where the poor goblins lived together in pits, a cry rang out. When I turned my head to look, there was an argument occurring in front of a shabby theater.

-I definitely won first place in the evaluation! My acting skills were by far the best!

The main character of the argument was an elf. In front of the small elf, who was shouting, stood a large hobgoblin with his arms folded.

-So why did someone else get the role instead of me?! Was it a bribe? Personal connections? You should go on stage because of your own skill, not something like this!

-We don’t take bribes. Ugo. And no one can use personal connections either. Although we’re poor, we’re still a theater company with 130 years of tradition. Don’t look down on us.

-Then why didn’t I even get selected for the main role or even a supporting role?! Is it because I’m an elf?! Don’t be ridiculous! That’s racial discrimination! I will make a formal complaint to the Fire River Council!

-It’s not that you weren’t selected because you are an elf. We pursue equality under Kekerkker’s advice. However.

The hobgoblin company owner spoke in a solemn voice.

-You… are too weak.

-Wh-, what?

-Look at your body.

The owner’s eyes scanned the elf’s body.

-Your bank is hunched. Your shoulders are thin. Your muscles are nonexistent. Your limbs are as thin as spider legs and look as though they will crack when touched. And your thighs… are those even thighs? I’m not even sure how you can still support your body on those legs.

The hobgoblin shook his head.

-No matter how good your acting skills are, what’s the point? These days, the audience’s focus is on a lot of muscles. Even snot nosed kids wouldn’t admire a body like yours. You’re not qualified.

-A-, an actor only needs to be good at acting!

The elf was furious. However, he covered himself with both arms as though he was self conscious.

The theater owner shook his head before revealing his thick muscles.

-No. Actors are priests who share Kekerkker’s teachings to the public, warriors who take the lead in the event of a war, and fighters who duel when the council is convened.

Did these guys still decide on the council’s agenda by dueling? They were such cute idiots.

-That’s why the audiences clap their hands so happily at the actors. They acknowledge the fantasies as truth. Who would be enchanted by a warrior who only knew how to talk on stage?

-Uhh. uhhh…

-Your muscles are weak. Increase your chest muscles by four times first. Then I’ll listen to what you have to say.

-A-, according to mythology, Kekerkker had internal muscles! My muscles are internal too! I’m stronger than I look!


The theater owner smirked.

-Then be Kekerkker instead of an actor. Transform into a lion and help our race. At the very least, our theater company doesn’t believe in internal muscles.

-W-, wait a minute. Theater owner, sir! Just once!

In the end, the elf knelt down and grabbed the edge of the hobgoblin’s clothes.

-Please judge me one more time! I am confident that I can act much better than last time. Umm. After seeing my acting, the other muscleheads won’t even catch your eyes! I am an acting genius! If you pick me as the main character, no, if you give me the role as one of the Four Demon Lords in [Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon], there will be a revolution in the Guru theater world!

-An actor should never kneel.

The theater owner dismissed him.

-Exercise. Build up your muscles. That’s all I have to say to you.

-Ah! Sir! Elves are different from you goblins! It’s impossible for us to have big muscles! You ignorant pigs! Are there muscles in your brain! josei

-I have nothing more to say to you.

The hobgoblin easily shook the elf off, and with a scream, the elf rolled over.

-Aigo, I’m dead! Aigo! This mold is racist! It’s sad that I was born an elf! If I was born a goblin, I would have already debuted on the stage by now! Why was I born with long ears? Why am I being treated like this? Do you think Kekerkker would accept what you’re doing?!

-How pathetic… go make some money instead.

-I like acting more than making money!

The theater owner closed his door with a click.

The aspiring elf actor cried out.

-Great Cat! Kekerkker! Please give me the talent of an actor! It’s fine as long as you let me go on stage one time! You can have my soul! No, even the devil is fine. Take my soul! Take my soul so that I may debut! Please!


I stroked my chin.

“I think I have a good idea.”

-Huh? What is it?

“Let’s create a top star actor.”

I’ll show the true play to the goblins who had started believing false stories.

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