SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 192. [Prima Donna (4)]

Chapter 192. [Prima Donna (4)]

Chapter 192. [Prima Donna (4)]

Translator: Seven


Words of resolution.

I had waited for those words.


I roused the aura in my body.

And my drunkenness slowly faded.

‘I’m coming to my senses.’

In our Tower [if you’re not alone, then it’s not polite to stop drinking till you’re drunk] was common sense.

But while I loved this drinking courtesy, it would be rude to listen to Ssonia while drunk. Especially for such a serious matter.

‘My clothes… What the hell? Why is my top a mess?’

How drunk did I get last night?

Maybe it was because it had been a while since I last drank.

“Sorry, Ssonia. Would it be okay for me to wash up before we start talking? I want to hear what you have to say with a clean body.”

-Ah. Um, if you need to…

“I do.”

Anyone who intended to confide an important resolution to me deserved to be treated with respect.

“There should be a stream nearby. I’ll wash up first, so can you wait a bit?”


Ssonia answered in a slightly strange tone.

I went to the stream and washed up. I had spotted it the night before while riding in the bathtub. As I immersed myself in the cool pool, the rest of my drunkenness faded. And after reciting the complete Infernal Heavens Demonic Art in my head, I got up.

“Let’s sit and talk.”


Ssonia and I sat facing each other.

“You want to act in the next performance yourself?”

Ssonia nodded.

“That means you want to continue as an actor instead of retiring.”


“Can you tell me why?”

Ssonia took some time to think about it. It seemed that he was choosing his words carefully.

Looking at the determined face in front of me, I suddenly had a thought that was completely different from the current situation.

‘I’m just like the Director.’

Whenever a child wanted to confide something to him, the Director always prepared thoroughly. First, he made sure his body and mind were calm. As soon as I woke up, I immediately got rid of my drunkenness and washed myself. Something that reminded me of the Director.



I patiently waited for Ssonia.

-…it’s not that I hate the thought of living like that.

As I dried my hair with aura before continuing to dry it in the sun, Ssonia opened his mouth.

-In fact, I really like this free windfall. Yes. Neither my family nor my race can ignore me. The gold coins in my coffers are amazing. Thanks to Lord Kekerkker, I can live happily for the rest of my life, but…

Ssonia turned his head slightly.

The Black Dragon Master and the Crusader, who were still in the flower field, were talking in their sleep. The Black Dragon Master was muttering things that didn’t make sense like ‘uhh’, ‘ah’, ‘You have to start slowly…’. While the Crusader continuously groaned the same thing, ‘no’, ‘it’s a misunderstanding’, ‘no’.

It was a mystery exactly what was starting or what was a misunderstanding.

They were my colleagues, but sometimes they were really interesting…

-Yesterday made me certain.

Ssonia looked at each one of us in turn.

-You all were drinking, dancing, and talking… I felt your life. I felt that I wanted that life. No. I desired to have a life like that.

Ssonia’s hand on his lap clenched.

-I don’t know why I found life in just the sound of your breathing and talking. But I want to be in it as well. I want to go on stage too. Like you all… I too… I want to be beautiful too.

I nodded.

I had also been in the same situation as Ssonia.

So at that moment, I understood Ssonia’s resolution the most.

“I will help you.”

I opened the Civilization Store.

[Purchased ‘Dream Appearance’.](Note: Poor Ssonia)

[100 points have been deducted!]

[You currently have 6602 race points.]

“Until now, you have been watching me for a closer spot than anyone else. You saw my choreography, acting and how to use aura all in real time as if you were in a class. Theoretically, I have nothing more to teach you, so all that’s left is for you to gain experience.”


“But before I help you, there’s something I’d like to ask.”

I gave him my kindest smile.

As the Young Master of the Demonic Cult and the successor of the Infernal Heavens Demonic Art, it was a necessity to have at least this much style.

“Ssonia, how many days can you survive without food?”

Silence fell.

The elf, who was born to a rich merchant family, tilted his head to the side.


That was a good response.

It took less than 30 minutes for Ssonia’s cute expression to be broken by a scream.


After the hellish training, it was finally the day of the performance.

For me, it would be the last performance I directed in this world.

But for Ssonia, it would be his debut performance.

[The quest ‘The Warring Theaters Period: The Crisis of Classics’ progresses.]

[Current heretic erosion rate is 11%.]

The quest for this stage was progressing smoothly. The Fire Play style I created. The so-called Dance Play, had already begun to spread around the city.

It was no longer just [Dog Sound], other theater companies had begun to sneakily ride this trend.

Now, even if I didn’t do anything more, the quest would be completed.

“Yaa. It’s my first time watching from the audience’s perspective.”

I smiled happily.

Below me, customers filled every seat.

“It really feels different. How about you Black Dragon Master? Aren’t you nervous?”

“Why would I be nervous……”

The Black Dragon Master flicked her hair to the back. She looked relaxed, but she couldn’t hide her clenched fists.

Holding back my laughter, I turned my head.

“The Crusader looks completely fine?”

“Mm. I’ve been on the stage many times, and I used to run a jazz bar. So I’ve gotten used to it to an extent. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel some nervousness though.”

“Uhh. You ran a jazz bar?”

“That’s an old story from the second year after we entered the Tower.”

The Crusader smiled bitterly.

“In the past, I wanted to make a living by doing jazz. Luckily, people liked my music.”


For reference, the Black Dragon Master was no longer a vampire, and the Crusader was no longer a mermaid. We were floating in the air and looking at the show in our original forms.

All three of us had left the [Person Possession].

“I proudly opened the jazz bar that had been my dream in the outside world. In many ways, it was a great experience.”

The Black Dragon Master tilted her head to the side.

“You told me not to talk about those days. Why are you suddenly telling Death King about it?”

“I changed my mind.”

“Hmph. You’ve always been back and forth like this… What was the name of your jazz bar again? I can’t remember.”

“Little Venice.”

“Ah, right. It was Venice. You really messed it up.”

The Black Dragon Master snickered.

“You borrowed money from some bad guys. You owed them a lot of money. I heard about it while drinking with the mafia. They said they’d found an S-class pushover and hit the jackpot.”

“I’ve always had trouble managing money…”

“Fix it. That’s why the Civil Militia always struggles with funding. Well, we were able to have a good relationship because of that…”


I pointed to the stage.

“Shh, I think it’s starting.”

The Black Dragon Master and the Crusader immediately shut their mouths and focused on the stage. The Black Dragon Master wrote the script, the Crusader composed the music, and I did the choreography. All three of us worked very hard to direct it.

The first collaboration between us three.

The actors stepped onto the dark stage.


The Black Dragon Master trembled nervously.

She hadn’t trembled when she climbed the walls of the Aegim Empire and gave a speech to the soldiers. So it was a bit surprising that she’d be nervous at a time like this.

I lightly grabbed the Black Dragon Master’s arm.

“……Death King.”


“Why are you holding my elbow…?”

“It’s standard to hold hands, but Raviel’s hands are the only hands I’m allowed to hold. It’s kind of embarrassing to hold hands with friends. But it would feel like too much to put my arm around your shoulder wouldn’t it? So I compromised with the elbow.”


The Black Dragon Master let out a short laugh.

“You really are crazy.”

“I think that’s a minority opinion, Black Dragon Queen.”

“Seriously… ”

The Black Dragon Master sighed. Nevertheless, as she watched the performance, her face was much more relaxed. And she was no longer trembling.

“……gosh. I guess everyone is still a bit inexperienced with using aura.”

“It’s still pretty good. You can’t expect them to be on our level.”

“It seems a bit hard to perform both the music and the choreography at the same time… But the music is better than expected. At least it’s not so bad that I can’t listen to it.”

We whispered among ourselves.

I could also hear the whispers of the audience below us.

-Ugo. Doesn’t this feel worse than usual?

-Is it? This is my first time.

-I’m not really sure, but the aura feels weaker than usual…

-It’s a subtle difference.

As expected.

‘The audience noticed it immediately.’

It was the absence of my influence in the performance.

Until now, I had always coordinated with the actors while on stage. I used my aura to fill in any gaps in their performances, and directed the music.

But in this performance, the actors were doing the choreography, using their aura and making the music without me.



The one eyed Arika, the one armed Yumar, and the one eared Sakum all danced to the best of their ability while also barely releasing the portion of the melody assigned to them.

Of course, Ssonia was the same.

I could see every drop of sweat these children shed.

‘It’s fine.’

I clenched my fist.

‘Everything will work out. Kids.’

You all are ready to succeed.

‘Hang in there.’

The murmurs in the audience grew louder and louder. The most disappointed ones were the regular audience members who enthusiastically followed the Dog Sound Theater Company.

What is this? Something’s not right.

Those kinds of words were coming from all over the room.


The three of us all gulped silently.

The climax of the performance was approaching.


All of the actors stopped moving.

The music that they were playing with their aura also stopped.

The dark theater was immediately engulfed in silence, which shocked the audience. Before this shock could develop into anything else, Raviel Ivansia, played by Ssonia, opened ‘her’ mouth.

-Lascia, ch’io pianga—.

Accompanied by a red aura, a song rang out loudly.

As soon as the song escaped from his lips, the audience flinched. josei

Ssonia recited the song he learned while vomiting blood.

-mia cruda, sorte…

It was impossible for me to teach him to use aura on a similar level to me in such a short period of time.

So the three of us put our heads together to come up with another idea for a performance.

For the first time in our theater, [a scene where one actor sings alone] was introduced.


I couldn’t help but whisper when I saw the reactions of the audience.

“It’s working! It’s working!”

Our theater company was famous for not having lines.

Sometimes the actors made sounds while they danced, but it was usually nonsensical things like ‘woo!’ and ‘huk!’. Or primitive expressions with deliberately obscure meanings.

No one in the audience expected an opera’s aria.

-la liberta…

Ssonia had the ability to turn this unexpected twist from displeasure, to pleasure.

It was only through extensive teaching and training that this moment was made possible.

A lone elf sang in the darkness.

-la liberta…

The hobgoblins witnessed the aria in shocked silence.

We could see our success in their eyes.

“What a relief.”

“Yeah. Although we used a trick…”

“It was a situation where we had no choice but to use tricks. Even if the overall level is lowered, if the climax is worth it, then they can overcome the situation. I can breathe easy…”

We happily continued to watch the performance.

[Current heretic erosion rate is 10%.]

[Successfully lowered the heretic erosion rate to 10% or lower.]

[Quest Cleared!]

Just in time, I heard the Tower’s voice telling me the quest had been completed.

I looked at Ssonia and the other actors for a bit longer before getting to my feet.

“Let’s go.”


“I’m satisfied with seeing those kids do well without me. If I see the audience start applauding them I might end up crying. We should go now.”

“I never would have thought you had weak tear glands.”

“Says the Black Dragon Queen who cried on the 11th floor…”

“Do you think I wouldn’t hit you?”

The Black Dragon Master and the Crusader also got up.

Although it was a bit early, and no one could hear us, we gave the actors a round of applause.

On the stage, the aria ended and the dance resumed.

‘It’ll be okay.’

I looked at Ssonia who was sweating profusely and doing his best.



“I declare stage clear.”

The three of us spoke almost at the same time.

[The Black Dragon Master declares stage clear.]

[The Crusader declares stage clear.]

[Stage Clear!]

Just before my vision faded, I saw Ssonia look up above the audience.

He was looking at where I was floating.

It should have been impossible, but it felt like I made eye contact with Ssonia at that moment.

[You have cleared the 34th floor.]

[Your compensation will be settled after entering the 35th floor.]

[Chain layers in progress—you will be sent directly to the 35th floor!]

White light covered us.

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