Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 548

Chapter 548

Chapter 548

“You two are weak! At this rate, none of you would be able to complete any of my schemes later! Therefore, I would reinforce your Spirit Of Vengeance by making it able to withstand the sunlight, but the two of you need to fight against each other, and I will only give it to the winner! The winner will also get a chance to renew their contract fairly with a chance to challenge me and my rights!” Mephisto said as he laughed evilly.

Robbie bit his lips in frustration that Mephisto’s word once again proved that the Ghost Rider could be killed even inside of Hell itself! And now he realised whoever found the way to do it would be able to complete their contract and get their souls back!

But was that really all there was to it?

Robbie tried to use his ability to open up the Dimensional Gate to return to earth. He wasn’t trying to leave, simply trying to see whether he could leave Hell right now or not. But as he expected beforehand, his ability didn’t work, meaning that he was trapped in Hell unless the situation changed!

Robbie clicked his tongue as he knew that his soul would always be in Mephisto’s grip whether he found a way to kill Duke or not! He knew that it was a nightmare, but he really didn’t want to be trapped down here forever! The flame on Robbie’s body lit up once again as he was freed from the effect of Penance Stare. He was unsure of his decision, but deep inside, he knew that it was all he wanted!

On the other hand, Duke was desperate as he saw Robbie could no longer open up the portal to go back to earth. He lost it and suddenly attacked Robbie with his chain to try to win the demon’s challenge and had a chance to return to earth!

The new Spirit of Vengeance that the demon promised should be promising as it could withstand the sunlight! Duke began to laugh while continuing his onslaught towards Robbie as he was once again blinded by greed. “I really want to thank you for bringing me to such an interesting place!” Duke said with an evil smirk on his face. josei

. . . . . . . . . . .

Dio, who was still on earth, didn’t know that Mephisto was taking his frustration out on Robbie and Duke because of him. However, even if he knew about it, it wouldn’t change anything as Dio would refuse to step on Hell as long as he could! Dio knew that he wouldn’t have a chance to win against the real Mephisto back in Hell. With that in mind, he knew that he had to strengthen himself first before trying to challenge Hell.

Mephisto only used his clone because of The Ancient One’s protection on earth! The clone was the only vehicle for Mephisto to enter earth as it was nearly impossible to break the Ancient One’s protection. Otherwise, he wouldn’t use the clone as it was extremely weak compared to his real power.

And Dio also knew that the demons were extremely cunning, and he had no obligation to take any risk to fall under their trap now. If he really had to fight against these demons, he must prepare himself perfectly first!

Dio also knew that no matter what demon it was that came to earth, he wouldn’t have to fear them as he would always come out on top! But still under the premise that he fought them on earth!

After a night of rest, Dio enjoyed breakfast in Hongkong’s restaurant and ready to take a stroll around the city and buy some souvenirs before returning to New York. He already called Wanda and told her everything was fine before asking for T’challa to send him a Fighter Jet for his return.

As Dio opened a newspaper to see the recent news, one particular news caught his attention.

‘NASA’s Spacecraft crashed in the forest of Borneo on Eastern Malaysia, setting the forest on fire! Fortunately, Malaysian’s local fire department and rescue forces were able to control the fire and quickly put the fire out without any casualties!’

Dio smirked as he realised from the news that America was trying hard to speed up their space program to catch up with Dio. They probably even tried to copy the Dark Battleship’s design! It was a good call after Dio outright rejected their selfish demands!

America might be at the forefront of technology in the past, but now, Wakanda was the nation with the best technology in the world! The Americans’ ambition to become the world leader was seen through its effort to become the first country to launch the space exploration program!

If Dio agreed to give the CIA the Dark Battleship’s blueprint and some alien technology, USA’s plan to explore the space might’ve already become a reality. However, as of now, Dio knew that it would take a while for them to achieve such a grand feat!

For now, their effort to launch a spaceship like this would be a waste of money, meaning that they would waste the taxpayer money! Building a spacecraft like this would need billions of dollars. The cost was unnecessarily high for something that would fail anyway!

Dio thought about it once more and thought of other reasons that might be the cause of America to hasten their space project like this. the only thing that happened recently was only the Academic Exchange Program led by Wakanda. In order to successfully run the Academic Exchange Program on USA’s soil, T’challa might be bargaining some of his nation’s scientific breakthroughs. However, Dio was certain that T’challa wouldn’t give them any of Wakanda’s spacecraft advantages as it wouldn’t be wise to do so.

Dio shook his head. For now, he didn’t have any say for sure why NASA was doing something like this. The information about the Dark Battleship that he left in SHIELD in the past might be already in NASA’s hands, but it didn’t matter as it wasn’t the blueprint.

It might not be perfect, but Dio was sure that SHIELD would understand and learn a lot of things from the information he left behind before the problems arose and SHIELD was taken back by the government.

Even though part of it happened because of his action, Dio still felt a little bit of pity for SHIELD.

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