Star Gate

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Battle (I)

Chapter 148: Battle (I)

At the same time.

The Law Enforcement building.

Activity bustled at the Inspectorate tonight due to the Night Watcher ribbon-cutting ceremony. Instead of being hosted at a hotel, the ceremony took place on Inspectorate grounds.

Guests started arriving at 7pm. They were greeted at the door by law enforcement team members and the head usher was Mu Sen. Many were startled by the flattery of being welcomed by the inspector general. Some, however, were confused. Where were Liu Long and the others?

A dojo master couldn’t help but ask, “Inspector General Mu, is Director Liu not around?”

“He is, he is,” chuckled Mu Sen. “But he’s busy at the moment and it’s Director Hao overseeing the proceedings tonight. With Director Hao present, it doesn’t matter if that fellow is around or not!”

Laughter broke out in the crowd, but some didn’t dare laugh in case they landed themselves in trouble. As for Director Hao... these people were more or less familiar with him.

Second-in-command of the Silver Moon Night Watchers, Hao Lianchuan was a premier powerhouse. It was their honor to see him in Silver City. The mere Slayers, Sunderers, Starlight, and Darkmoon gathered didn’t dare give offense to this legendary Solar.


The Inspectorate’s largest hall had been set up for the establishment ceremony. A frowning Hao Lianchuan stood within it. There were quite a number of guests filling this magnificent hall of the vast Inspectorate, but he... seemed to be ignored.

It was frustrating!

He could understand Liu Long and the others being absent—they’d gone to visit their fallen comrades. But old fart Yuan Shuo? He wasn’t here either. Was he waiting for the last possible second?

Hao Lianchuan’s position was too far removed for ordinary people to attempt striking up a conversation, so he seemed at a loss for what to do in the hall. Well, it was his fault for coming so early. He had no place to go other than the Inspectorate in Silver City, yet this was where the ceremony was being held. He’d thought that he could chat with Yuan Shuo when the professor came...

People jostled each other through the crowd, but there wasn’t a single Night Watcher in attendance. Hao Lianchuan shook his head. This is the most unique establishment ceremony I’ve ever been to. Not a single focus of attention is here! Shouldn’t a deputy director be mingling with the attendees, at the very least?

Thankfully, Mu Sen ran in before long. He sought out Hao Lianchuan to express his impatience. “Director Hao, why don’t we rush along Liu Long and the others? They’re still not back, but it’s almost time for the ceremony. It’s inappropriate that they’re absent.”

“No, it would be inappropriate to rush them.” Hao Lianchuan shook his head. “They’ve gone to honor their fallen comrades. It’s fine if they’re late. We can use it as an intimidation tactic on these guys. But Yuan Shuo—you should hurry him along!”

Awkwardness crept over Mu Sen’s face. He could urge Liu Long to faster speed, but Yuan Shuo... he was afraid of being yelled at.

“Are you being silly or what? You can contact Li Hao if you don’t dare rush Yuan Shuo!” Hao Lianchuan explained with resignation. What an inflexible stickler for the rules!

Didn’t Li Hao set out to get his teacher already? They must be together and probably didn’t go with the group visit. Unfortunately, Mu Sen had to follow orders. He dialed Li Hao’s number, hanging up with no better answers after a while. “Li Hao says that his teacher said he’ll head out at 8:30pm sharp and arrive at 9:00pm on the dot!”

“......” Hao Lianchuan cursed to himself. This was too much!

He impatiently waved Mu Sen off and set off in search of a place to rest that wasn’t the great hall. All of these guys were more reliable in the reports of White Moon than in person.


Some more time passed as various faction representations filtered in. Meanwhile, a silver car drove out of Yuan Shuo’s residence. It was his car, though he never drove it. He simply owned one—a feat that poor kid Li Hao couldn’t measure up to. Not only did the professor own a car, but it was a very trendy design. Those of Yuan Shuo’s age typically liked black, but not him. He purchased an eye-catching little silver car.

Li Hao drove with his hands clenched tight around the steering wheel. He had a hunch that his teacher’s car would be scrap metal after this mission. Of course, he didn’t say anything because he wasn’t going to pay for that if it was the last thing he did!

The car slowly drove into the distance. Based on their route, the Qiao residence would be on the way before they reached the Inspectorate.


A silver car slowly crept along the city streets, passing by the Qiao residence without stopping. There were two humans and one dog aboard. Li Hao shifted restlessly in the driver’s seat after a while.

“Teacher, what should I do if Qiao Peng and his driver happen to be there and I can’t beat them?”

He read Qiao Peng’s driver as a Plenilune—that mapped to peak Sunderer! They’d received an invite to the ceremony at the Inspectorate, but what if they were late or simply decided not to go?

Li Hao hadn’t asked Qiao Peng if he planned to go. If they were unlucky, they might run into him at the destination.

Eyes closed in repose, Yuan Shuo suddenly opened them. “You’re a Sunderer too and practice the Five Styles and Nine Forged Force. You won’t die in an instant even if you’re no match for them. Take advantage of Qiao Peng’s lack of intent and draw out battle if you really can’t defeat him. Panther has some strength to its name. You won’t die that quickly if the two of you coordinate well.”

That was heartless enough. “You won’t die that quickly.” Plainly, Yuan Shuo had considered this possibility and still decided to bring his student along.

Li Hao quietly focused on the road.

“There comes a time when a fledgling must spread its wings to fly. I am not worried that you’ll suffer heavy injuries, not with sword energy at the ready. You’ll be able to recover from whatever you suffer. What I worry about is that you lack valor. That is intolerable for a martial master.

“I do not expect my final disciple to defy powerhouses beyond your level. However, you should at least be able to hold your own for a while. Both of you are Sunderers—the only difference lies with your physique. Your opponent does not possess an aura while you wield a burgeoning one. Why would you be afraid of him?”

He felt that there was no need for Li Hao to be afraid. No need at all! josei

“Remember, the aura is a martial master’s ultimate ace! A Dominator with an aura will never fear a Sunflare. Keep in mind that you are no ordinary initial Sunderer. Nothing is a problem so long as you keep your heart in order. I even hope that you’ll run into him!”

Only hope, no concern.

“Teacher, I’m a rookie...” Li Hao chuckled. “Aren’t you afraid of me dying?”

“Then that is your destiny if you die!” Yuan Shuo intoned. “I can take you under my wing for a while, but I cannot shelter you forever. Although your opponent is a Plenilune, he is not that much stronger in my eyes. I rather hope that you come across opponents like these.”

“I understand!”

A loud boom sounded right when Li Hao responded. Yuan Shuo shook and the corners of his lips spasmed.

“I’m just a little nervous. It’s fine, teacher.” The young man took a deep breath. “I think I hit a curb, that’s not a problem.”

He started up the engine again. There was nothing to cars after one drove them a few times. He was finding his teacher’s car a bit unfamiliar only because it was his first time driving it.

The car continued down the empty street. It was very quiet tonight as curfew was in effect starting at 8pm. Only those with special identities were permitted to move about. Silver City denizens were a law-abiding sort, not to mention there was a lack of entertainment in such a small place. Add to that major disturbance taking place only a few days ago—it made for no people to be seen on the streets.

A skyscraper grew in size up ahead. Qiao Mining Industries! Neon lights shone with light, illuminating the surroundings. Yuan Shuo clenched his fists and breathed out gently. Was he stressed?

A little.

A Dominator battling a Solar...

His first battle had been a complete ambush. He’d occupied the upper hand only because he presented a weak front. It was now public knowledge that he’d triumphed over a Solar, so while he may be able to ambush his opponent again, he would not be able to lull them with a show of weakness. No one would believe that Yuan Shuo was lacking.

When Qiao Feilong realized it was Yuan Shuo attacking him, he would be on full alert and wouldn’t prioritize keeping his strength hidden.

But am I afraid? No! I’ve never been afraid! Yuan Shuo was just a little wary and solemn, but he didn’t flinch from the battle to come. As a martial master of decades, he’d experienced hundreds of duels at the very least. What right did Qiao Feilong have to compare himself to such a veteran martial master?

His fists slowly relaxed. Beside him, Li Hao continued a litany of suggestions.

“When we get there, teacher, why don’t I drive the car straight into their building? Maybe Qiao Feilong will come downstairs. When he does, we can ambush him...”

Yuan Shuo ignored his student’s ideas. Did they make sense? A little. But too many coincidences would appear too contrived. He’d be willing to give it a go if their opponent was younger than thirty. However, Qiao Feilong was a similar age to him and a wily old fox who’d spent decades in the world of business.

Did it make sense that Li Hao’s car would just so happen to crash into his building tonight?

Did it make sense that Liu Long would follow the young man to the mines today?

For Qiao Feilong, one coincidence was fine, two coincidences were acceptable. But three? That was no longer a coincidence.

“What do you think, teacher?” Li Hao continued. He really felt his thoughts were good. Accidentally running into a building when the building owner was present... Qiao Feilong would have to come down if Li Hao and Yuan Shuo were in the car, right? He’d have to greet them, at least? They could swiftly stab him in the gut when he was smiling pleasantly at them. That’d give them an advantage then!

Li Hao built quite a nice picture in his mind.

“Focus on driving,” Yuan Shuo responded calmly. “Continued employment of trickery is not the right way! Additionally, don’t think too little of your teacher. I’ve had the stone blade for multiple days and resided at peak Sunderer for decades. Do you think I haven’t improved at all compared to a dozen days ago?”

Li Hao snapped to solemn attention and said no more. Panther sprawled in the passenger seat, seeming to sense the grave killing intent in the air.

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