Star Gate

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Raining (III)

Chapter 70: Raining (III)

Liu Long didn’t even have time to take a sip of water when he exited the car. Someone immediately braved the rain from the Inspectorate lobby.

“Captain, another arson case has occurred in the northern outskirts!” the messenger gabbled. “A lot of people are trapped in the building and the fire department’s already gone out, but they need help from the law enforcement team…”


Incidents repeated over and over again, leading him away from the Inspectorate and toying with him. They threatened him, warning him to not return. If he did, another case would crop up!

“The Inspectorate…” Liu Long murmured. If they couldn’t resolve the challenges facing them, the agency would have no dignity left to speak of after the night! Even the Night Watchers would lose all prestige.

You guys should know this too, so have you made sufficient preparations?

“Follow me!” Liu Long shouted and set off in the rain. His squadron’s van quickly sped off.

Then we continue! You’re outsiders at the end of the day. Although you’ve laid some plans, can you know the city better than me?

“I’ve almost located you guys!” Smiling faintly, Liu Long stroked Panther’s head. The little black dog’s nose twitched as it traveled with the team tonight.

The van threaded through various streets and alleyways of Silver City at a moderate speed. Perhaps due to the growing rain, the engine extinguished on various occasions. Each time the car idled, Liu Long’s temper flared more irritably. He would alight from the van, light a cigarette, and growl reprimands. The rest of the squad was so intimidated that they didn’t dare speak. As for their captain taking a dog around on a rainy day… who the hell knew what he was thinking?

When the van stopped once more, this time near a church, Liu Long got off and kicked it so hard it shuddered.

“Damn it! Why haven’t we upgraded the fleet? Why?! The cars go belly-up every time it rains, this isn’t the first time! Trash, you’re a bunch of trash! Can’t those bastards upstairs see the difficulties we’re in?? They allocate less and less funds each time, they’re all trash! All of you as well!”

He roared like a furious King Kong as thunder and lightning exploded overhead. “Forward, on the double! Smash this piece of shit tomorrow!”

Their raging tyrant leading the pack, the law enforcement squad jogged through the rain. They were far away from the incident site, but Liu Long made quick time when he ran. Panther disappeared from his side at some point. Under the cover of rain and night, no one paid attention to a dog.

At the head of two dozen people, Liu Long sprinted through the downpour. The rain splattering over his face did nothing to dim the passion and fury in his eyes. They were close! Panther could see that thing, and more than that! It was a dog that didn’t need to be trained, one that was almost a dog spirit!

“All of you… just wait!” The man took out a communicator. “Move out! The city will quiet down only when you guys are out. I’ll send people to cover you!”

“Understood!” came Liu Yan’s voice as she hung up.


The basement.

“We leave the city!” Liu Yan bristled with weaponry.

Now was the time!

Li Hao didn’t know why they were suddenly heading out now, but he didn’t say anything. He swiftly followed the vice captain, as did the others without another word.


Outside the church.

A ghostly shadow materialized as soon as Liu Long hung up; a scarlet shadow hovered beside it. Panther silently watched it from a corner, permitting the rain to drench it. It tucked its tail between its legs and swiftly scurried away the second it caught a glance. A stray dog to begin with, there was no need for it to put on an act. This was precisely how a stray should behave!

It whined as it ran, feeling that it was going to accomplish something great today. Perhaps the big guy it’d newly met would teach it more martial arts. He was so much better than Li Hao! Li Hao never taught a dog any martial arts!


Panther came streaking through the night. Liu Long swept it an aloof glance from far away, seeing the little black dog nod to him!

It’s there!

Found it!

Liu Long possessed certain methods to locate his target even without the dog—this was his territory, after all. But things were much easier with Panther.

Target location confirmed!

He swept the church with a look out of the corner of his eye. It was built in early history and later stood vacant. Meant as a place of leisure for citizens, the people unfortunately weren’t interested in a church. They’d rather sit beneath the shade of a large tree than go to church.

The church was now slated for removal and would soon be dismantled.

Nice place! Liu Long complimented to himself. It was a good choice as the neighbors were all moved out due to deconstruction close at hand. Added to that tonight’s rain, it meant that almost no one lingered nearby.

A perfect place!

Two dozen law enforcement personnel stopped when their captain suddenly halted. Some looked at the solemn captain with bafflement. Why had they stopped?

Gasps for breath filled the air. Some were tired from the run, but Liu Long’s authority was so strong that no one dared complain. The law enforcement team quite admired their captain. Granted, confusion stirred the ranks these years as Liu Long was preoccupied elsewhere.

Rainwater drenched them in sheets, but no one made a peep since their captain didn’t say anything. A group of people stood in the rain as they looked at the tall man in front of them. There was no dissatisfaction from the group—even if there was, no one dared express any.

Liu Long looked over them—familiar faces, brothers who’d spent many years by his side. These were the people that he brought on this particular squad. While none of them were part of the Demon Hunters, they were all aware of its existence.

Every one of the Demon Hunters was a madman or desperado. Their hearts burned with the desire to grow stronger. Liu Long wouldn’t recruit them otherwise as mortals hunting supernaturals was a gamble that ended in death nine times out of ten.

He scanned his men, rain sluicing down his face as the downpour grew stronger.

“All of you are my brothers through life and death. I have treated you properly, so you do not need to come for my head either!”

Expressions shifted at his words.

“What do you mean, captain?” someone responded sternly. “Who would dare harm you?”

“Not important!” Liu Long remained as aloof as ever. “None of that is important! Perhaps money does make one blind, but just remember—the supernatural is supernatural and mundane is mundane. Those people will not look you straight in the eye! Money runs out sooner or later, but getting involved in all this ensures that you will not die a natural death!”

Absolute silence rang out of the squad.

“I won’t drag you down with me, but you must do as I say!” The man looked coolly at his men. “Everyone, listen up! Split into two and divide yourself into pairs between the two. Nobody move or do anything! There is to be no whispering as you keep an eye on each other. Wait here for me, do not run off! Perhaps there are those among you with a mission of watching me. That’s fine, I will not take you to task for it! But anyone who dares do anything now will be executed without hesitation!”

The rest of the squad held their breaths.

“I hardly think that all of you will betray me. The darkness is the darkness in the end!”

Some of these people might be tracked by others in order to keep an eye on his movements. The enemy wouldn’t be so well informed otherwise. They were so quickly updated on his whereabouts that it was uncanny!

Therefore, there must be someone among the two dozen tasked with surveilling him. Supernatural trackers might be active on them to feed the enemy with information wherever they were.

Liu Long knew of this long ago. These confidantes were the only ones who would grasp his location with such clarity. Now that they were kept here, it might buy some time.

The squad wasn’t without its share of quick-witted people. Someone immediately spoke up, “Captain, there’s obviously more than meets the eye here. Us brothers aren’t dumb, we could tell something was up a long time ago. The captain’s being led around by the nose—there’s probably someone among us who carelessly got bugged!

“The captain trusts us, so we shouldn’t make the situation difficult either. It’s not the best plan to just stand here and wait. If you trust us, sir, I, the second and third-in-command of this squad can supervise each other while we lead the rest to the incident site!”

They were all experienced inspectors with sharpened senses. No one spoke of betrayal as it might be unintentional. Neither was this the right moment to delve into things.

“I do trust you.” Liu Long nodded after a deep look at all of them. “But if the perpetrator is still there… you’ll be in trouble if you head there.”

“Captain, we’re inspectors!” someone chuckled lowly. “Are inspectors afraid of thugs?”

Liu Long said nothing further and waved them forward. Two dozen men swiftly progressed in the rain, all keeping an eye on each other—including the three squad leaders in command.

In the end, Law Enforcement was not fully corroded.

Liu Long ran off in another direction. With Li Hao and the others out from the basement, the enemy wouldn’t be able to contain themselves. His people were exposed since they were on the move; he needed to initiate the rest of his plans as quickly as possible.

As the man darted through the city, he whistled gently. A dozen people in black military uniforms quickly materialized out of the night.

Indeed, military uniforms.

While there was no army stationed at Silver City, there were some retired soldiers. Liu Long was once one of them; he’d joined the Inspectorate after retiring.

“With me!”josei

The dozen men fell in step behind him without a word. Strong and agile to a man, some wore short guns on their backs, one carried heavy weaponry that resembled rockets. One carried large amounts of explosives and another hauled a case of grenades…

Liu Long had been busy with preparations over the past few days, ones such as secretly notifying his old comrade-in-arms.

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