Star Odyssey

Chapter 1962

Chapter 1962

Chapter 1962

After ending the call with Liu Qianjue, Lu Yin decided that in the future, he would need to limit his actions when Possessing someone. He should probably stick to just scanning their memories, as taking any abnormal actions would make it easy for the Possessed people to become suspicious about what had happened to them.

Lu Yin knew that the universe had never stopped speculating about him. First, people had thought that he had stumbled upon the complete inheritance of an ancient sect. Later, that had changed to the God of Death’s inheritance. There were even a few who suspected that Lu Yin might have some unusual ability. After all, he possessed far, far too many powerful power vessels, and his rapid rise to power was a complete mystery.

There were many things that were impossible to hide from people who were envious of him.

The primary reason why Lu Yin had remained safe was that his status was too special and that he had too many powerhouses supporting him. If he was just some nobody, he would have been captured and interrogated long ago.

It would take at least half a year for the Tower of the Fifth to be built, and Leon’s Armada took on the responsibility of transporting all the construction materials. It would be a pity not to make use of the pirates, and even the Hall of Honor was contributing resources and labor. Even with all this help, the estimated time frame for the tower of inheritances to be completed was close to a year.

As long as Lu Yin was not forced into threatening to remove the Tower of the Fifth, it would remain a symbol of the Fifth Mainland, as well as a symbol of Lu Yin. It would be a place that was worshiped and admired by the entire Fifth Mainland for many years.

If there was a star chart that accurately depicted the entire Fifth Mainland, there would be a clear flood of people rushing towards the Cosmic Sea from the Outerverse, the Innerverse, and even the Neoverse. All of them were making the trip in anticipation of the Tower of the Fifth’s completion.

This tower would be the greatest opportunity ever for many people, as it was open to all people of every generation.

Lu Yin had already known that establishing the Tower of the Fifth would have a great impact on the Fifth Mainland, but even he could have never imagined just how massive that impact would be.

From the outside, the hidden world that was Shamrock Enterprise’s headquarters looked like a shamrock. It had been placed in the Honor Zone near Mt. Microcosms in a tropical forest in a location that was surrounded by water. The people there could leave and enter Mt. Microcosms.

A simple shamrock was completely inconspicuous in a jungle, so who would ever think that it was Shamrock Enterprise’s hidden world?

Lu Yin had already informed Balsam of his impending arrival.

Half a day before Lu Yin was due to appear, Leaf King had already led Balsam and the company’s other senior executives to wait for Lu Yin’s arrival. The excuse for the visit was to discuss the progress of the immortality research.

Despite waiting for a long time, Lu Yin still did not arrive. Based on when he had contacted Balsam, Lu Yin should have already shown up.

Leaf King's face appeared calm. Shamrock World was home to over a hundred high-level executives, and all of them were standing in the jungle and waiting. Such a lineup was only possible for people who stood at the very peak of the Human Domain.

Many of these executives had been complaining about Lu Yin, as he had stolen Leaf King’s opportunity to become an overseer.

If not for Lu Yin, Leaf King would have already become one of the Hall of Honor’s overseers, which would have allowed Shamrock Enterprise to proceed yet another step forward. The benefits that their company would have reaped from such an appointment were unimaginable.

"Leaf King, Lu Yin still hasn't arrived. Is there some sort of problem?" Balsam asked softly.

Leaf King indifferently answered, "He’s most likely been delayed by something. Is there a problem?"

Balsam hesitated for a moment. "He should already know about you."

Leaf King's eyes flickered. He had repeatedly tried to capture the little moving tree that belonged to Lu Yin, only to fail. If that sapling was actually the stellular energy pill that Leaf King had lost control of, then Lu Yin had most likely already figured out that Leaf King was the one who had been trying to steal the little tree. "Know what? I haven’t done anything. Lu Yin is one of the Hall of Honor’s overseers, and he understands the need to handle certain matters properly."

Balsam frowned. "The new overseer, Lei Qingqing, has supposedly been acting quite unscrupulously after arriving at Mt. Microcosms. The relationship between her and Lu Yin-"

"That’s enough. Just wait quietly," Leaf King interrupted the woman.

Balsam was still concerned, but she kept her worries to herself. She stepped back slightly and resumed waiting quietly.

At this moment, she was no longer able to understand what Leaf King was thinking about.

A short distance from the forest, Lu Yin had stopped moving. This was not because he did not want to visit Shamrock Enterprise’s headquarters, but rather because he was testing something: the wireless jincan.

The wireless jincan was a bizarre jincan that had been developed in a small town in the Divine Venom Dynasty. Supposedly, it could be used to communicate regardless of the distance between two people, and Lu Yin had become interested in it because he had realized that the wireless jincan was able to communicate between the true universe and the visible universe. This was something that was impossible for a gadget.

After Lu Yin’s interest was aroused, he asked King Qing Li to send the villagers from the small town all throughout the entire Fifth Mainland to test the limits of the wireless jincan’s communication abilities.

Lu Yin had just received a call from Qing Li himself, and he been asked to take out his own wireless jincan so that someone could try to call Lu Yin from the Astral Wilderness.

At the moment, only eight of the Great Eastern Alliance’s powerhouses had been given the special gadgets that were able to connect to the Innerverse, Outerverse, and even the Neoverse. This was proof of the support that CyNet was giving the Great Eastern Alliance.

Lu Yin watched as the wireless jincan twisted into various shapes with great surprise. As he watched on, he looked at his gadget, which showed the young man named Xiao Fa from the small town in the Divine Venom Dynasty. The young man was standing next to King Qing Li.

"What does this mean?" Lu Yin asked.

Xiao Fa looked at the shapes that the wireless jincan was making on the display on his end, and he excitedly replied, "They’re greeting you!"

Lu Yin was surprised. "Where are they?"

"I don't know. Somewhere in the Astral Wilderness," Xiao Fa replied.

Lu Yin's eyes flickered, and he looked back at the little tadpole in his hand with open amazement. Someone was actually able to communicate with him from the Astral Wilderness, which was completely impossible for a gadget to do.

Even though the functionality of the wireless jincans was greatly inferior to a gadgets’, the range that the wireless jincans could work at completely outclassed any gadget.

"How many of these tadpoles are there?" Lu Yin asked.

Xiao Fa muttered, "They’re wireless jincan…"

He gave the question a bit of thought. "We have hundreds of them at the moment."

"That’s not enough. Nowhere close. I need hundreds of millions of these," Lu Yin bluntly ordered.

Xiao Fa was startled, and he quickly turned pale. "Hundreds- hundreds of millions?"

Lu Yin stared at the researcher. "How long will that take?"

Xiao Fa swallowed. "It doesn’t take long to raise a wireless jincan, but doing so consumes a great deal of resources. This is-"

Lu Yin raised a hand to cut off the explanation. "Just give me a price."

Xiao Fa stared at Lu Yin, feeling a great deal of envy for this man’s wealth. "I- I can’t calculate that precisely right now, but it will be at least a million star essence. That’s star essence, not star crystals. It’s really expensive."

"Qing Li," Lu Yin said.

The man quickly spoke up, "Don't worry, Alliance Leader Lu, we’ll make sure that these wireless jincan are raised as quickly as possible. While we do that, we’ll also compile all of the 3,279 unique signals that the wireless jincan can connect to into a guide for the people of the Great Eastern Alliance to learn. It won’t be long before the Great Eastern Alliance can use wireless jincan as a communication network that can ignore any distance."

Lu Yin felt satisfied with this. "As long as this is handled properly, I’ll do my best to take care of anything that you may need."

King Qing Li smiled as he said, "I'm also a member of the Great Eastern Alliance, so I’m naturally happy to handle such matters for you."

Lu Yin nodded. "Keep testing it out. I’d like to see just what the limit of these wireless jincans’ connection range is. I don’t believe that they truly ignore any and all distance."

Xiao Fa remained stubborn. "They can ignore all distance."

Lu Yin just smiled and ended the call, but after that, he looked at the squirming little tadpole in his hand with bright eyes.

During a war, an army’s communication network would be targeted, and if possible, destroyed by the enemy as quickly as possible. For example, the Neohuman Alliance was too well informed about the Human Domain. When the Aeternals inevitably attacked the Fifth Mainland, they would absolutely destroy the network as quickly as possible so as to eliminate humanity’s ability to communicate with each other. This would destroy humanity’s cohesion.

However, the very existence of the wireless jincan prevented this possibility.

The Great Eastern Alliance was constantly improving.

It was simply a pity that the wireless jincans were too simple in terms of their features and abilities.

Lu Yin then put the little tadpole away and stored Sapling on Zenith Mountain. The Second Nightking resumed escorting Lu Yin forward, and they entered the forest, quickly meeting with Leaf King and his party.

Upon seeing Lu Yin arrive, Leaf King hurried stepped forward with a smile. "Overseer Lu, welcome to our Shamrock Enterprise’s hidden world and headquarters."

Lu Yin smiled back. "I know that I’m inconveniencing you, but there's nothing that I can do about that. I really crave immortality, and if not for how busy I’ve been lately, I would have come to visit you here long ago."

"It’s no bother for me. I’ve been waiting for you, Alliance Leader Lu." Leaf King then glanced over at the Second Nightking and exclaimed, "This must be Senior Second Nightking from the Daynight clan."

Lu Yin waved a hand dismissively. "Don't worry about him. Let’s talk about our own things. I’ve heard that Shamrock Enterprise has gathered the greatest collection of exotic flowers and plants in the entire universe, and I’m eager to see them, haha."

"Of course! Alliance Leader Lu, please come inside." Leaf King made an inviting gesture.

All of the company’s senior executives lined up on two sides and slowly bowed to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was caught off guard. When it came to formality, Shamrock Enterprise surpassed any organization that Lu Yin had ever visited. It was not unusual for him to be greeted by a gathering of the organization's top brass, but these people even bowed to Lu Yin.

"Leaf King, this is too much." Lu Yin actually felt embarrassed.

Leaf King laughed. "Alliance Leader Lu, not only do you represent the Great Eastern Alliance, but you are also on the Hall of Honor’s overseers’ council. This is only proper for a representative of the Hall of Honor." josei

Lu Yin's eyes flickered, and a smile appeared on his face. "Then I won't refuse."

"Please, come with me."

Lu Yin glanced at Balsam, whose head was also lowered. He walked past her and approached the green shamrock. With another step, Lu Yin’s body flickered, and he entered the hidden world.

He found himself in a magical space that was completely filled with plants. They not only covered the ground, but also the sky. All of the plants were an emerald green hue, which created a very relaxing view wherever one looked. It really felt as though they had entered the shamrock.

This hidden world was home to an odd ecosystem that was entirely made up of plants.

Leaf King quickly appeared next to Lu Yin, and there was a smile on the older man’s face. He was very handsome, and he seemed to be at ease. "Alliance Leader Lu, this is the hidden world that is home to my Shamrock Enterprise’s headquarters. Everything flying in the sky, crawling on the ground, or swimming in the water is a plant. There are plants that are mobile, as well as those that are fixed in place. All of the food here comes from plants as well.

“Let me show you around."

Lu Yin nodded and then followed Leaf King as they explored the strange world that held only plants.

It was not a very large hidden world, and even though someone with Lu Yin’s strength could see everything in here in an instant, he still was amazed by what he saw. There seemed to be no end to the number of natural treasures that were able to avoid danger, and he also saw many weird fruits grown by various plants. There were also some aggressive plants, and they were far from weak.

"I’ve heard that Alliance Leader Lu also enjoys collecting strange mobile plants. Such things can be found everywhere in my hidden world, but there’s one that I’m sure will surprise you." Leaf King led Lu Yin across mountains and rivers until they arrived at a massive tree with low-hanging branches and leaves that gave off a soft light.

Leaf King continued to lead Lu Yin further, and they arrived behind a waterfall. There, Lu Yin found a strange plant.

It was a colorful flower that had petals that were each several meters long. It was certainly not a pretty plant, but the odd thing was that the flower was made of meat.

Lu Yin blinked. "Flesh? Leaf King, didn't you say that all the food in this hidden world comes from plants?"

"That's true, it all does come from plants. This meat is actually a part of this flower," Leaf King answered with a smile.

Lu Yin was taken aback. "Flowers can grow meat? This even seems to be already cooked."

He felt like Leaf King was treating him like an idiot. This was clearly a cooked dish and not a plant.

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