Star Odyssey

Chapter 2112

Chapter 2112: Three Steps

Chapter 2112: Three Steps

Destina looked at Lu Yin, her eyes burning with emotion. "Fatesand is nothing more than a rare treasure related to Destiny’s cultivation method. I encountered it in the past even before I was sealed. It's nothing overly rare, but it can allow you to connect with Destiny. I’ve heard that you’ve gathered quite a bit of fatesand, Dao Chosen Lu. Would you like me to connect you with Destiny?"

"Where is Destiny?" Lu Yin asked.

Destina answered with a bitter smile, "How could I possibly know where Destiny is? However, if you are willing, you can give me your fatesand, and after I put it all together, I might be able to divine Destiny’s location, though there’s no guarantee of success."

How could Lu Yin possibly give his fatesand to Destina? Even if he wanted to, it was impossible. The star-like dots within his chest with the two comma-shaped bits orbiting around them were what remained of Lu Yin’s fatesand that had been decomposed.

This thought left Lu Yin a bit flustered, as Destina would not be able to use this disintegrated version of fatesand.

Despite how casually the woman brought up the possibility of finding Destiny, how could anything that could connect a person to the Ancient Progenitor be a simple matter? It was possible that fatesand was one of Destiny’s most precious legacies that had been left behind.

Also, the decomposition of his fatesand could not be blamed on Lu Yin, as he did not possess the ability to break down fatesand. It had only happened because he had been stabbed by the Origin Progenitor’s sword.

Wait a second… Lu Yin suddenly thought of his die’s Blackhole Dissassembly. Maybe he could actually decompose fatesand.

Lu Yin did not want Destina to notice anything, so he quickly sent her away.

After Destina left, the person that Lu Yin had been waiting to speak with approached, as was only natural.

After disappearing for twenty years, the first thing that Lu Yin had done after returning was to go into seclusion. He had numerous matters still pending, and many people whom he needed to meet. Out of everyone Lu Yin needed to see, Zhao Ran was definitely among the most important.

"Your Highness, you’re back!" Zhao Ran was thrilled to see Lu Yin, but she was also somewhat upset. "Without you around, no one drinks my floral teas."

Even as the girl spoke, she pulled out a glass of something green from her cosmic ring. Lu Yin looked at it and saw what appeared to be a centipede moving around. He had no idea what sort of plants had been used to make this tea or how it had been prepared, but Zhao Ran offered the glass to Lu Yin as though it were a priceless treasure. "Your Highness, I specially prepared this tea for you!"

The corner of Lu Yin's mouth twitched as he met Zhao Ran's expectant eyes. He could not bear to tell her no, but he did manage to avoid the matter for a moment. "Zhao Ran, you actually still remember me?"

Zhao Ran happily replied, "I do! Your Highness is the one who took me in. Every once in a while, I still look at my previous memories that are recorded in my gadget and that slip of jade. Your Highness has always treated me the best!"

"Do you happen to remember someone called Ku Jie?" Lu Yin asked.

The girl showed obvious confusion. "Who’s that?"

Lu Yin stared at Zhao Ran, and her guileless eyes that showed nothing but confusion and questions. She perfectly demonstrated her lack of memory. "Ah, Your Highness! Your tea is getting cold! It won't taste very good if it's cold."

Lu Yin arched a brow and glanced around. There was absolutely no one around to help him with this burden. He picked up the floral tea from where he had set it and could not resist using Truesight to inspect the drink. He was relieved to see no runes at all. It really was just tea, though the tea leaves were shaped to look like a centipede. The girl’s drinks were becoming more and more terrifying each time.

Progenitor Ku had also suffered Lu Yin’s fate in the past.

As Zhao Ran eagerly watched, Lu Yin forced himself to take a sip, only for him to discover that the floral tea surpassed any of Zhao Ran’s previous concoctions. There was a hint of bitterness, and the taste was truly indescribable. It was a drink that would leave anyone feeling refreshed. "It's delicious."

The honest response delighted Zhao Ran. "Thank you, Your Highness! I’ve been studying many different kinds of floral teas. Would you like another one to try? I’ll go get it ready right now!"

Before Lu Yin could even respond, Zhao Ran had run off.

Zhao Ran remained the same as ever, no matter how much time passed. She was the same young woman Lu Yin remembered from twenty years before. She was completely carefree and only thought about making her floral teas. There had once even been a time when she had forgotten to deliver a monetary gift that had been left with her for Lu Yin.

Lu Yin shook his head. The girl most likely really did not remember anything, but just what sort of relationship had she had with Progenitor Ku? According to what Progenitor Ku had said, Zhao Ran was waiting for someone, but who?

The fact that Zhao Ran had accompanied Progenitor Ku proved that her past was far from simple. Also, she always seemed to be able to track Xuan Jiu down wherever he went.

After seeing Zhao Ran, the next person on Lu Yin’s agenda was Xi Qi, as well as the fish that rode atop her head.

Xi Qi was extremely nervous when she saw Lu Yin, but also quite happy. Lu Yin had been an acquaintance of her’s for a long time. At that time, Xi Qi had actually been an even more skilled Lockbreaker than Lu Yin. One of the first lockbreaking videos that Lu Yin had watched was when Xi Qi had opened a sourcebox to find her vile fish.

"Brother Lu." Xi Qi quietly greeted Lu Yin, though her eyes were bright with excitement. Every time she met this man, he was completely different from before. Now, even Semi-Progenitors have to listen to him. He was a living legend.

Over the last twenty years, Xi Qi had heard many legends of the Heavens Sect era, and yet she had always remained confident that none of those historical powerhouses could surpass the Big Brother Lu she was familiar with. He was a true living legend, and the same would have been true even if he had lived during the Heavens Sect era.


"Hey, familiar two-legged beast! We meet again. Why is that? Do you want to become Lord Fish’s mount? I can tell you now that you’re already too late. The number of two-legged beasts that want to be Lord Fish’s mount outnumber the stars in the sky—you’ll die waiting for your turn." The obnoxious fish immediately spoke up, constantly slapping Xi Qi with his fins and hurting Xi Qi.

Lu Yin was speechless. Why had nothing changed at all? Two decades had passed, and with this much time, Xi Qi should have been able to develop a battle technique to turn her head into an iron plate to deal with the fish. "It’s been a long time. I-"

Lu Yin was abruptly interrupted by the fish raising its tail to point at Lu Yin. "However, Lord Fish finds you pleasing to the eye, and no matter what, you are a familiar two-legged beast. Lord Fish will allow you to join his team. Despite having Lord Fish as her master, this girl is just improving too slowly, and Lord Fish has lost his patience."

Xi Qi panicked, and she quickly covered Lord Fish's mouth. "Quiet! Big Brother Lu will turn you into stew if you upset him."

The nasty fish flopped up and down, constantly slapping Xi Qi's head. The young woman’s face clearly showed how miserable she was, and how much she felt like a victim.

"Let him go. After all these years, I already understand your situation, and I won’t get upset with the fish," Lu Yin said with a reassuring smile.

Xi Qi let a sigh of relief escape, and she quickly apologized in a soft voice, "Brother Lu, I'm sorry. Even though it’s been so many years, its mouth and attitude have only gotten worse."

Lu Yin looked at Lord Fish, and Lord Fish stared back at Lu Yin. "Hey, isn't this that familiar two-legged beast? So we meet again! Come, show Lord Fish your respects! If Lord Fish is in a good mood, you may be able to become a Progenitor."

Lu Yin looked away. This fish already had unreliable memories, and it was even worse than a common fish. It had already forgotten its earlier comments regarding Lu Yin, though the fish did recall that it had met with Lu Yin in the past. "I once saw a fish that was massive beyond anything else I’ve ever seen."

"As if it could be bigger than Lord Fish’s body!" the fish arrogantly replied.

Lu Yin was completely serious as he replied, "Of course. That fish was much bigger."

The rude little fish became upset. "Familiar two-legged beast, you’ve never even seen Lord Fish's true body! Let me tell you, Lord Fish can swallow the sun and moon, mountains and rivers, stars and the universe! Lord Fish even took a bite out of the Mother Tree itself when he was at his peak! Huh? The Mother Tree? Where did the Mother Tree come from? Lord Fish bit a tree? When?"

Lu Yin's eyes flickered. "That fish enjoyed teasing an eagle that roamed the universe, and it played tricks in the Origin Progenitor’s garden."

"Bullshit! You stupid two-legged beast! Who would dare to play with that broken bird aside from Lord Fish! Wait, what broken bird? Broken bird? Little Birdy? Yes! Little Birdy! Where is Little Birdy? Come on, Little Birdy. Come on! Get over here and catch Lord Fish. It’s not good to make Lord Fish wait and frown…"

Xi Qi's ears hurt from all the yelling, so she quickly covered the fish’s noisy mouth.

Lu Yin stared at the fish in shock. Those were the exact same words that the Arkfish had yelled at the Origin Progenitor’s eagle in that massive garden when they were traveling through time and space in the Daosource Sect’s main hall. Lu Yin had assumed that Xi Qi’s nasty fish might be a descendant of the Arkfish, but Lu Yin’s suspicions suddenly took an abrupt turn. Could it be? Was it even possible? Could this rude little fish actually the Arkfish?

It was not completely impossible. After all, Chu Yuan and everyone with him had been sealed within a sourcebox since the Heavens Sect era, and they had only been released after the sourcebox was opened. Similarly, Xi Qi had unlocked a sourcebox to find her miserable fish.

If his conjecture was true, then the horrible fish atop Xi Qi’s head should be the Arkfish that Lu Yin had heard of in the Perennial World’s legend. The creature that stood equal to the eagle that perched atop the Mother Tree. Just the thought caused a gasp to escape Lu Yin, as this was too much to even consider.

He quickly sent someone to find Chu Yuan, as he was the only one of the ancient Dao Chosen to have personally met the Origin Progenitor, and he should have also met the Arkfish at that time.

Over the years of watching Lord Fish beat Xi Qi without mercy, Lu Yin had originally sympathized with the girl, but she had endured the abuse for decades. Was it really possible that she was incapable of getting rid of the fish? That might not be the case. It was possible that Xi Qi was actually unwilling to part ways with the fish.

Lu Yin suddenly started carefully studying Xi Qi. Due to Lu Yin’s rapid progress, he had not even noticed that Xi Qi had already become an Enlighter. While such progress was undeniably slow when compared to Lu Yin, just how many members of the younger generation throughout the entire Fifth Mainland were capable of becoming Enlighters? Twenty years ago, only the Ten Arbiters had reached that level, and even several more youths had joined them after twenty years, it was still an important threshold that exceptionally few could cross.

Xi Qi did not have impressive combat strength, and she was also not very talented at cultivating. Despite both of those obstacles, she had already become an Enlighter. Lu Yin could not believe that such rapid progress had no connection to the horrible fish, no matter what anyone claimed.

After all, it would be foolish to endure decades of bullying and torture from a fish, carrying it everywhere each day like a mount. Most people would not be able to endure such treatment, regardless of the potential benefits.

"Xi Qi, what did that fish promise you for you to have stuck with it for so many years?" Lu Yin just brought up what he was thinking. Regardless, it was Xi Qi’s choice whether she answered. Even if the mouthy fish really was the Arkfish from the Origin Progenitor’s garden, it had nothing to do with Lu Yin.

Xi Qi suddenly acted ashamed. "It’s guiding me to become a Progenitor."

Lu Yin was dumbfounded. "You actually believe it?"

The fish instantly glared at Lu Yin. "What is that supposed to mean, familiar two-legged beast? Are you saying that you don't believe Lord Fish? You won’t be convinced unless Lord Fish gives you some guidance! Fine, just wait a moment-"

The fish suddenly cut off. Lu Yin was expecting something from the fish, and he quickly used Truesight, but the fish did nothing at all.

Xi Qi answered in a soft voice. "I believe it. The president once said that my talent will allow me to easily progress with lockbreaking, but that I would struggle with regular cultivation. I was told that I would need at least a hundred years to reach the Enlighter realm, and that’s assuming I have unlimited resources. However, the fish has helped me by pointing out my weaknesses when cultivating, and that’s allowed me to become an Enlighter. So, yes, I believe it."

Lu Yin nodded. Apparently Xi Qi’s success really was because of the fish. It was a lucky opportunity that she had unlocked the creature from a sourcebox.

While Lu Yin was listening to Xi Qi and studying the fish with Truesight as it spouted nonsense, Chu Yuan arrived. He had not returned to the Three Fatalities Heavenly Gate with Hen Xin, as Chu Yuan was not actually a member of the Heavenly Gate. The two had only been cooperating, and since they had failed to achieve their goals, there was no need for further cooperation. Thus, Chu Yuan had remained close to Earth.josei

He had rushed over as soon as he had received word that Lu Yin wanted to see him. Chu Yuan was also eager to speak with Lu Yin.

However, as soon as Chu Yuan saw Lu Yin, he had heard a familiar, irritating voice. It was a voice that he would never be able to forget no matter how long he lived, and it also had not been that long since he last heard it.

"Did you not hear Lord Fish? If you want to become a Progenitor, there are a total of three steps to take. First, become a Semi-Progenitor. Second…" Lord Fish continued his inane babbling.

Xi Qi cautiously rolled her eyes, as it would be unbelievable if she could even become a Semi-Progenitor.

"Arkfish?!" Chu Yuan exclaimed while staring at Xi Qi in disbelief.

Xi Qi looked at the newcomer in surprise. Chu Yuan? This was the man who almost everyone had expected to win the Dao Chosen selection.

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