Star Odyssey

Chapter 2135

Chapter 2135: Opportunity

Chapter 2135: Opportunity

As Lu Yin stepped past the gate and onto the astral staircase, he passed by Wendy Yushan. For a moment, he paused to give her a smile before continuing on his way. He passed by Liu Tianmu, Wen Sansi, the recently released Xing Kai, Ling Gong, and many more. At this moment, all of them grew solemn as Lu Yin looked at them. Regardless of whether they were convinced of Lu Yin’s qualifications, they were all aware that not one of them was capable of walking down the path that Lu Yin trod.

He reached Starsibyl, and he paused again to look over.

There was a smile in her eyes as Starsibyl slowly bowed.

Lu Yin stared at the young woman for a moment before continuing up the stairs. He reached the place where Silver, Sky Garan, Heluo Mavis, and Chu Yuan all stood. They stood on both sides of the stairs, and they all watched Lu Yin. The smile on Silver’s face was exceptionally radiant.

For the first time, Lu Yin spoke. There was a hint of a smile on his face, and his tone was overly casual to the point where he almost sounded lazy as he turned and addressed all the younger people who stood on the stairs. "Do your best to chase after me. I hope that you will still be able to see my back in the future."

Everyone’s expressions changed at Lu Yin’s comment, especially the three former Dao Chosen, who all glared at Lu Yin for his open provocation.

As for Silver, his smile shone brighter than ever.

This was an insane comment to make, and it was beyond arrogant, but Lu Yin still spoke it. He was purposely antagonizing everyone from his generation. He had suppressed an entire era. Everyone he had addressed were people he had once competed against, or even struggled to rise to their level. However, in the end, not only had he caught up to them, but he had also surpassed them by far. These people would never again obtain an opportunity to rise above Lu Yin.

Regardless of whether they were former enemies or friends and comrades, not one of Lu Yin’s peers would ever be able to match up to him ever again.

No one responded, as any answer would be self-defeating. Even Sky Garan remained silent. All the young geniuses stared at Lu Yin, watching as he turned around and continued walking up the stairs, and eventually out of their sight.

He passed the Envoys one after another as he continued his climb to the highest point in the Heavens Sect. Eventually, Lu Yin rose above all the Envoys and reached the area where the Semi-Progenitors stood. He saw all of these powerhouses staring at him. Anyone facing this same situation would feel a tremendous amount of pressure, but Lu Yin felt none at all. He was already able to overpower all of these Semi-Progenitors.

After reaching this section of the staircase, Lu Yin slowed his ascent and carefully stepped past each of the Semi-Progenitors. At this moment, Progenitor Smoke suddenly appeared. "I can't hold back any longer. How can I not attend the opening ceremony for the reestablishment of the Heavens Sect itself?"

Leng Qing’s eyes snapped open, and he glared at the woman. "How presumptuous. Who are you?"

Progenitor Smoke just rolled her eyes.

Lu Yin dismissively waved a hand. "It's fine."

Leng Qing stepped back. He had felt a tremendous amount of respect for Lu Yin ever since he had realized that the young man had killed Marquis Green Bamboo and Marquis Wu Yi. The fact that Lu Yin was just a three-tribulation Envoy did not matter.

Leng Qing had not wanted to resume his post as a gatemaster of a Heavenly Gate, but a simple request from Lu Yin had changed the man’s mind.

Cai Er was the exact same. These two powerhouses had been subdued by Lu Yin’s own power.

Progenitor Smoke looked down the stairs, glanced around the area, and blinked at what she saw. "This era isn’t bad, even if it can’t compare to ours."

Lu Yin smiled. He had spoken quite a bit with Progenitor Smoke over the last few days, and he had learned that there had been no Dao Chosen during the Daosource Sect era. Without a Dao Monarch, how could there be any Dao Chosen?

"Still, not bad at all. There are more than a dozen Semi-Progenitors, and one or two of them should manage to become Progenitors. Wait, there actually is a Progenitor, though his cultivation seems to have dropped," Progenitor Smoke noticed the Progenitor of Bloodlines, and curiosity filled the woman’s eyes when she saw the old man.

Xue Manzi was taken aback, and he looked back at Progenitor Smoke. "Who are you?"

Lu Yin spoke up. "Senior, I will introduce the two of you later."

Xue Manzi nodded and said nothing more, but there were clear questions in his eyes as he looked at Progenitor Smoke. This woman had never shown up before, and the Progenitor of Bloodlines did not recognize her voice either. Despite that, she had instantly seen through the fact that he was a Progenitor whose strength had fallen from that realm. How had she been able to see through his condition so clearly? Was it due to her own strength? If that were true, then the woman was beyond exceptional.

Even if the Progenitor of Bloodlines’ cultivation had dropped, his strength still was not something that Semi-Progenitors could see through.

Both Hen Xin and Jiu Yao looked at Progenitor Smoke with open curiosity. The only people present who knew Progenitor Smoke’s identity were Kui Luo and Lu Buzheng.

Lu Yin had no intention of revealing the woman’s identity before she was fully freed from her current predicament.

Progenitor Smoke followed behind as Lu Yin walked up and arrived in front of Destina, Hen Xin, Qing Ping, and the rest of the Semi-Progenitors. He then arrived right in front of the sword.

All that remained in front of Lu Yin was the statue of the Origin Progenitor.

During the Heavens Sect era, everyone had been allowed to visit the statues of the Origin Progenitor. But as the Six Mainlands had fallen one by one, by the time of the Daosource Sect era, all the statues had disappeared from public, and humanity no longer was taught about the Origin Progenitor. Many people had never even heard of the legends about humanity’s ancestor.

Finally, the image of the Origin Progenitor had been put before the eyes of the entire universe once more.

Lu Yin faced the statue and respectfully bowed to it.

The Origin Progenitor was the person who had created the cultivation method of stellular energy, which formed the foundation of all cultivation methods. He had established the original Heavens Sect and acted as humanity’s guardian, which had ushered in humanity’s most prosperous era. Every single one of the man’s accomplishments had been irreplaceable for later generations.

In the known universe, the Origin Progenitor was the ancestor of the entire human race.

After completing the required ritual, Lu Yin straightened back up and stretched out a hand. As Hen Xin and everyone watched, Lu Yin seized the Origin Progenitor’s sword and raised it high with one hand.

The next moment, countless people bowed respectfully. "We see the Dao Chosen who represents the heavens."

"We see the Dao Chosen who represents the heavens."

"We see the Dao Chosen who represents the heavens."

All the Envoys slowly bowed. "We see the Dao Chosen who represents the heavens."

The words echoed out from the Heavens Sect, out of Frostwave Weave, and eventually across the entire Outerverse.

Countless people who were originally from the Great Eastern Alliance bowed enthusiastically. "We greet the Dao Chosen who represents the heavens."josei

"We greet the Dao Chosen who represents the heavens."

These were the only words heard at this moment, as they overwhelmed everything else that was spoken.

Lu Yin stared at the Origin Progenitor’s sword for a moment and then looked down and glanced around at the gathered Semi-Progenitors. A smile crept over his face. "Bring her out."

As soon as Lu Yin gave the order, the Second Nightking and Man Li appeared outside the Heavens Sect’s gate. They were escorting a person who was bound with chains that rattled loudly.

Shock filled everyone's eyes. Was that… Wang Si? Semi-Progenitor Wang Si!

Hen Xin's pupils shrank as he realized that Lu Yin was about to suppress a Semi-Progenitor in order to raise his public image to even greater heights.

Hen Xin was not alone, as almost everyone instantly reached the same conclusion. After all, what could be more impressive than dealing with a Semi-Progenitor when first reaching a seat of power?

A three-tribulation Envoy standing up to a Semi-Progenitor was something significant enough to be recorded down in history even at the dawn of a new era.

There was no one to step out on Wang Si’s behalf, as not a single person had the courage to interfere at this moment.

The Second Nightking pulled on a chain, and on the other side of the prisoner, Man Li’s impressive height as a lesser giant caused the people watching to feel suppressed.

Wang Si was dragged up to the Heavens Sect’s main gate. She stared up the astral staircase at Lu Yin. Her eyes blazed with hatred, but she could not utter a single word. Her inner world had been completely shattered, and at best, she could exhibit the power of a peak Envoy if that. After all, how could the Second Nightking keep the woman under control otherwise?

Lu Yin held the Origin Progenitor’s sword in his hand as he looked down at the woman. "Wang Si, long ago, your mother committed a crime and was executed by a member of my Lu family in front of the Daosource Sect’s main gate. Right now, I’m giving you a chance. I’m right here in front of you. You can avenge your mother, if you have the strength."

Lu Yin then waved a hand, telling the Second Nightking to back away.

The old man glanced up at Lu Yin. Twenty years ago, he had betrayed Lu Yin because of the Celestial Frost Sect, but when Lu Yin had suddenly appeared after vanishing for twenty years, the Second Nightking had taken the initiative to seek out Lu Yin. The two had spoken just a few days before the opening ceremony. Even if the Second Nightking was doomed to be controlled by the Sealed Cage Technique, it was still better than an early death.

The known universe—no, the new era already belonged to Lu Yin, so how could the Second Nightking escape from the young man?

Upon seeing Lu Yin’s hand move, the Second Nightking removed the chains from the prisoner and stepped back.

Wang Si was free. No one controlled her at this moment. The only thing holding her back was her broken inner world that prevented her from using the power of a Semi-Progenitor. However, that simply meant that her strength was the same as when humanity had fought under the restrictions of the mental network twenty years earlier.

Wang Si stared upwards from where she stood before the gate, dazed. Her mother had once been killed by Lu Tianyi, and she was currently in the same situation as her mother when she had been executed before the Daosource Sect’s gate. Wang Si hated the Lu family, and she hated Lu Tianyi.

Suddenly, the old woman looked up. She glared at Lu Yin with a blazing bloodlust. "You little bastard, what’s your trick this time?"

Lu Yin answered with a smile. "I'm giving you the opportunity to kill me in front of the Heavens Sect’s gate during this opening ceremony."

Wang Si's expression froze, and then she looked around at the gathered Semi-Progenitors.

Every last one of the powerhouses remained silent and calm as they watched the events play out.

Wang Si’s eyes narrowed. She could not understand what Lu Yin was planning.

"What? Afraid? Do you not want to get revenge for your mother?" Lu Yin asked in a cold voice.

Wang Si’s eyes nearly closed as she let out a wild laugh. "I know what you want to do, you little bastard, but even if you want to fight my crippled body in a deathmatch, I’ll take you down with me!"

The woman then took a step forward. Even if her inner world had been shattered and most of her energy reserves had been lost, she still had enough stellular energy to launch one last full-powered attack. She knew that Lu Yin was freakishly powerful, and he had to have a hidden card for him to dare to face her. Even if he did not use Progenitor Chen’s power, he definitely still had various power vessels that he could use to fight against a peak Envoy.

Still, Wang Si had no choice. She gathered all the strength remaining within her body to use a secret technique: Supremacy. The attack shot forward, passing by all the assembled Envoys and Semi-Progenitors.

No one tried to stop the attack, even if she was attacking Lu Yin. Hen Xin frowned. During the Dao Chosen selection, Lu Yin had stopped an attack from Chu Yuan where dozens of slashes had been stacked on top of each other, but Wang Si had not witnessed that moment. She had been fighting on the front lines during the Dao Chosen selection, so she did not know that she was already doomed to fail.

Wang Si’s attack fell as she took a single step. Her expression made her look like a vindictive ghost, determined to see her victim slain and brought low.

Lu Yin looked up at the attack and mobilized the power that sat within his chest. He had only taken a single step on his path to create a universe within himself, but Wang Si had entered Lu Yin’s self-created universe. While she appeared to be just a step away, there might as well be an entire universe between the two people. It was a distance that could be traversed in an instant, but it could also be impassable.

The power of Wang Si’s attack dissipated bit by bit, in the exact same manner that Chu Yuan’s stacked slash had been weakened.

Because Wang Si had been on the front lines and missed the Dao Chosen selection, she was in complete disbelief upon seeing Lu Yin’s power for herself for the first time.

How was this possible? Even if she was seriously injured, she was still able to use the same level of strength as a peak Envoy, so how was she being suppressed? Her attack was constantly dissipating, its power sapped away. There was no way to counter this suppression. What was going on?

All the watching Semi-Progenitors remained calm. At the bottom of the stairs, Chu Yuan and many others looked up and watched as Wang Si acted like someone running to their death. The bug was about to be burned to ash.

It was a ridiculous thing to consider; regardless of her injuries, Wang Si remained a Semi-Progenitor. Despite that, she still seemed like a moth drawn to a flame as she faced Lu Yin.

Not even Lu Yin knew the limits of his current strength. All he knew was that his new form of power was able to suppress the Garan family’s unique energy and shatter a secret technique that utilized the power of time. Lu Yin’s power was enough for him to reach the peak.

Wang Si had unleashed the Wang family’s secret technique, Supremacy, with all the power of a peak Envoy. This attack would not be easy for anyone to deal with directly, as no matter how she had been weakened, the woman was still a Semi-Progenitor.

Everyone wanted to see if Lu Yin was capable enough to deal with such a foe.

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