Star Odyssey

Chapter 1084

Chapter 1084: Honor Zone

Chapter 1084: Honor Zone

Lu Yin was quite surprised by this. “Something like that actually exists? The soil connecting the space in this area is related to a Progenitor?”

Highsage Shenwei looked at Lu Yin, completely serious, but then he suddenly smiled. “In any case, that’s just what the ancient legends say. Who really knows? Come on, I’ll take you to Eversky Island.”

Lu Yin blankly nodded. Highsage Shenwei’s attitude seemed to have changed a bit too quickly.

Lu Yin stared out of the spacecraft and into the distance, where he caught a glimpse of something. As the vessel continued to shoot ahead, he squinted and tried to make it out. What was that? A continent drifting through space?

“In the Neoverse, there’s an area that’s a true part of the original landmass. It’s known as the Honor Zone. That bit of earth floating over there that you see right now is the Honor Zone,” Highsage Shenwei commented.

Lu Yin stared on in shock as the distant continent drew closer and closer. Finally, he took in a breath of cold air when he saw that the region of space was completely isolated by an insurmountable continent. No matter how far up he looked, he could not see the top. Was this the Honor Zone?

The Honor Zone towered high in space. It was a continent that occupied an untold area of space, and its size was simply too shocking. Just how much area did this landmass cover? He simply could not fathom it, as it looked to be at least as large as one or more of the Outerverse’s weaves!

How could a continent be so big?

“The continent that makes up the Honor Zone is coincidentally located in the exact center of the Neoverse. Thus, ever since the Honor Zone first came into existence, it has divided the Neoverse into four realms. It’s pretty simple: north, south, east, and west. My Eversky Island is in the western realm. You should have heard of the Cosmic Sect before, and they’re also in the western realm, which is where we’re headed to now,” Highsage Shenwei explained.

Lu Yin was stunned. “Is the Hall of Honor headquartered in the Honor Zone?”

Highsage Shenwei nodded. “The Honor Zone belongs entirely to the Hall of Honor.”

Lu Yin’s eye twitched. Although the Honor Zone was not as vast as the entire Outerverse, it was absolutely massive when compared to the rest of the Neoverse. It was no wonder why the Hall of Honor ruled over the Human Domain. After all, whoever controlled the Neoverse controlled the Human Domain.

“Stop staring. The Honor Zone is different from outer space, and there are restrictions regarding both movement and cultivation over there. For now, you can’t go,” Highsage Shenwei said calmly.

Lu Yin averted his eyes. That enormous continent stretched far into the endless distance, separating the entire Neoverse. So this was the Neoverse.


In another part of the Neoverse, at the border of the Cosmic Sea, many people had already arrived at the Ten Arbiters’ rendezvous point. These people were from Cyberstars Network, and they had come to interview the Ten Arbiters.

Everyone had heard of CyNet as they were the ones who had set up the universal network connecting the entire Human Domain. However, this company was different from Aurora Enterprises or the Mavis Bank because CyNet was controlled by the Hall of Honor. After all, it controlled the entire human race’s network. If any one organization were to control it, they would have far too much influence as they would be capable of toppling the entire Human Domain.

CyNet was headquartered in the Neoverse, and it was not actually normally responsible for interviews, as it was not a media company. However, the Innerverse manager had suddenly sent out new orders, commanding people to go interview the Ten Arbiters and encourage them before they left. He was hoping that the Innerverse could give birth to one of the Cosmic Five.

Actually, everyone from the Innerverse and Outerverse held similar expectations.

Most people in the Outerverse had not even heard of the Neoverse, but the Innerverse was different. Many of the great powers in the Innerverse dreamed of entering the Neoverse one day.

Even the Daynight clan had come up with all sorts of schemes with the intention of entering the Neoverse.

The Neoverse was the very foundation of the Fifth Mainland, and it towered over both the Innerverse and the Outerverse.

The Cosmic Five were originally supposed to be completely unrelated to either the Innerverse or the Outerverse, but this time around, after great difficulties, the elites of the Innerverse had been given the chance to enter the Astral Tower and compete. Countless people throughout the Innerverse hoped that the youths representing them would be able to enter the true contest and perhaps even suppress the Neoverse.

These youths carried the dreams of countless people from both the Innerverse and the Outerverse.

“Why aren’t they here yet? We’ve been waiting for months!”

“What’s the hurry? It’s not like you didn’t know that Nightking Zhenwu used the Daynight Feast to invite the Ten Arbiters over. They’ll definitely come together if they’re going to work together.”

“Nightking Zhenwu thought that he was a shoe-in to become one of the Cosmic Five, and our boss even celebrated when that news came out. But in the end, he was still killed by Lu Yin.”

“That Lu Yin is certainly quite ruthless.”

“Hmph, I don’t think that Lu Yin has a grasp of the big picture. He can’t even go to the Neoverse and participate in the competition at the Astral Tower, but despite that, he killed Nightking Zhenwu and crushed half of our hopes for the Astral Tower.”

“Is that really the case? Nightking Zhenwu and Lu Yin were mutually exclusive. Even at his death, he still didn’t retract the accusations he made against Lu Yin. That caused Lu Yin to lose his qualifications to join the Astral Tower contest.”

“Lu Yin deserves it! He wasn’t thinking of the big picture.”

The people from Cyberstars Network argued with each other as they waited for the Ten Arbiters to arrive. To the south of them was the Cosmic Sea, which they did not dare to approach. To the north was the darkness of outer space.

Before much more time passed, a person arrived: Tai Yuanjun. He had not gone to the Daynight Feast, but at this moment, there was a delighted smile on his face.

The people from CyNet hurriedly went over to interview him. “Tai Yuanjun, are you confident that you can become one of the Cosmic Five?”

The interviewer was an adorable young girl. Reportedly, she was the daughter of CyNet’s Innerverse manager.

Tai Yuanjun arrogantly raised a hand as he glanced at the girl. “Obviously.”

The girl felt embarrassed. “I’ve heard that the Neoverse has many powerful cultivators who aren’t inferior to the Ten Arbiters in any way. Are you, Tai Yuanjun, really that confident?”

Tai Yuanjun snorted. “So what about the Ten Arbiters? Don’t they still end up dying from freak accidents?”

The girl pursed her lips and stopped asking questions. Tai Yuanjun looked friendly and pleasant, but it turned out that his temper was actually very nasty.

Soon after, Xia Tian arrived, and the girl’s eyes lit back up. This person was at the top of the Top 100 Rankings, and he had reportedly challenged every single one of the Ten Arbiters. “Xia Tian, are you confident in your chances of success at the Astral Tower’s competition?”

Xia Tian gently replied, “No.”

The girl was taken aback, and she blinked in surprise. “What did you say? Could you please repeat that?”

Xia Tian seriously answered, “I have no confidence.”

The girl swallowed her saliva. “Why?”

“Because there are too many powerful cultivators in the Neoverse, and there are many who are no weaker than the Ten Arbiters,” Xia Tian honestly said.

The girl was speechless; hadn’t she just said the same thing?

Tai Yuanjun was irritated, as he had just mocked the girl for speaking those words. “If you’re not confident, then don’t go. How embarrassing.”

“My luck is pretty good. There might be a bit of destiny for me at the Astral Tower, so who knows? I’m just going to try my luck.” Xia Tian smiled.

Tai Yuanjun snorted and suddenly felt that Xia Tian was especially gifted at making people unhappy.

This girl remained rooted in place, completely at a loss for what to say. These two’s personalities were the complete opposite of one another. One was exceedingly arrogant, while the other was honest to a fault. They were both in front of a camera that was broadcasting this to the entire universe, and many people were watching, and their responses had completely disrupted her rhythm for the interviews.

Half a day later, Wen Sansi arrived, He was the first of the Ten Arbiters to appear.

The girl immediately moved up to interview the Arbiter. “Arbiter Wen, are you confident regarding this contest at the Astral Tower?”

The girl’s eyes blazed as she looked at Wen Sansi with adoration; he was a well mannered man.

Wen Sansi thought about the question before responding, “I don’t know.”

The girl was lost. “You- you don’t know? You’re one of the Ten Arbiters!”

Wen Sansi smiled. “Think before you act. No matter if it’s speaking or acting, we don’t even know yet who our opponents will be yet. Thus, how can we know anything?”

The girl felt that she was lacking experience. Was it too early for her to be interviewing such big shots? She could not hold her ground against facing them, but could anyone? Strangely, she suddenly thought of Lu Yin. Things would have been different if he was the one interviewing these people!

Liu Tianmu arrived, along with a sharp sword radiance that flashed often, shocking many people.

The girl did not dare to approach the swordswoman, as she was somewhat afraid.

Fortunately, Xing Kai appeared shortly after Liu Tianmu, and the girl quickly moved her gaze from Liu Tianmu to Xing Kai. Although Xing Kai was massive, the girl felt that he would be easier to talk to. After thinking about it, she approached Xing Kai. “Hi! Are you confident in your chances regarding the contest at the Astral Tower?”

Xing Kai felt rather lost, and he looked around in confusion. Was someone talking to him?

“Here! Down here!” The girl waved her arm as best she could to get his attention. She really was quite short.

Xing Kai finally saw her, and he bent down and grinned. “I’ll flip them all over!”

The girl grunted in acknowledgement. Although his answer was crude, it had also been very honest. “Thank you for your response.”

Xing Kai stretched out a hand, looking to be offering to shake hands.

The girl was almost too afraid to reciprocate, and she started to panic, terrified that her arm would get twisted apart.

She nervously grabbed Xing Kai’s large hand, and Xing Kai grinned at her again before walking off.

The girl watched him leave. Although he looked terrifying, he seemed very approachable at the same time.

Ling Gong arrived, and she seemed rather antisocial, so the girl did not dare to approach her, allowing Ling Gong to walk off into the distance.

Serati Phoenix was the next to arrive, accompanied by a roar of flames that filled the sky. The girl wanted to interview him, but the cameras were not capable of approaching him as the flames were too fierce.

Helpless, the girl decided to wait for others.

Lan Si appeared, and the girl wanted to cry in relief. Finally, there was a normal person. She hurried over to interview him. After she asked her question, Lan Si looked into the camera with a serious expression as he replied, “I have no confidence.”

The girl pursed her lips. “But you’re an Arbiter.”

“I’ve already been defeated,” Lan Si frankly admitted.

The girl felt like she was about to cry. This person was even more abnormal than the others! Who would admit that to a camera that the entire universe was watching? The girl almost wanted to go home.

At this moment, a hand tapped against the girl’s shoulder in a very graceful manner. She turned around, and the heavy stench of strong liquor almost knocked her out. “Come, have a drink. After you drink, we’ll be sisters, and then you can ask me anything! Drink up.”

The girl’s eyes turned bloodshot, and Liquor Hero forced the girl to down several large bowls of wine. If the girl wasn’t a Melder, she would have gotten completely drunk.

She struggled to remove the alcohol from her body, but Liquor Hero looked back over, scaring the girl into running away.

She felt that none of these people were normal and that they were all freaks.

After taking just a few steps, she almost ran into Unseen Light. “Sorry, I’m sorry! I nearly ran into you.”

Unseen Light merely smiled. “You can’t run into me.”

With just those words, he walked away.

The girl blinked. A blind person? Right, he’s Unseen Light of the Ten Arbiters, and he’s actually blind.

“Eh, kid, you got anything to ask me?” Jin He beamed at her in a good-natured fashion.

The girl was instantly on guard. The kinder these people seemed, the stranger they actually were. However, since Jin He had spoken to her, she did not dare to leave. She cautiously approached him. “May I ask if you are confident regarding the contest at the Astral Tower?”

Jin He seriously considered the question.

The girl’s heart sank. Everything was over. She was going to receive another unreliable answer.

“I’ll try my best. We aren’t clear what sorts of opponents will be waiting for us in the Neoverse, but we’ll do our best to win glory for the Innerverse,” Jin He said with a smile. josei

The girl was completely caught off guard. This was good! Finally, a perfect answer! This was what a normal person should say. She cried, as she had finally met someone normal. “May I ask what your thoughts are concerning the battle between Lu Yin and Nightking Zhenwu?”

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