Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage

Chapter 894

Chapter 894

Chapter 894: Falling Down

The chess game came to an end.

Even though she knew she had no chance of winning, Sweet Dream still attempted to strike back against Yun Xi in the end. Unfortunately, the outcome had been decided long before she made that move, or perhaps when she lost in the game of Gobang.

That small counterattack in the end only caused a tiny ripple, completely overwhelmed by the immense weight of Yun Xi's strategy.

Judging from the board, in fact, Sweet Dream did not lose by much, which perfectly reflected Yun Xi's style of play.

Except for a few rare games, Yun Xi's victories were never too overwhelming.

Playing against Yun Xi, whether they were beginners from the Stardust Zone or champions from the Star Zone, the games always seemed back and forth, creating a lively atmosphere.

So much so that many players with inadequate skills found great enjoyment in their matches, completely oblivious to the fact that they had already lost early on.

Yun Xi's usual style of play could be described as "gentleness like water," winning without contention.

Only monsters with tremendous power, like Cyber Elf Alpha, could break the calm surface and forcefully reveal the terrifying iceberg beneath.

Sweet Dream possessed terrifying talent, with the potential to grow into a ninth dan player on par with Cyber Elf Alpha. However, that potential was still just potential and had yet to fully develop.



The Feather Snake King flapped its wings, fiercely biting Yun Xi's ear. Its slender, transparent body swayed back and forth, refusing to give up until it killed him.

Well, unfortunately, this is the Starry Sky Chessboard, so no matter how hard it bites, it only manages to make Yun Xi blush a little.


"Clap!" josei


With the end of the game, many onlookers from the Stardust Zone applauded this rare high-quality match.

Among them, there were also quite a few voices of disappointment mixed in.

"Lost, huh? I never thought the newbies these days would be monsters."

"Don't even mention it. I have to go eat grass for the rest of the month. Who set up this game?"

"This newcomer called Little Cloud is ridiculously strong!"

Amidst the gloom, only one person had a flushed face and laughed heartily, "I told you, I knew this kid would win!"

"I, Immortal in the Pot, never misjudged a situation."

A group of gamblers who had lost their bets looked at the triumphant Immortal in the Pot and had to admit that when it came to crushing weaker opponents, this person had authority.

"Hey, Immortal, did you forget that you were also crushed miserably?"

"Just now, Immortal, you were so scared that you poured yourself a drink by mistake."

"But, today's newcomer is really intimidating."

"These two can go ahead and apply for the Star Position Test. We can't afford to leave such big fish in the Stardust Zone."

Sweet Dream stared at the scattered chessboard, unable to leave for a long time.

Every move of this chess game, from the first step to the final move, was firmly imprinted in her mind, etched into her soul.

No matter how many times she replayed it in her mind, she couldn't find a way to win.

From the opponent's first move of Tian Yuan, to gradually pushing her into a dilemma, and then provoking her strongest strike with feigned defense, everything fell into place effortlessly and calmly.

The more she relied on intuition to deduce the game, the more Sweet Dream realized the enormous gap between the two players.

Why is this person so powerful?

In the world of Starry Sky Chess, are there still monsters like this?

Did Amu already notice this, hence the anxious attempt to prevent her from playing against this person?

"Want to play another game?" Yun Xi tentatively asked Sweet Dream, who seemed unable to accept this outcome.

For some reason, whenever he played against Sweet Dream in chess, he always had a familiar feeling.

But strangely, this was his first time playing against a the legend rank player from the Dark Abyss God's Domain.

Even the Feather Snake King, who was biting his ear, gave him a warm feeling, as if it were playing with little rabbit Lulu in many cheerful mornings.

"Wait a moment." Sweet Dream closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Are you afraid? Faced with such a formidable opponent, an opponent almost impossible to defeat?

Are you scared because you can't see the dawn of victory, and thus, you hesitate to move forward?

I won't allow such a thing!

This is the battlefield, the stage she longs for.

Before her was the most formidable opponent she had ever encountered in her life, far surpassing the danger level of the Starry Sky Chess's Ouroboros that had once shocked her.

In the endless waves of battle, she would continue to fight!

This is the roar of a king!

Yun Xi seemed to hear the roar coming from Sweet Dream.

Sword broken, arrows shattered, the princess of the Throne of the King continued to move forward, challenging even stronger kings!

It's so incredible, even in pain, sacrifice, and bloodshed, the fight continues, with unwavering expectations.

Fists and blades clash, hammers resonate, shields strike, and battle cries fill the air.

Anger and hatred collide, unyielding vows, pain and blades—this is the soul of a warrior on the battlefield.

It's the kiss that awakens the sleeping princess.

It's a greater romance than the greatest magic books in the world.

It's the alarm clock that wakes up the princess of the King Tower.

Just like heroes, just like legends, just like myths!

The Six-eyes Demon Mask in Yun Xi's mind greedily absorbed the emotions emanating from Sweet Dream.

Together with the emotions collected from the students of the White Lotus Sword Palace, Yun Xi, as the incarnate of emotions, completed an achievement that countless monks had failed to achieve before.

After all, how could the emotions gained from cutting off karmic entanglements and leading those with karmic entanglements into the Buddhist realm compare with Yun Xi personally entering the scene, directly facing the power of emotions, and even willingly embracing them?

This is truly a case of "if I don't enter hell, who will?"

Second round!

Third round!

Fourth round!

Fifth round!

Losing every round, and losing in a way that left her speechless. Even though she exerted all her strength and could even feel her chess skills continuously improving, Sweet Dream was unable to find a way to win.

No, not only that, the more she played chess with Yun Xi, the more she felt the terrifying aspects of her opponent.

Just as the higher one stands, the more they can see the vastness of the earth beneath them, after her chess skills improved, she not only couldn't find a way to win, but she couldn't even figure out how to win.

By the eighth round, Sweet Dream's eyes were already filled with confusion, wearing a completely desolate expression.

The only thing supporting her to continue playing chess was a single obsession, a fantasy.

No matter what, she wanted to win a round!

Just one round, that's all!"

Just like a certain electronic elf who was desperately building a planet quantum computer system to achieve this goal, just like the Goddess Triplets who unsealed the ancient God Weapons of the Dusk Age, she was like a princess who tirelessly collected all sorts of stardust gems.

Playing chess with Yun Xi was addictive!

The more she was abused, the more she wanted to win, regardless of the cost, regardless of the means.

So, after ten rounds, Sweet Dream fell.

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