Starting a Night Shift Part-time Job at a Convenience Store

Chapter 8.3

Chapter 8.3: Hirais Secret III

“Na-oh.” Translator: MadHatter

Thatimottled patternedicat was there.

Myithoughts becameidownright disorganized atithat moment.

Howicould thaticat be in a place likeithis―

Seatedibefore the garbageidumpster, its eyes glinting amidst theidarkness, itsitail wagging slowlyiin a steady rhythm, itiwas without a doubtithe cat that hadibeen stood in frontiof the white caticarcass last night, staringiat me withia grudging look embedded iniits eyes.

“Naa-oh.”Not shared on

Itsivoice wasiuncanny to theipoint that goosebumpsirose on myiskin.

Itiwas far from a normal meow. Couldia cat purr likeithis?


Likeiyesterday, it openediits mouth wideiand meowed inialarm, which was evidently peculiar. Whatiwas thisicat trying to convey toime?

However, itiwas beyondimy capacity toigrasp whatithe cat was saying toime, andiwhy did itiappear in front of meiagain after yesterday’s occurrence? I mean, thisiwasistrange.

Theithought that somethingisinister was about toiensue naturally sentitremors through myibody, and Iithrew the garbageibag I was carrying into the dumpster and left theiplace.

Iireturned to the frontiof theistore, feigning composure as though nothing hadihappened, but perspiration drenched myihands, my pulse wasiracing, and by all accounts, I was not calm.

Thei25-year-old freeter was pathetically reassurediby the brightness of the store.


I heavedia small sigh thaticouldn’t be heard.

The delinquentsiwere still hanging outiin front of theistore. Theyiwere too muchiof a nuisance… for heaven’s sake, hurryiup and disappear.

While experiencing a strangeisense of fatigue, Iitook a big detour aroundithe delinquents’ hangoutiand walked to theientrance of theistore.

“―Oh, thatireminds me. Theicat I ran over isistill there, right?”

Theivoice I accidentallyiheard from behind me brought meito an involuntary halt.

“Ah… thatiwhiteicat, right?”fwe

“It’s decomposing quickly, isn’t it? The fliesiwere swarming all overiit.”

“It wasipretty gross, huh!! Haha! Plus, itistunk!”


Thaticonversation. It couldn’t be…fewq

“Haha, it wasiwrong of it to leap out in front of us, that was likeiasking us to run over it!”

“Kahaha! Catsinowadays are dumb, they are too carefree! Aha!”

Oneiof them laughed and several others caught on and began to laugh asiwell.

…No way.Not shared on aggregator websites

Theseiguys ran over it… They raniover that cat that was at theitunnel exit…

Theseiguys were theiones who ran overithat cat.

How could they be laughing after havingirun over that cat? Theseipeople wereiinsane.

“It’s not like I raniover anybody. Whoicares about that?” the maniwith the flashy-colored head spatiout.

Hearingithat, my face heatediup as if my blood was rushing to myihead.

These guys…iqd3uw

Iiwasn’t a cat lover, nor was I aimember of any animal rightsigroup. I didn’tihave anyiinterest in what theseiguys were talking aboutibut…

Asilong as itiwas not aiperson theyiran over, they wouldn’t careiabout it…?

I couldn’t bear to ignoreithat with them laughing thisiway. That white catiwas reduced to a miserable mess.

Besides… theithought that because of these people, Iiwas being haunted by that creepy catiwith the mottled pattern and getting embroiled in another nefarious situation made me irrationally… aggravated.

I had noiclue why the cat was showing upibefore me, nevertheless, it was theseiguys that the catishould be resenting, not me. What was unquestionable was thatithese delinquents raniover that white cat, incurring the wrathiof the mottled patterned cat. The fact that theyiwere laughing it off oblivious to all of thisisparked a silent fit of indignationiin my chest.

“Oi, you, whatiareiyou listening to?”gr3

Aislight painiwas felt in theiback of myihead, and thenian aluminum canistruck the concrete ground and tumbledidown. That aluminum can wasihurled at theiback of my head.

“No, you―”Translator: MadHatter

Youibastard! What the hell wereiyou doing! I intendedito yell at himibut I lost that inclination immediately after turningiaround.

Becauseieach of the dozen oriso delinquents was staring at me, their eyes glaring. Evenimore so, they were all wearing aniaura as if they were ready to startia fight withime.

Oh no―Not shared on aggregator websites

As Iiretreated, a man who seemed to be the leader of theigroup approached me, swaying his body and shoved me on the shoulder vigorously.

Anyone would be stunned by such an abrupt action, and Iiinstantly forgot my rage and let my heart skip a beat.

This guy may be younger than me butihis height was insanely tall…!

“Oi, you were justieavesdropping on us, weren’t you? Right?”

I couldn’t sayiyes, so I clenched my teeth and heldione of my arms to protect the shoulder that hadibeen pushed away. Perhaps this actioniwas interpreted as defiance, the leaderiof the group furrowed hisibrow deeply and cameiat me forcefully. It was agonizing to be seized by the chestiwith all his force, and I unconsciously turned my face awayiin discomfort when he blewihis rough breath, which reeked of alcohol, at closeirange.

Goodigrief… such people who have been drinking were trulyiawful.

“What? Doiyou have something toicomplain about, hah?” 

“You’re nothing but aistore staff, don’t youidare listen to our conversation!”

“If youihave something to say, why don’t you tryisaying it!?”

Notionly did the man whoigrasped me by the chest raise a ruckus but the cronies behindihim did as well. 


Withouticompanions behind them, they couldn’t even drink or get violent. Disgracefulibunch.

I detested these people, I absolutelyiabhorred them.

Withoutieven having a job, they gathered like-minded individuals and incited uproariwithout even being aware of theitrouble they were wreaking oniothers.

“Hea… ven…”rwqf


“Faceiheaven’s judgement.”josei

Theiexpression in the eyes of the man in front of me shifted as I said these words whileihe gripped me by the chest.

I was convincedithat I was going to beibeaten.

No, I was preparedito be beaten up, and I saidithat bombshell remark thatiwould rub the delinquentsithe wrong way. Underinormal circumstances, I would have just letiit drift by, and prioritized myiown safety, even if theiresult was hard to swallow.

Tonight, though, Iiwas in a foulimood.

Therefore, evenithough I wouldisuffer a little pain, I decided to be a bit more honestiwith myself.

Aisolid fist flew at me from diagonallyiacross me.

Oi… Whatiwas with that lumpy, pointed silveriring?

If I… tookia serious hit from thatithing.

Bloodiwouldipour out from me, right?

Iireflexivelyishut myieyes.

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