Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 292

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 292

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 292

Chapter 292 It Is Emily

The chain of kidnapping incidents had frightened Serina, making it impossible for her to relax at all.

Even when Serina was walking on the streets, she was afraid of any man who appeared around her.

Seeing Serina’s expression, Ainsley knew that this was a stress response. Ainsley made a decision herself.

When Wesley was brought in by Matteo, Freya hurriedly walked to them. The longer she looked at Wesley, the more worried Freya felt. “Wesley, why are you so thin? It’s only been three days.”

“Wesley, did you get beaten up in the detention room?” Emily asked.

“No, no.” Wesley showed an unusual panic when he was asked this. He looked in the direction of Ainsley in

panic and only denied it.

Emily saw it. She turned to point at Ainsley and asked loudly, “Ainsley! Did you do something to Wesley? I suddenly remembered something.”

Emily looked at Ainsley in shock and said, “Do you remember what she said when we first came to Ainsley? She said that even if Wesley did not admit it, there would be a way for her to force Wesley to admit it. I think about it, and I finally understand what she means. She asked someone to force Wesley to say so by using

violence to threaten him.”

Robyn did not expect the matter would develop like this. Robyn also looked at Ainsley in disbelief and asked,

“Aisy, is what she said true?”

“Robyn, since you have already believed Emily, why ask me this? Shouldn’t you ask Wesley if I arranged for people to beat him or not?” Ainsley glanced coldly at everyone.

Matteo snorted coldly and said, “Wesley hasn’t even said anything yet, and you are sure that Ainsley is wrong. Do you collude with each other?”

“What are you talking about? This is only a reasonable suspicion.” Emily quickly hid behind Kiara.

Suddenly, Wesley said, “Freya, Robyn, no one hit me. I was very well in the detention room, and I decided to

admit my mistake. That day in the private room, I was the one who had evil intentions and wanted to harm

Ainsley. However, this was all because of Emily! She was the one who told me to do this!”

Emily widened her eyes and said, “Wesley… Wesley, what are you talking about? I always believed you and even argued for you. How could you slander me? I never told you to harass Ainsley. Don’t frame me!”

“Freya, what I said is true. Emily told me that everything in the Easton family would be Ainsley’s. If I get Ainsley, the Easton family will be mine. After meeting for the first time, Ainsley did not have a good

impression of me. It was also Emily who gave me the idea. Emily said that it was better to sleep with Ainsley.

As long as I make it and let everyone know, then Ainsley must be with me.” Wesley said word by word.

Freya was stunned. She did not expect that it would be Emily who revealed her true color.

“What nonsense are you talking about? Emily is your cousin! You did not hesitate to frame your cousin to

protect this little ****!” Kiara quickly argued for Emily and protected her.

Ainsley glanced at Matteo, and Matteo nodded.

Serina looked at them with relish, “Ainsley, I never thought that a weak and gentle girl from appearance could

be so vicious. She is even more vicious than Kaitlin. At the very least, Kaitlin would never harm her elder


“Once Wesley has done something bad, there will be no room for negotiation,” Ainsley said in a deep voice.

“I understand.”

Freya glared at Emily. “Is what Wesley said true?”

“No! You have to believe me. I definitely won’t do such a thing! Everything was Ainsley’s scheme. It was she who wanted to harm me and frame me.” Emily looked at Freya in panic.

Wesley said, “On the way to the hospital, Emily even told me not to tell anyone about her.”

“Nonsensel Wesley! Are you sure? Who is the one who wants to harm you?” Emily seemed to have gone crazy and asked Wesley.

Serina sneered and said, “Emily, look at you! You look like a madman. Wesley has already said it, so why are

you still quibbling here?”

“Serina! No one knows why you are here. This is the Easton’s house. It is not your turn to speak! Anyone with a sober mind can tell that it is Ainsley who used tricks.”

Wesley shook his head and said, ‘Freya, it was Emily who did it! Now that something has happened, she

wants me to take responsibility. She is the culprit.”

Freya’s eyes became colder and colder. “Since this matter was Emily’s idea, then it has nothing to do with Wesley and me.”

Freya was about to leave with Wesley but was stopped by Matteo. “Freya, how should we deal with the matter of Wesley harassing Aisy?”

“How dare you say something so improper at such a young age! That was all because of Emily. It has nothing to do with Wesley. Emily is the culprit.” Freya was so annoyed that she wanted to push Matteo away.

“Get lost!” Freya pushed Matteo away and left with Wesley.

“Freya, wait for Emily and me!” Kiara directly rushed over with Emily.

Unexpectedly, Freya said with a straight face, “Since the Nelson family has done something wrong, it is impossible not to explain it to the in-laws. You two should stay. After all, this matter was also caused by Emily. No matter what, no one can criticize the Nelson family.”

Then, Freya quickly left with Wesley.

Kiara and Emily were stunned on the spot. They looked at Freya in disbelief.

“I won’t let you go.” Matteo stared at Wesley’s back as he left.

Now, only Emily and Kiara were left in the hall. They didn’t expect that Freva would abandon them and leave

with Wesley, Klara was sad. Klara knew how much Freya doted on Wesley. Since Wesley was finally released, Freya wanted to take him home quickly.

“Mom, what should we do?” Emily looked at Kiara in panic.

Kiara calmed down. Matteo and Ainsley looked at her at the same time.

When Bryant and Reed wanted to say something, Harold stopped them and said, “Bryant, Reed, do you remember what Freya said just now? She said that the Nelson family would not be criticized. I think things

are already very clear. Bryant, Reed, please go back.”

Bryant and Reed looked at each other, nodded, and left the Easton’s house.

Robyn looked at Ainsley with interest, She wanted to know what method Ainsley had used to make Wesley say those words.

“What do you want?” Emily looked at Ainsley and said.


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