Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 405

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 405

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 405

Chapter 405 Reverse

“Why do you keep them? They won’t help you earn much either. Why don’t you do me a favor?

Maybe the Wade Group and the Baldry Group will have a chance to cooperate in the future.”

Cason smiled. The faint sunlight shone on his cold face. His bangs left some shadows, making

Cason look exceptionally handsome.

“Mr. Wade, I have so much patience because you are older than me. Are you looking down on the Baldry family? The annual profit of the Baldry Group is not lower than that of the Wade Group. I don’t need those factories to make profits. Besides, our business chains are completely different. The chance of cooperation is very light. I don’t think I need to explain it to you.”

The secretary standing beside him did not dare to breathe.

He always felt that ever since Cason divorced Ainsley, Cason had become a different person. And Cason became grumpier.

There were only Brady and Roper left in the lounge.

Brady’s face turned gloomy. He never imagined that he would be insulted by two young men in a day!

Was he too old?

“Mr. Wade,” Roper called out to him carefully, afraid that he would get angry and suffer.

“Let’s go,” Brady said calmly as he stood up with his walking stick.

“Wait.” At this time, a woman walked in from the door. It was Lindsay. She went to the company to talk to her son, but she did not expect to eavesdrop on the conversation at the door.

Brady frowned and looked at her. His attitude towards women was slightly perfunctory. “Who are you?”

Lindsay had been to many occasions, so she naturally knew something about business. She had her thoughts and said, “I just heard from my son that you were Mr. Wade from the Wade Group, right?”

“Your son?” Brady and Roper looked at each other and repeated the words in their mouths. The way they looked at her was different.

Now that Lindsay was able to keep her identity as the wife of the head of the Baldry family, she must be scheming and clever. She smiled and took the initiative to give in. “Mr. Wade, let’s talk somewhere else, OK?”

Brady looked at the woman in front of him and asked in confusion, “Are you Cason’s mother? Your son has already rejected me just now. I don’t think we have anything to talk about.”

Half a month ago, the Baldry family didn’t even have a chance to talk to him.

Just now, Cason’s refusal had already filled his heart with anger towards the Baldry family. He could not figure out why this woman wanted to talk to him.

“Mr. Wade, I can help you find two production lines, but they are not mine. There is someone else. Would you like to meet this person?” Lindsay asked confidently.

“Sure,” Brady said with a serious look in his eyes.

Lindsay brought Brady into the coffee shop next door. There was already a woman waiting in the room.

Brady sat down and the woman stood up. “Mr. Wade, I’m from the Easton family.”

“The Easton family? Ainsley’s family?” Brady’s eyes were full of vigilance.

“No, it’s Matteo’s family.” Robyn shook her head with a smile.

“What’s the difference?”

“Although Ainsley has the shares of the Easton Group, the person in charge is my son, Matteo. Sooner or later, the entire Easton Group will be my son’s.” Robyn said with determination.

She paused and said, “However, it’s too early to say this now. After all, I can give you the production lines you need.”

“You? How? Don’t you need Matteo’s permission?” Brady asked in confusion.

Robyn whispered, “Mr. Wade, you only need to sign the contract. Tomorrow, these two production lines will start working for you.

Brady took the contract and looked at it casually. The contract was very normal, and there was nothing unfair.

He looked up at Robyn. “What request do you have?”

“My request is very simple. It must be your goal too. I want to ruin Ainsley’s reputation. It would be best if she could ***.”

Brady took out a pen and signed his name on the contract. “We have the same goal. Just wait.

“It will be realized one day.”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Wade.” Robyn nodded in satisfaction.

At the University of Washington.

“Have you heard about the news? It turned out that Dana was beaten up by someone. She was beaten up by the Easton family and then said those words.”

“I felt that something was wrong before. At the beginning of the live streaming, it was interrupted. Maybe she was beaten up then.”

“It seems that everyone was blinded by the Easton family. I also felt it was very strange at that time. In the beginning, she refused to admit it. Why did Dana change her words after the interruption?”

Listening to people’s discussions, Ainsley still did not understand what happened. She only heard at few students talking on the way to work and heard the word “Dana”. She then thought of the live streaming of Dana.

Could it be that something new happened?

Ainsley took out her phone and looked at it. A video had been posted and was trending.

She played the video and saw Dana’s face.

Her eyes were red and swollen as she shed tears in the video as if she had been wronged. “It’s all fake. What I said in the live streaming was all fake. I was beaten by Ainsley. She found two men to watch me. If I didn’t do what she said, she would ask the two men to ***me. She threatened that they would make a video and release it. I am a woman. If they did so, how could I live?”

She wiped her tears and continued, “That branded bag is not mine at all. She stuffed it into my hands. Moreover, she forced me to say all those things. I am just an ordinary person. How could I watch my good friend ***in front of my eyes and be indifferent? It was so immoral to take the money from the hospital. I would never do it no matter what.”

After saying this, Dana stood up with her back to the camera and slowly took off her clothes. The back of her ***back was full of scars.

She was helpless and shed tears. She burst into tears. After a while, she calmed down. “All of this was done by Ainsley. She is also a heinous murderer. Mr. Gage canceled the engagement with Ms. Wade because of her, but she still didn’t let Ms. Wade off. She has ulterior motives. Ainsley, I wish you a terrible death!”

The video had been reposted more than a hundred thousand times, and there were still many comments below.

“So the Wade family and the Gage family went against each other because of Ainsley? I thought she was a victim. I didn’t expect that it would be her fault!”

“What a ruthless woman! Dana was beaten so badly.”

“Ainsley looks innocent, but she wanted people to ***Dana. We should not have interfered in the matters of the rich and powerful. Anyway, no one knows how things will change.”


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